This custom rule book is going to be an almost complete re-write of the official rules along with a LOT additions and tweaks.
Since I am making my own rule book using a lot of the resources etc found on these very forums, I thought it would be a good idea for me to make a thread here so I can keep track of everything. It also means that as I find stuff I can post the names of people I need to contact if I have used stuff they have made, ideas they had etc etc simply because I don't want to upset anybody by using it and claiming it as my own work. Yes I might tweak stuff to suit how I think but I will happily give credit to those who came before me and put in so much time and effort so we can all benefit from it. Hopefully I will be able to share my creation once it is finished which will probably take a year or more since work and life in general always seem to get in the way.
If you recognise anything in these books that were you own ideas then I thank you for posting you content here allowing others to "borrow" them as I have done and just like my work is here for others to do the same. Some call it "fair use" I personally call it "passing it forward"

So what am I including in this?
I am only including officially released packs/expansions but will be adding tons of extra stuff like extra spell schools, new weapons etc etc. I have the UK version of the game and I always found it bloody stupid that every monster had 1 Body Point (for the most part) so I have made things harder. However, I have melded together a lot of the UK rules with various US rules here and there plus my own tweaks and changes.
Main goal/s, jobs to be done and completed are listed below for my own reference.
Main Goal/s
- Compile all the official/home brew ones in to a single Rule Book (that I wish to use), split in to sections for easy reference. This custom Rule Book will also (hopefully) remove the vagueness from certain rules found in the original rule set and expand upon them. Rules included will be everything from moving to searching, monster statistics and the whole nine yards! The Rule Book will have a specific section called the Dungeon Master Section for this reason, which players should not read! Most of the stuff from the original game will be being tweaked and changed here and there.
- Optional rules are also going to be added/included, these rules could make the game extremely difficult for the players so discuss this with the players before hand but not in a way to show them what will happen. You could also play it as it is will be written and if players don't like it you can changes things to suit your own needs. Either way they extra rules will be there should you wish to use them or not.
- Compile all the quest books together to form a single book, these will be almost done all by hand since I will be doing it in A4 format since it will give far more room for quest notes when/if the time comes that I make my own quests (All of the main official content is done).
General Things To Do
- Update the character sheet fully and add descriptions for all the spells. In addition add the new spells for Warlock, Druid and Minstrel.
- Go through the whole book/s fixing errors/types and formatting things to be consistent.
- Fix the page numbers in the Table of Contents section of the quest book.
- Add the Dark Company to the quest book using Pancho's re-written version of the quest (thanks for doing that!)
- More I will probably find at some point.
Mostly complete now so this section is pretty redundant but I will leave it here just in case.
Link For All Files
The following link contains the rule book, quest book, character sheet and spell sheet. I split the character sheet and spell sheet from the rule book to make printing it easier.
Any critiques, comments, questions, ideas are welcome!
