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Make a small donation to Ye Olde Inn!
Every cent received goes toward Ye Olde Inn's maintenance and allows us to continue providing the best resources for HeroQuest and Fantasy Gaming fans.
Last December I submitted a request [number deleted] expressing the concerns of myself and many other fans in the HeroQuest Community regarding the Frozen Horror remake pack now set for release on August 1st of this year. Since I'm unable to log in the the hasbro pulse page to view my request I'm going to just reply in email here:
I see that the design team has listened to our pleas and we were very pleased to see the release of "Into the Northlands" with the attached errata. The many suggested fixes were quite welcome and should be very helpful to those who never played this back in the day (most of those who will be buying).
Almost all of the problems we had with the 1992 version of the game have been addressed and while it would have been even nicer to have this insert included in the actual box of the game being sold (rather than having to go online to find it) I think spreading this document far and wide will do a lot to restore consumer confidence once people realize how difficult the released version is!
The last suggestion we had was found in the early draft notes from thirty years ago, which was that hero players could designate a specific square to attempt to "Jump," suspecting it might be a trap, including a square on the opposite side of an open door. It would then follow the same procedure as jumping any actually discovered trap square. While still affording a 50% chance of success, that was better than simply falling into a trap nearly every time someone went through a door with no way to avoid it.
I appreciate the time and effort put in by the design team and their willingness to listen to the players. This is a very positive thing for the relationship between the fans and the creators and we're very grateful for it!
Please extend my personal thanks to anyone involved in the HeroQuest projects.
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