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Analyzing the quests of frozen horror

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc, from the Barbarian Quest Pack: The Frozen Horror.

Re: Analyzing the quests of frozen horror

Postby Kurgan » Tuesday October 26th, 2021 7:43am

Are you wondering whether the Mercs would leave in the middle of the double quest? I would assume they would not, but they may ask for the additional gold to be deducted at the very end for a second quest. If you've won anyway and getting your reward, it's just a matter of settling accounts.

I like the advanced analysis done to gauge difficulty. I don't do all that but I do tally up the monster body points to get a general idea (or even more, give each monster an overall rating based on adding up their body, attack and defense... then get that total) and note the number of orange squares. Frozen Horror starts with the assumption that you'll be doing 7 quests in a row already fully equipped/maxed out from the Game System. Mercs would seem a necessity to supplement the four heroes. The issues with buying potions and getting mercs between quests here is no different than other quest packs. I wouldn't prohibit it, but come up with a clever excuse if the players demand one. "Do you realize how much of this dang mountain I had to climb before setting off the charge to blast my way in? This better be worth it! Also, these magic bottles will be charged to your account."

Don't let them ask why Mentor doesn't just transport a massive army inside the Frozen headquarters, or teleport all the bad guys inside the Imperial prison or straight to the bottom of the ocean. (Because Zargon is blocking my power; there are only small holes in the field I can get through; Loretome forbids me to interfere more than this; the ancient prophecies say this is the clearest pathway to success; opening these small portals weakens me enough I dare not risk more; honor demands we obey the regulations / imagine Zargon doing the same to us, it's mutually assured destruction!; have you seen the cost tables for teleportation these days? etc.).

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Re: Analyzing the quests of frozen horror

Postby Anderas » Friday November 19th, 2021 8:48am

If the mercenaries have the same number of attack and defense dice like the heroes, it is safe to just assume that they provide additional Body Points to the heroes, just like a potion of healing.

I had to calculate a lot and didn't understand this and in the end I needed Pancho to rub my nose into it. :lol:

With the monsters, it is a bit more difficult. 2 Goblins at the same time are way more dangerous than two single Goblins.

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Re: Analyzing the quests of frozen horror

Postby Kurgan » Tuesday June 7th, 2022 6:48pm

I had to read it again but I think the Ice Slide places the hero on the end of the ice slide, they then move one square forward to land on the trap next move (if they don't choose to search for traps or "blind jump" the next square according to the draft note rule that lets you jump any square even if you haven't searched and suspect traps) so there's still a chance, it's not an instant unavoidable hit!

The rules also don't prevent spells being cast on mercenaries or mercenaries being handed potions they can use just like mini-heroes. We're assuming their gear can't be stolen, because the weapon in your hand and the armor off your body or helmet off your head or shield out of your hand can't be stolen by an Ice Gremlin (but they could steal anything other single item in your inventory).

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