the New box is larger and slightly deeper

All Contents

Yetis X2 (at some point I decided to paint mine, the plastic was light blue)

The Frozen Horror is significantly larger in the new version. Original plastic was light blue I primed mine at some point

Polar War Bears X2. Original plastic was light blue I primed mine at some point

Ice Gremlins X3

The Female Barbarian Hero is much bigger than the vintage counterpart

Six Mercenaries in light gray plastic had four types of removable and interchangeable weapons with three of each kind. Halberdiers (x3) Scouts with Sword & Shield (x3) Greatswords (X3) and Crossbowmen (X3)

Mercenaries (X12) The New version of the Mercenaries are single piece soft plastic with non removable weapons and differing poses, so to achieve three of each weapon type, more miniatures were included

The original Quest Pack had folded cardboard punch out doors inserted into plastic bases for the Iron Door and Wooden Door, the new version are larger more detailed plastic versions

The new version comes with Ice themed blue HeroQuest Dice

Vintage Card set

new version card set

Vintage Double-Sided Tile Set

New Version Double Sided Tile Set larger size floor squares than originals

Frozen Horror Quest Books

Questbook sample comparison pages

The new version has a Character Sheet pad not available in the old version and a small one-sided ad for the HeroQuest App, the vintage set had a two sided advertisement showing HeroQuest and BattleMasters games

The New Version has two nesting plastic insert trays to hold the cards and figures

Not Included in The Hasbro Frozen Horror Quest Pack Box (but certainly related to it) is the Raiment of the Frozen Champion Playtest Cards

if you would like to see the other photo comparison threads here are the links:
HeroQuest Game System versions Photo Comparison
Return of the Witchlord versions Photo Comparison thread
Kellar's Keep versions Photo Comparison thread