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4 games????

Discuss the Dark Company Advanced Quest from the Advanced/Master Game Systems

4 games????

Postby mesodom » Friday September 4th, 2020 5:33pm

Hi guys

to play these quest you really need 4 heroquest or i can play with a single copy??


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Re: 4 games????

Postby Oftkilted » Wednesday October 14th, 2020 6:01pm

This can be played with a single copy, but you do need the Dark Warrior models.

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Re: 4 games????

Postby wallydubbs » Thursday October 15th, 2020 9:00am

Although the official rules for the Dark Company Advanced Quest says to reset the board each time the heroes move from one board to another, it simply does not take into account the option the heroes have of splitting up. Although the more experienced players won6do this for very long it's still nice to have the option.

Some rather hardcore Hero Quest fans will actually go to the length of buying 3 more copies of the board just to play this quest. I'm one that would prefer it that way, but then I'd need over 120 doors and a over 50 wall tiles.

Even if I did own 4 complete boards and all accessories I would still need 2 additional Treasure Chests, 4 more Tables, 2 more book cases, an extra Throne and between 54 and 66 additional doors!

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Re: 4 games????

Postby lestodante » Thursday October 15th, 2020 3:42pm

I would also like to play the game with 4 boards, but I guess it will takes a lot of hours to do but it is the best experience I think.
The idea to reset each area every time you swap beetween the levels is really boring for me.
Anyway I suggest you to have a look at this Dark Company remake by Pancho: Redrawing the Dark Company
And also this one, an inventory of the required pieces: Dark Company - Complete Checklist

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Re: 4 games????

Postby Kurgan » Monday December 7th, 2020 11:24am

I know the Dark Warriors are just supposed to be regular Mercenary (Men at Arms) figures, but I couldn't resist buying a bunch of skeletal warriors (Reaper Miniatures) and painting them metallic black for this purpose. They have all the required weapons (except a bowman instead of a crossbowman) and look a lot more monstery. Each to their own...
Last edited by Kurgan on Wednesday December 9th, 2020 11:38am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 4 games????

Postby Oftkilted » Monday December 7th, 2020 11:35am

Kurgan wrote:I know the Dark Warriors are just supposed to be regular Mercenary (Men at Arms) figures, but I couldn't resist buying a bunch of skeletal warriors (Reaper Miniatures) and painting them metallic black for this purpose. They have all the required weapons (except a bowman instead of a crossbowman) and look a lot more monstery. Each to their...

Sarcasm: That’s heresy! Heresy I tell you! ;) /Sarcasm
That’s a great idea by the way! What do they look like? Inquiring hobbyists want to know! |_P I had been considering getting some of the WHFB empire soldiers... but ran across some inexpensive HeroQuest men at arms.

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Re: 4 games????

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday December 9th, 2020 11:46am

Oftkilted wrote:Sarcasm: That’s heresy! Heresy I tell you! ;) /Sarcasm
That’s a great idea by the way! What do they look like? Inquiring hobbyists want to know! |_P I had been considering getting some of the WHFB empire soldiers... but ran across some inexpensive HeroQuest men at arms.

If you look up "Skeleton guardian" on reaper's page (they are sold in packs of 3), you'll find them in plastic. Some of them are out of stock so you may try Ebay instead.

Some quick pics... and yes I added the bases (uxcell plastic end caps). Being that they are regular Bones (not "Black" that uses the stiffer gray plastic) they were the most bendy figures I'd worked with. The usual boiling water treatment prior to drying and painting did the trick, but I still have to bend the big sword guy's weapon back into place, but no big deal.
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Re: 4 games????

Postby Fullork345 » Tuesday February 1st, 2022 9:03pm

Didnt think of needing the extra furniture. Good thing I dodnt buy more boards. Does the orgional board mesh with the Hasbro one for this quest?

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Re: 4 games????

Postby Kurgan » Tuesday February 1st, 2022 11:37pm

There shouldn't be any issues setting up the board (furniture, doors, tiles, etc), because the only "new" component used are the Dark warriors. If you're using the Remake to play it, you could substitute certain figures...

Good luck getting ANY guardian knights (much less six packs of them) to sub as dark warriors...

More realistically, if you had the Mythic set you could use unique figures for them, you've got 8 extra red figures you could use. If you don't mind using other than red, you've got the Witch Lord (white), two dread sorcerers (gray) ... and just hope they don't ask for 12 on the board at one time! (throw in the alt Gargoyle for the last one I suppose).

With the Heroic tier you'd have five extra red figures... but you could always make sure that you use a unique sculpt of a monster for the dark warrior, while using the others for the normal monsters.

You could come up with a lot of things here. You could put tiles under the figures that are meant to be dark warriors, after all you've got lots of extras probably not in use.

Or you know what, why even worry about it? You can use any figure to represent the Dark Warriors so long as you can distinguish them from the other characters. Reaper Bones has lots of plastic guys that look like warriors, knights or fighters that would fit in just perfectly, if you don't mind the base looking exactly like the round bases the Remake uses (but even so you could find round bases on their page as well and paint them to "match"). Even if they aren't red... variant pics show them in gray on the back of the box in "Master Edition."

Yes, if you insist on revealing everything on all four boards simultaneously, you'd need a lot more pieces (and probably extra Zargons to manage it all), but if you clear the board as instructed (the monsters all come back anyway when you cross over) you can do it probably well enough with just what you've got, though if you just have the retail version, you may have to get creative.

If you have three friends who each have HeroQuest, have them all bring their sets (everybody could mark the bottoms of their minis with dry erase marker to sort out which belongs to which. I don't think that should stain the plastic after playing for a couple of hours, right? You could also do the game virtually... everybody on Zoom just use your own set, and when the heroes "cross over" start setting it up that way, though you'd still have to have a referee Zargon somewhere.

Edit: Or if you have ROTWL, just use your 12 Skeletons to represent the Dark Warriors (ha! just like I was going to) because they otherwise don't get used in the quest parts of Dark Company.

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Re: 4 games????

Postby Fullork345 » Wednesday February 2nd, 2022 12:00am

Figures I was worried about. Just the furincher a d hiw the old and new biard will mix.

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