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Purchased 2 issues of White Dwarf #145 Eyes of Chaos,tonight

Discuss the Quest Eyes of Chaos, published in White Dwarf Magazine #145.

Purchased 2 issues of White Dwarf #145 Eyes of Chaos,tonight

Postby Skulmar » Thursday April 29th, 2010 2:57am

I purchased two original issues of White Dwarf magazine #145 tonight on ebay as well as 1 issue of WD #115 and #134
Issue #145 contains the Eyes of Chaos quest in it. Issue #115 gives a preview of the game of Hero Quest before it was first released and issue #134 contains Halls of Durrag-Dol. My Hero Quest collection is getting closer and closer to being complete! I am only missing a few things now!

Anyway since I purchased two issues of White Dwarf #145 "Eyes of Chaos," tonight when I recieve them I am unsure what I will do with the extra copy! I can't make any guarantee's but I am possibly thinking about donating one issue of #145 as a prize for another Quest Design Contest at Ye Olde Agin's Inn for this summer. Its almost been a year since the last one. However I want to compete in a future Quest Building Contest as well so I am unsure if that would work.

This summer I am also going to try to find Hero Quest players in the Twin Cities Minnesota Region by posting things on Craig's List and through local gaming clubs and social networking sites in the area and may try to actually have some type of Hero Quest gathering / Quest Design contest in which I would use WD #145 as a prize as along with other Hero Quest items, I plan to purchase on Ebay in the upcoming months!

The only unnoficial Hero Quest item I am missing is the adventures unlimited Magazine #5 "Inn of Chaos" issue. Has anyone had luck finding original copies of this issue. If so could ya give me any ideas of where to look for it other then ebay! I am oh so close to having my hero quest collection complete...

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Re: Purchased 2 issues of White Dwarf #145 Eyes of Chaos,ton

Postby drathe » Thursday April 29th, 2010 11:35am

I found my copy of Adventure's Unlimited #5 by Googling Adventures Unlimited Magazine. After a thorough search of the links I found a really great copy fairly cheap on an online comic book store.

At this point in time, I'm not sure there will be a Quest contest this summer. I would like to have one, but getting and shipping decent enough prizes to encourage participation is costly. But I will never say never because I never know. Thanks for the donation offer. Good luck with your gathering and contest should you decide to have one in your area!

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Re: Purchased 2 issues of White Dwarf #145 Eyes of Chaos,ton

Postby el_flesh » Thursday April 29th, 2010 12:07pm

Are the magazine quests already documented here somewhere? If there's one thing us HQ nuts need, it's more and more well-designed quests...

You could always get hold of some spare HQ games at garage sales for cheap...and then offer parts from them - I need another gargoyle for instance, like most everyone else out there!

Hell - you could even make virtual prizes! The winner gets a special weapon for his character that he will be using in our next ONLINE game meet! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!

- so why aren't we already playing HQ online every friday night?
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