TheLastChaosWarrior wrote:Yeah I finished it last night, you're right the FH went down easily, BUT!
This was on the app, so the ai didn't use him intelligently.
It used the rubbish spells on me, and on wrong Heros.
It attacked my Barb in melee, who was beefed with frost skin and rock skin, but ignored my wizard in the room.
I think he should be able to cast as well as attack in melee.
The Warbears put under more of a fight.
A human would be able to do more with him though.
And why does he have same bps as a Warbear????
There is lots in this q pack that makes no sense really.
Part of this is due to the original Frozen Horror, who only took up 2 squares, but once again, the lack of playtesting. The sheer size of the new figurine is intimidating by comparison. But asides from that they really changed nothing when republishing this expansion.
I playtested the original with 5 heroes (2 Barbarians) and gave the Wizard 4 sets of Spells. One of the methods I used was casting Ice Wall around the Frozen Horror, it doesn't break line of sight, so from there he can make all the magical attacks until a hero breaks through the wall. In this version the Frozen Horror is so big, if you move him out of the corner there's not enough ice tiles from the spell to protect him.
I agree that the Mage of the Mirror Ogre shouldn't have 10BP, but it's fine if you want to give it to the Frozen Horror.