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Too many doors!

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc, from the Barbarian Quest Pack: The Frozen Horror.

Too many doors!

Postby nathanielz » Thursday August 11th, 2022 11:29am

Hi all!

I'm sure it was mentioned somewhere, but the search function gave me no results.

In the Frozen horror expansion, most missions use more open doors than are available (I counted up to 22 in one mission, more than 16 in most missions).

How do you deal with that? Get Mordor - I mean, more doors? Remove doors from previously explored areas and reuse them in neely explored rooms? Replace doors with secret passages (visible without searching)? Proxy open doors with extra wood/iron doors? Other ideas?

Thank you!

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Re: Too many doors!

Postby lestodante » Thursday August 11th, 2022 3:56pm

You're right! You need to buy more doors! Fortunately, I've always had more than just one HeroQuest so i could fix the issue very easy by taking additional doors from another box.
Unfortunately they didn't playtested the quest pack enough in 1992, neither they did in 2022!
In the past the line was going to be discontinued so they were in a hurry to publish the last two quest packs, but today...??? :cry:

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Re: Too many doors!

Postby cornixt » Thursday August 11th, 2022 4:04pm

When running out, I would just replace some of the earlier open doors with closed doors. Maybe a draft blew them shut again.

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Re: Too many doors!

Postby HispaZargon » Thursday August 11th, 2022 4:08pm

nathanielz wrote:I'm sure it was mentioned somewhere, but the search function gave me no results.

You are right, there are shown more doors than available. You can find the full list of doors excess' in the errata summary posted here.

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Re: Too many doors!

Postby nathanielz » Thursday August 11th, 2022 4:18pm

Thank you!

Are there other quest (mage of the mirror, ogre horde, wizards of morcar, dark company assuming full dungeon resets) that require too many doors (at lease, more than 23 doors)? If the worst offender is FH with 23 doors, means I only need to find 7 more.


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Re: Too many doors!

Postby Kurgan » Thursday August 11th, 2022 6:37pm

I think it's a unique issue in the Frozen Horror. Don't buy another set just to keep the exact number of doors on the board when they goofed up in these handful of quests... just 3d print them (if you must)!

Just re-use the doors, use closed doors, secret door tiles, etc.

In the classic game it was much easier because you could remove the cardboard and say a closed door was "open" but yes eventually you still "had" to start re-using them.

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Re: Too many doors!

Postby SirRick » Thursday August 11th, 2022 7:19pm

I never distinguished open or closed doors, meaning I would just grab a random door when placing stuff on the board. It was easy enough to know which rooms were explored or not. I would usually save a couple closed doors for important rooms or to mess with the players so they discuss which way to go.

If you have the new expansions they come with the entrance/exit doors. That’s 6 additional doors if you have all the new stuff.

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Re: Too many doors!

Postby j_dean80 » Thursday August 11th, 2022 8:57pm

Think I remember the rules mentioning somewhere about removing doors from earlier in the quest if you run short. (Or maybe that was just home brew suggestion that I’m confusing.)
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Re: Too many doors!

Postby Kurgan » Friday August 12th, 2022 12:57am

In the errata here. Yeah each remake expansion adds two more (closed) doors you can use.

Classic Game System: 16 closed doors, 5 open doors. In the classic they are removable cardboard so you can easy transform a "closed" door into open by removing the cardboard (whether or not you insert your own homebrew printed tile to simulate an open door or something else). The "extra" doors included in the expansions are just these cardboard tiles but still use the original door bases, so you are "limited" to 21 bases unless you 3d print more or scour the internet for individual pieces (don't do what I did!).

Remake edition they are solid plastic so that's a downside for simulating the above, but the upside as pointed out is that the expansions contain now bits of plastic to stand in as doors (even though closed, the "entrance/exit doors" don't have a separate open equivalent).

Remake: GS: [16 (open) + 5 (closed)] + [2 KK] + [2 ROTWL] + [2 FH] + [2 MOTM, when released] so using every single one, you could simulate the excesses of the Frozen Horror quests without buying duplicates, again if you really wanted to not physically re-use anything in a session.

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Re: Too many doors!

Postby TheLastChaosWarrior » Friday August 12th, 2022 10:56am

Are you handy with a laptop and printer?
I made my own two square wide open doors by printing them on card, double thickness.
Cutting your own open doors is hard, so I photoshopped the closed ones to LOOK open, by colouring the door black and putting a Fimir on the image to look like he is coming through the door!
It looks great.
I even improved on the look of them by cutting them so they are almost flush with the board on their bases.

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