No not MP but BP. I was writing BP.
This is not about a certain situation. It's about overall balancing. I think Sotiris' solution is already very good in fact!
In total, the Monsters of a quest can remove, let's say, 20 BP from the Hero Group. Why? Because I designed a Quest that way, for example.
standard Hero Group has a total of 8+6+4+7 = 25 Body Points and 8 BP from Healing Spells = 33 Body Points.
So the entire group will survive the quest with 13 BP left (33 start minus 20 damage from the quest) distributed somehow among them. Minus the damage from 2 or 3 wandering monsters. ok?
(of course, if you roll good, the group will survive with less BP and vice versa; and if you manage to kill the Wizard first, they lose the Healing spells hence more of them have a change of dying.... here you are, strategical target!
)With mesmerize unlimited, if you meet a Ogre with 4BP, you can add him to your group, changing the
group stats to 37 Body Points for the rest of the Quest. The group, if it is losing the Ogre during the quest, will survive with 17 BP left instead 13. That's what i'm talking about. It's like a walking, fighting potion of healing.
With mesmerize limited to 3 or 4 turns (or even 5 or 6 turns... the detail doesn't matter as long as it is limited at all), you finally give the Ogre's BP back to Morcar, so you do not change the group stats in total. With a time limit (any time limit, random or not), this spell can be one of the favorite candidates for another spell set of mine.
Of course! The spell is still good, and that's (of course!) absolutely ok because it should (of course!) be good; otherwise you wouldn't take it. An Ogre fighting for you is really nice! But through the Mesmerize-End mechanism it is at least not like a potion of healing for the Group.