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The Dark Company - quest book

Discuss the Dark Company Advanced Quest from the Advanced/Master Game Systems

The Dark Company - quest book

Postby knightkrawler » Friday November 16th, 2012 9:22am

I quote from the quest book for the HQ Master Edition:

The Emperor gazed at the assembled Lords as he listened to the man crouched before him. The stood impatiently, looking intently upon the frail figure, their eyes filling with rage as his story unfolded. They were restless, uncomfortable at hearing of such treachery.
“Silence!” The Emperor’s voice echoed angrily around the vaulted hall. “Teor, though it wounds our hearts, these words we must all hear.” The Emperor turned again at the man before him. “Please, continue.”
Eshlil looked nervously about him. He glanced again at the Emperor before continuing, his voice low and uncertain.
“Thus I served with Hinsgrim. I have stood within the ranks of the Dark Company and there can be no mistake. Hinsgrim has succumbed to darkness. He and his men have sworn allegiance to Chaos. The Captain of your Elite Guard is your would-be assassin.”
No-one dared speak. Many wished to cut Eshlil down, as though this would redeem their dear companion, refute this lie. Yet the spy’s words had rung true.
The Emperor gathered his robe and stood before his council.
“By your leave my Lord! Give me but one Legion and I shall lead an assault that will rid you of these scum.”
“I want no more of my Lords turned against my Lorric! You are a brave knight but neither you nor your warriors can beat this evil. Find me the men I need, bring to me warriors, men of stout heart, Champions! The Dark Company must be destroyed. I want Hinsgrim DEAD!”

Question: Who or what are Teor and Lorric?
Is Teor a not-further-specified person the Emperor is talking to?
Is Lorric a book of law? A town?
We're pondering over this as we want to re-translate the questbook...
Would be glad if someone out here could help me with this.
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Re: The Dark Company - quest book

Postby drathe » Friday November 16th, 2012 11:26am

Teor is just a dude present. Maybe a councillor. Lorric is the name of the person speaking in the previous quote.
There is a typo in your post as well. It actually reads, "I want no more of my Lords turned against me Lorric!"

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Re: The Dark Company - quest book

Postby knightkrawler » Friday November 16th, 2012 11:51am

Found all that out just now. Got the post including typo from someone else.
But between 'me' and 'Lorric' I should still expect a comma, right?
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Re: The Dark Company - quest book

Postby Daedalus » Sunday November 18th, 2012 4:57pm

Your right about needing a comma when addressing a person by name, knightkrawler. Looks like a typo to me. drathe's explanation seems most likely.

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Re: The Dark Company - quest book

Postby knightkrawler » Monday November 19th, 2012 2:40pm

I definitely see it that way.
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