Maurice76 wrote:Jafazo wrote:Yes treasure can be searched for within both rules. I don't clutter my original version of the game with mods and per the rules there is no slipping toward the middle. There are lots of ways to add some kind of slipping mechanism but a black shield resulting in perma death is too barsh in my opinion.
Actually, this is precisely what the instructions on The Frozen Horror details:
"The ice ledge that surrounds the crevasse is very slippery. When a Hero steps through a door and moves onto his first square in this room, he must roll 1 combat die. The Hero is safe and can continue moving if a skull or white shield is rolled. If a black shield is rolled, however, the Hero begins slipping into the crevasse, suffering 1 Body Point of damage. The Hero must immediately roll another combat die. If another black shield is rolled, the Hero plummets into the crevasse, never to be seen again. Any other roll means the Hero returns to the square in which he entered the room, ending his turn. At the beginning of any turn in which a Hero is in this room, he must first roll to see if he slips into the crevasse."
Notes are at Quest 4, marker E. As it is, it occurs in Quest 4, Quest 6 and in Quest 8, where the ones in Quest 6 and in Quest 8 are mandatory to pass. In Quest 6 the exit is behind it and in Quest 8, a quest objective is located behind it - and given the amount of monsters behind it, it probably requires the entire group to clear it; so all players would need to travel through it twice, unless the Wizard or Elf uses Pass Through Rock on someone.
Note that there are Spells and Artifacts that can prevent or mitigate this slipping, too. Snowshoes of Speed (found in Quest 4) negate the slipping, and through the Ice Bridge spell (spell scroll), you could cover the crevasse with Magic Ice. Personally, I would also rule that the Skate spell can be used to safely navigate the Icy Ledge. Spell scrolls are found throughout The Frozen Horror quests, but are random and so availability may vary.
I think the special rules for this room, as written, are about right. To die instantly you'd have to roll a black shield on one die, twice in a row. I'll take those odds.
Like you said, there are also ways to improve your chances with spells and artefacts, so all in all I can't see why the rules for this room need changing.
If I ever see my veteran-of-50-quests-Barbarian disappear over the edge I might feel differently, but seeing as almost always play Morcar......