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HeroQuest - Amped Edition (custom rule & quest book)

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Re: HeroQuest - Amped Edition (custom rule & quest book)

Postby Stoner81 » Monday November 12th, 2018 2:04pm

Mage of the Mirror has now been added to the quest book! I just need to go back through it all and make the various stat blocks for named enemies the same since I switched it at some point.

Other than that I think the quest book is pretty much done! I have no idea how to even attempt The Dark Company due to how it's made.

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Re: HeroQuest - Amped Edition (custom rule & quest book)

Postby Stoner81 » Thursday November 15th, 2018 7:23am

Been through the quest book today and fixed a bunch of errors in various quests, nothing to major just mostly things like missing monsters, rooms/corridors not shaded out etc. If anybody spots anything then please let me know so I can fix it.

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Re: HeroQuest - Amped Edition (custom rule & quest book)

Postby Stoner81 » Thursday November 15th, 2018 11:13am

Added a random quest generator to the rule book and also added information about questing in the Underworld. It is still a work in progress as I haven't fleshed it all out fully.

Here is the thread for it ----> viewtopic.php?f=38&t=4441

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Re: HeroQuest - Amped Edition (custom rule & quest book)

Postby Stoner81 » Sunday November 25th, 2018 6:31pm

Updated a few things in the rule book to clarify various bits. I have also removed the table of contents since it was just pissing me off trying to fix it so I trashed it :lol:

I have also added:

  • Injuries table (thanks Stig)
  • Fixed the potions section on the character sheet so that it fits on a single page now.
  • Added some more armour types like gloves and boots.
  • Changed the amount of healing the Potions of Healing do, these might be a little strong so I might make them more expensive in the future.
  • Updated the Undead monsters in the Bestiary with a few things, Mummies are now vulnerable to fire damage for example.
  • Added some more custom artefacts which I might use in future home brew campaigns.
  • Fixed the map for the map generator since there was a type on it.

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Re: HeroQuest - Amped Edition (custom rule & quest book)

Postby monnock777 » Monday September 7th, 2020 9:16am

So ran across this today, been here for a few months and still finding new things.

Just going to give the amped a Edition a bump.

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Re: HeroQuest - Amped Edition (custom rule & quest book)

Postby Stoner81 » Sunday September 26th, 2021 1:21pm

Google updated some security settings which was messing with sharing the files. Hopefully the new link will have fixed this.

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Re: HeroQuest - Amped Edition (custom rule & quest book)

Postby Stoner81 » Tuesday January 31st, 2023 11:40pm

Had the itch to come back to this and have found that there are some errors on a couple of the maps which I will be fixing. In addition I need to make the maps for most of Kellar's Keep and Return of the Witch Lord for keeping in HeroScribe so I can edit them later if needs be. I am looking at adding in a bunch of the unofficial quest packs and finally adding in Dark Company and using Pancho's re-write of it since I really can't be arsed wrapping my head around it fully.

I need to have a look at some items and possibly rename things a little and I am looking in to adding 2 new classes which are Druid and Bard.

Finally I am looking in to some extra character advancement bits that I have found but I need to look at how I currently have it set up etc first before adding this.

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Re: HeroQuest - Amped Edition (custom rule & quest book)

Postby Stoner81 » Friday February 3rd, 2023 10:50pm

Just a quick update to say that I have a Web Trap to the trap section. Nice easy addition that doesn't require a tile to be placed since once it has finished then it is gone :D

I have so much to do and so little time :lol:

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Re: HeroQuest - Amped Edition (custom rule & quest book)

Postby Stoner81 » Monday February 6th, 2023 12:40am

Almost finished with the Kellar's Keep redo for Heroscribe (I keep xml files of all the maps just in case) and as it turns out I found tons of errors on my maps :shock: so those have been fixed too. Still got a lot to do though and I might end up going over every quest in my quest book to make sure nothing else has been missed.

The new changes are not in the PDF file yet since I am not done editing, hopefully going to get a bunch done this week since I am on early shift so I am home in the afternoon and get some peace and quiet :lol:

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Re: HeroQuest - Amped Edition (custom rule & quest book)

Postby Stoner81 » Monday February 6th, 2023 1:54pm

Kellar's Keep and Return of the Witch are done now at last :D I don't have time right this second to make the new PDF but I will tomorrow.

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