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Icon to fonts

Discuss Icons for use on Cards and Quest Maps.

Icon to fonts

Postby monnock777 » Tuesday September 1st, 2020 10:00pm

So does anyone know, if icon source that is a font that could be used in word for example for typing. Sorry if this has been coverd before.
Last edited by monnock777 on Wednesday September 2nd, 2020 11:40am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Icon to fonts

Postby whitebeard » Wednesday September 2nd, 2020 11:19am

The HeroScribe package has all of the icons (in color and black and white) so you could pull them out of there.

You will find a bunch of tools for creating your own quests (one of them is Word Template) in the HeroQuest Additions -> Quests and Quest Packs. That should already have all of the icons you need.

You can also do an advanced search for [Tool] in Topic text only, etc. Apparently I do not know how to use the search because I get 84 matches and most of them are NOT matches in the Topic Text. But it is easy enough to find the ones you do want of those 84.
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