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Barbarian Quest Pack Frozen Horror versions photo comparison

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc, from the Barbarian Quest Pack: The Frozen Horror.

Barbarian Quest Pack Frozen Horror versions photo comparison

Postby Cael Darkhollow » Monday July 22nd, 2024 8:59pm

The Barbarian Quest Pack (1992) and The Frozen Horror Quest (Pack 2022)


the New box is larger and slightly deeper


All Contents


Yetis X2 (at some point I decided to paint mine, the plastic was light blue)


The Frozen Horror is significantly larger in the new version. Original plastic was light blue I primed mine at some point


Polar War Bears X2. Original plastic was light blue I primed mine at some point


Ice Gremlins X3


The Female Barbarian Hero is much bigger than the vintage counterpart


Six Mercenaries in light gray plastic had four types of removable and interchangeable weapons with three of each kind. Halberdiers (x3) Scouts with Sword & Shield (x3) Greatswords (X3) and Crossbowmen (X3)


Mercenaries (X12) The New version of the Mercenaries are single piece soft plastic with non removable weapons and differing poses, so to achieve three of each weapon type, more miniatures were included



The original Quest Pack had folded cardboard punch out doors inserted into plastic bases for the Iron Door and Wooden Door, the new version are larger more detailed plastic versions


The new version comes with Ice themed blue HeroQuest Dice


Vintage Card set


new version card set


Vintage Double-Sided Tile Set


New Version Double Sided Tile Set larger size floor squares than originals


Frozen Horror Quest Books


Questbook sample comparison pages


The new version has a Character Sheet pad not available in the old version and a small one-sided ad for the HeroQuest App, the vintage set had a two sided advertisement showing HeroQuest and BattleMasters games


The New Version has two nesting plastic insert trays to hold the cards and figures


Not Included in The Hasbro Frozen Horror Quest Pack Box (but certainly related to it) is the Raiment of the Frozen Champion Playtest Cards


if you would like to see the other photo comparison threads here are the links:

HeroQuest Game System versions Photo Comparison

Return of the Witchlord versions Photo Comparison thread

Kellar's Keep versions Photo Comparison thread
By Crom I'll split you crown to crotch to see if your guts are yellow as I think they are nithing BARBARIAN Ulrich
The last music you shall ever hear will be my bowstring as your forehead sprouts a feathered shaft, pity ELF Cael Darkhollow
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Re: Barbarian Quest Pack Frozen Horror versions photo compar

Postby Jalapenotrellis » Monday July 22nd, 2024 9:17pm

As an owner of the original BQP, I'm jealous of the new art, dice, doors, and mercenaries. The original minis for the old ones look pretty good to me though. I painted them. Maybe one day I'll lay it all out for the HQ community to look at.

I've played all but the final boss of BQP. My friend had to go to work so we stopped mid quest and took a picture, then the other has been out of town for the summer. Hoping to finish it in the fall.

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Re: Barbarian Quest Pack Frozen Horror versions photo compar

Postby Cael Darkhollow » Monday July 22nd, 2024 9:27pm

I prefer the original HeroQuest in every possible way, but am glad I own the reboot versions of everything too. That way my kids can play with my new set and I can keep from worrying about them breaking my old sets. There is much to admire in the new sets, but I love the Old World Games Workshop aesthetic and content of the vintage version. I love the old minis.
By Crom I'll split you crown to crotch to see if your guts are yellow as I think they are nithing BARBARIAN Ulrich
The last music you shall ever hear will be my bowstring as your forehead sprouts a feathered shaft, pity ELF Cael Darkhollow
Tomes grimoires manuals atlas formularies compendiums codexes bestiaries folios scrolls... Am I missing anything before we leave? WIZARD Eldritch Heironymous KigamMagister
Some quick axe work an' we can count the coins and gems DWARF Wulfram Magnussen
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Re: Barbarian Quest Pack Frozen Horror versions photo compar

Postby Daedalus » Saturday December 14th, 2024 11:30am

Another great side-by-side comparison. Nostalgia pushes the needle in favor for the original version for me as well, though Avalon Hill has been moving it the other way with their new expansions.

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Re: Barbarian Quest Pack Frozen Horror versions photo compar

Postby Kurgan » Saturday December 14th, 2024 6:13pm

Great comparison. Buying a complete vintage BQP (or worse, EQP) is exorbitantly expensive these days. The content (minus the GWS removing word substitutions) is the same between the two Frozen Horror editions, and the new version has bonus items (dice, extra mercs, character sheet pad). The new Frozen Horror mini being so huge is unnecessary, but certainly looks cool (and would be fun for a painter to paint).

Thank goodness that "Into the Northlands" (digital PDF, and not just the Companion App version) exists. The paper given away at GenCon is a bit too rare, and unfortunately sold by scalpers (when it was never meant to be sold), but the content in the digital file is helpful for starting the process of making this pack playable for the average player group, rather than a hopeless slog based more on luck than skill (note here as always the lack of playtesting). Kudos to Avalon Hill on the remake version. They did what they thought people wanted at the time... they were still in "preserve how it was as much as possible" mode. Mage of the Mirror's remake release had some tweaks to it right out of the box (but still needs some tweaking, in my humble opinion).

I have played MOTM and FH now, but never played or owned them (or had much of a chance to own them) back in the day. I have a couple of vintage blue Ogres, but even those were pretty pricey. I don't imagine that I'll ever own the classic versions, though I have 3d printed versions of the minis (with a slight loss in detail), and printouts of the cards, tiles and questbook over the years. Again, very nice presentation, thanks for sharing! I like seeing these for all the editions out there that have been remade from those who happen to own both!

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Re: Barbarian Quest Pack Frozen Horror versions photo compar

Postby Daedalus » Sunday December 15th, 2024 2:55pm

Kurgan wrote:. . . The new Frozen Horror mini being so huge is unnecessary, but certainly looks cool (and would be fun for a painter to paint). . . .

Oh Yeah, it looks cool! I wonder if being so tall, a Hero standing just outside the doorway has line of sight to the new Frozen Horror over the other minis. I can't tell from the map alone, but it is possible that more than half of the height of the Frozen Horror can be traced to the shoulder height of the taller Heroes. That would mean in the first turn (at least) a couple of Heroes could get off ranged attacks or spells on the big guy from the relative safety of the corridor. Depending on the spell, that could be huge (can't resist a pun.)

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Re: Barbarian Quest Pack Frozen Horror versions photo compar

Postby Kurgan » Monday December 16th, 2024 1:04am

We homebrewed a lot of extra stuff into our play-through of Frozen Horror. I gave the group (which started with that pack, no prior gear) so many perks so they could survive while still having a decent challenge. By the time they got to the Frozen Horror himself, he wasn't really much of a challenge and it became a foregone conclusion that he would be beaten (I got him out into the corridor, but only because I let him pass through the wall with a "Melt" spell from the draft notes which is basically just like Pass Through Rock). I'm glad I incorporated an early "second fight" with him to make up for what I should have foreseen (again, inspired from the draft notes, thanks lucapaschi). I ended up getting them back with the final battle with Sinestra in MOTM, which I made much more challenging than either published version. ;)

IF you play it straight RAW and the heroes do somehow make it to fight him, it could be a decent challenge though. He IS a bigger target, but also has a longer reach.

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