I know the last post is "old", but when I read VBA Tool, looked at the code, I had to make an account and contribute a little bit.
I love the idea, I like your approach, but the code ... I am nowhere to say things about other peoples code, but you are not really making usage of VBA. Anderas Post in HQ-Cooperation Forum let me here (I am still trying to get an account there, but due to my Spamfilter I never got Flints answers ... )
You haven't used one class, when the problem has many steps where objects will help you.
For example the dice. It is six sided and three different type of values. So when you throw a die, you must know what the objective was (skull, hero defense, monster defense). You could make a huge class for all of the possible colors or make a class for every color. It has three function (attack throw, hero defense throw and monster defense throw). Those functions would return the result. Voila an "easy" way of integrating this.
The other thing are monsters. In your sheet you have a template for all of the monsters. This template can be worked in a class.
If you like to, I could provide you with help for this tool. I maybe new to Heroquest, but my passion is very big and love to help here, because I am the GM of my group and I fear not making good quests.
I only realized now that you posted a new version on page 3
Do you still work on this project?