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Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc, from the Barbarian Quest Pack: The Frozen Horror.

Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday January 29th, 2020 8:09am

He survived. I made a concession and allowed him to escape after having cleared out all the visible monsters and saving Gothar (two undiscovered enemies this time). Looking ahead, my Zargon cards wouldn't have gotten him (Barbarian was down to 1 BP, one potion of healing +2, and two surviving mercs of 1 BP each). Had I drawn the card to "open a door" though, I would have unleashed the Yeti to chase him down, but he still would gotten Gothar, at least, to the stairs first. He's reached "Knight" level so from now on I'll give him 3 black dice per axe/sword and 1 random (out of 7 cards) Combat potion. I'm giving the Dwarf and Barbarian 3 Combat Cards now instead of two, per quest. They should be powerful enough by then to survive the rest of the BQP/EQP without too much else added. Dwarf needs to two about 3 more quests to reach the same level in my upgrade system.
Last edited by Kurgan on Wednesday January 29th, 2020 8:14pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Postby Anderas » Wednesday January 29th, 2020 9:50am

So he barely survived... the mercs are two BP still to be lost, they could have slowed or even killed the Yeti maybe....

3 blacks that's almost like one white more. That should do it for most of the quests, especially if you have two or three Heroes equipped like that. They can probably save the money normally reserved for mercenaries.

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Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday January 29th, 2020 8:27pm

Good points, and I'm glad you think they're ready!

I tried not to make them too powerful, but I'm doing it like this:

Barbarian = 3 black for axe/sword (so a battle axe would be 3 black + 1 white, a longsword would be 3 black, a greatsword would be 3 black + 1 white, shortsword would just be 2 black)
Dwarf = 2 black for axe/hammer (battle axe or war hammer would be 2 black + 2 white, for example) ... in 3 more quests he'll be at this level, right now he uses 1 black die
Wizard = 2 black dice (only if using Wizard's Staff)
Elf = white dice, (right now he gets a bonus spell scroll, in 3 more quests he'll get two scrolls)

Now, I will be having them discover the scrolls of battle which will upgrade their abilities again:

-When four of them flank a single enemy, they will each attack that enemy with up to 3 black dice each! (3 heroes, 2 black, 2 heroes, 1 black each).

-If a bunch of them have projectile weapons and are touching squares, they can each attack ranged with 3 black dice (if four heroes), 2 for three heroes, 1 for two heroes.
The only Merc they can use toward this tactic is the Crossbowman.

-Defense wise, if they cluster together and one of them defends, they get 1 green die each for two heroes, 2 for three heroes, or 3 for all four. It works as long as they some type of armor (other than the helmet/chainmail). Mercs that have a shield depicted on their miniature will also be included (so no archers or crossbowmen).
depicted (so no crossbowman or bowmen). For the sake of the Wizard, I include bracers or the Cloak as well.

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Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Postby Anderas » Thursday January 30th, 2020 3:24am

You could make a slightly more expensive Helmsman who knows that tactic/battle scroll, and a normal priced one who doesn't

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Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Postby Kurgan » Thursday January 30th, 2020 7:39am

Cool idea.

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Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Postby Kurgan » Tuesday June 7th, 2022 6:41pm

See what I did there? So I ran the quests again on Twitch recently with some brand new HeroQuest players... and though it took multi-part sessions (the game went LONG) we completed the Xanon Pass with three heroes... well two Guardian Knights (one died, one live) and the Barbarian. Played Quest 2 with the Barbarian only (with the equipment he gained from the previous one) and he completed it, granted with a few extra potions (and the Barbarian got two of the Ron Shirtz Combat Cards as well AND could use the "blind trap/square jump" rule from the draft notes as well as a variant of the Yeti escape mechanism). Quest 3 was conducted with the Barbarian who got a little reckless and got himself killed, so we sent a Knight to complete the last room and save the day. The final room of the last quest really gets people, and without implementing a way to escape the Yeti hold it's pretty tough (it's tough even if they can escape!).

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Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Postby Aki » Tuesday January 16th, 2024 11:37am

I played Xanon Pass yesterday, after Into the Northlands, sadly the App not allow Snowdasher but I bring him with me in these 3 solo quests and he helped me a lot
When I found the armoury the Barbarian had the last one BP (he wear Ring of Fortitude and Armband of Healing ) after Snowdasher drink a potion of Icy Strenght and a potion of Strenght I unleashed him against the Polar Warbear, 4 wounds inflicted, after the two monster's attacks my ally remain with the last BP too!
Fortunally a crossbow hit killed the Polar Warbear, found the Spike Shield in the armoury and I was able to finish the Quest with no need to drink a potion of healing ( I don't faced the Yeti, I run out of him cowardly)

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Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Postby wallydubbs » Wednesday December 18th, 2024 6:01pm

I'm rewriting the Frozen Horror quests and I figured I'd post it here. I'd like to keep it as close to the original as possible, only a bit more seseable.

The Yeti hug has always been a problem, but my house rule to that is the hero caught in the hug resorts to a dagger if he has it So this is my resort if anyone wants to adopt my method.
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