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Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

PostPosted: Thursday December 13th, 2018 11:17am
by Maurice76
This kinda reminds me of the Orc squad rules that they designed for Space Crusade :P. Perhaps something could be done like that for HeroQuest.

"Quest 1: The Maze. Your clan leader has deemed you unworthy of licking his boots, so he put you into his dungeon to rot away. Not your style, so you try and break free. Find the exit!"
"Quest 2: The capture of Sir Ragnar. Some other donky Warlord has captured a powerful Knight of the Empire and claims hostage money. Money that should rightfully belong in your pockets. Enter the lair where the Knight is being held and "free" him from the evil clutches of the Warlord who doesn't want to share with you, so you can claim the hostage money instead!"
"Quest 3: Prince Magnus' Gold: That foolish goon of a Prince has had his Gold hijacked by a warband. Of course, that Gold should rightfully be yours. Enter their domain and claim the gold as your own!"
"Quest 4: Lair of the Orc Warlord: Your actions have earned you the wrath of Ulag. You're not going to sit idle, quivering in the dark. No! You are a mighty Orc yourself and hence, you take the fight to him!"
"Quest 5: Melar's Maze: Your understanding of Magic is limited, but luckily, someone created a Talisman that can aid you in that area. Travel towards the Maze of its creator with your gang and claim the prize!"
"Quest 6: Castle of Mystery: A Magic maze with Gold at its center? That's not going to scare you off. If needed, you can sacrifice some of your Warband to claim the gold held within. Some puny magics isn't going to stop you!"
"Quest 7: Race From the Dark: After a drunken bout with lots and lots of Orcish ale, you ended up in a bar room brawl. The next thing you know, you awoke in a dark room, your head hurting like hell! But it's going to hurt a whole lot more pretty soon if you don't get out - for the ceiling is lowering down on you!"
"Quest 8: The Stone Hunter: Still craving to supplement your Warband with magical support, you have started looking for wizards, dabbling in Chaos Magic. One such Wizard, Karlen, has recently taken up residence in a nearby dungeon. Perhaps he can be persuaded to aid your future endeavours!"
"Quest 9: Legacy of the Orc Warlord: You've heard word that Grak, son of Ulag, is mocking you and slandering your name. That filthy snotling isn't going to get away with that, now is he? Find him and make him bleed for his transgressions!"
"Quest 10: The Fire Mage: Recently your Warband got under attack by an enemy clan, who used Fire in their attacks. Suspecting Balur is behind this, you have only one option: to make clear to him that your words of blood and steel are stronger than his parlor tricks!"
"Quest 11: Bastion of Chaos: How dare they! Several nearby clans have decided to throw a party and not invite you! This demands payback! Be a party crasher by invading and slaying them all! Put their heads on a pike and demand tribute from their respective clans for all the effort it took you to kill them!"
"Quest 12: Barak Tor - Barrow of Witch Lord: You're not a scared little snotling anymore, so some ancient Necromancy isn't going to stop you from laying claim to that which the Emperor covets: some gem that was lost ages ago. Crush bone and tear wrap, to find this treasure, if for nothing else than to spite the Emperor!"
"Quest 13: Quest for the Spirit Blade: That cheater! That bastard! That paleface! How dare he be immortal?! But you know you can defeat him like you want to, at the business point of a sword. A special sword that has been put in an old tomb. Find it!"
"Quest 14: Return to Barak Tor: With the sword now in your possession, it's time to your wrath. Head back to Barak Tor, slaughter your way through hordes of Undead to finally confront the Witch Lord. Scatter his bone splinters across the room in your berserker rage!"


Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

PostPosted: Monday December 17th, 2018 9:01am
by wallydubbs
Alright, so this weekend I tried Anderas' suggestion on throwing 3 Halberdiers in with the Female Barbarian... but 2 of them died at the first fight with a Polar Warbear.

I'd later play with my girlfriend, making adjustments I made to the quests and this time she was successful in all 3. Of course, I had to add lots of Healing potions, so I'd like to run through necessary adjustments to make to these Solo quests to make it survivable for an unequipped Female Barbarian:
Xanon Pass
I toned down the Wandering Monster to just 1 skeleton.
We also played with the house rule that a hero could still attack a yeti while in a bearhug if he/she has a dagger.

Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Trial by Ice

PostPosted: Monday December 17th, 2018 12:00pm
by wallydubbs
So she survived Xanon Pass with a beefed up defence in chainmail and a shield. For this quest she decided to stick with the Broadsword, 4 defense is better then 3.
Xanon Pass and Trial By Ice seem to be connected in the same way other expansions are so there was no trip to the armory.
I also noticed that these solo quests were lacking in rewards, so I made adjustments, offering 120 gold as a reward for killing Krag, freeing up a Treasure chest in this quest.
As noted earlier, Healing Potions are most important so I added a few of these.
The Wandering Monster for this quest is just 1 goblin, the quest is hard enough as is.

Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

PostPosted: Monday December 17th, 2018 1:19pm
by j_dean80
I would tend to think removing a few monsters would be better than just adding more and more potions of healing.

Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

PostPosted: Monday December 17th, 2018 1:53pm
by Anderas
So two henchmen died from the first polar warbear? That's bad luck. :)

Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: The Rescue

PostPosted: Monday December 17th, 2018 3:53pm
by wallydubbs
So upon finishing Trial by Ice she was well equipped with a Broadsword, Long Sword, Dagger, Crossbow, Shield, Chainmail, a Potion of Healing (4BP), a Potion of Defense, a Potion of Magic Resistance, 2 Spell Scrolls: Ice Bridge and Ice Storm; and 170 gold.
The elders gave her 120 for killing Krag and she sold her Broadsword as well and bought a Tool Kit. However she was quite dismayed to find Healing Potions were so costly.
So she embarked on the Rescue to find Golthar, and I've added a few changes to this quest...
I toned down the Wandering Monster to just 1 orc.

Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

PostPosted: Monday December 17th, 2018 4:23pm
by wallydubbs
j_dean80 wrote:I would tend to think removing a few monsters would be better than just adding more and more potions of healing.

Yeah, I suppose that could've been an option. I thought too many healing potions might be overdoing it... taking out monsters leaves a lot of empty rooms... so I thought I could remove some rooms altogether (Room B in Trial by Ice, for example), but then I thought that would just be changing the whole structure of the map.
So I reasoned since the 4 heroes potentially max out between 10 and 14 challanging quests, the Female Barbarian and Elf should do so in their respective Solo Quests.
My girlfriend did comment that she's finding much more stuff in the solo quests then the heroes commonly find in normal quests. I tried to reason that the Female has to catch up to them in less time...
Plus there's not a whole lot to work with on the Barbarian quest packs, like in the solo quests for the elf, she had spells. The Barbarian wouldn't have the luxury of a Water of Healing.

Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

PostPosted: Wednesday December 11th, 2019 10:31pm
by Kurgan
Helpful thread! Playing this quest now... and I'm wondering if I should have given my Barbarian 1 more healing potion...

Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

PostPosted: Thursday December 12th, 2019 7:55am
by wallydubbs
Kurgan wrote:Helpful thread! Playing this quest now... and I'm wondering if I should have given my Barbarian 1 more healing potion...

That depends: are you using an unequipped Barbarian or an experienced armored one?
And are you allowing mercenaries?

Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

PostPosted: Sunday December 15th, 2019 12:23pm
by Kurgan
I'm using an experienced Barbarian, and I took the advice of using Mercenaries on Quest 3. If he can free Gothar he'll find another healing item of some sort, so it all comes down to his strategy and the dice rolls.