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Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc, from the Barbarian Quest Pack: The Frozen Horror.

Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Postby wallydubbs » Saturday December 8th, 2018 1:57pm

lestodante wrote:
j_dean80 wrote:Just says they do not receive treasure. Nothing about using potions or equipment.
I would allow passing them a potion to use.

According to the instructions they should not, but I will also allow them to pass and use potions when required.

As they only have 2 body points it's likely that using a potion on one would be a waste of excess body points.

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Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Postby Anderas » Saturday December 8th, 2018 2:03pm

That's almost always the case. I have a healing with 6 Body Points in my treasure deck just to see how long my players delay until they finally use it. :lol:

Ok it has 4 BP if you use it as normal. For 6 BP you have to sacrifice your action on top. Har har you won't believe it. Once I playtested something against myself for the HQ25 project. I myself got caught in the trap, died and used the 4 BP version to survive.

I have a question:
The solo quests from the Barbarian and Elf Quest Packs: Do they give you some mercenaries at least or nothing at all?

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Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Postby lestodante » Saturday December 8th, 2018 2:58pm

wallydubbs wrote:As they only have 2 body points it's likely that using a potion on one would be a waste of excess body points.

I was referring also to other potions, like Potion of Strenght, Defense, Heroic Brew and so on...

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Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Postby The Admiral » Saturday December 8th, 2018 5:36pm

j_dean80 wrote:Just says they do not receive treasure. Nothing about using potions or equipment.

I would allow passing them a potion to use.

based on that wording, potions out of the treasure deck would not be allowed, but brought potions, stuff from the armoury and artifacts would be okay. I don't think they should be allowed anything. Once you start allowing them to be given stuff, then why not take stuff off them? It would be a cheap way for the Heroes to acquire equipment such as a crossbow. I think they are best left as they are hired. Give them nothing, and take nothing off them.

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Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Postby lestodante » Saturday December 8th, 2018 7:44pm

The Admiral wrote:It would be a cheap way for the Heroes to acquire equipment such as a crossbow. I think they are best left as they are hired

He will not give you a crossbow, he need a weapon that he's skilled to use. Giving his weapon to a hero will bring him to sure dead! So he will not.

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Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Postby The Admiral » Sunday December 9th, 2018 2:31pm

lestodante wrote:
The Admiral wrote:It would be a cheap way for the Heroes to acquire equipment such as a crossbow. I think they are best left as they are hired

He will not give you a crossbow, he need a weapon that he's skilled to use. Giving his weapon to a hero will bring him to sure dead! So he will not.

My point exactly. Leave them with what they have.

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Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Postby lestodante » Sunday December 9th, 2018 3:12pm

My point is instead that if you can do something in the real life, then you can also do it in HeroQuest! Then Heroquest has also the Magic that we don't have in real life.
So if I can pass a potion to a friend, also a hero can pass a potion to a mercenary. The fact that he could refuse it is another thing. But I will leave this choice to the players.
In some situation there can be a mercenary blocking the monsters and it may be useful to make him resist as long as possible in that position, so I will allow him to drink a potion or to cast a spell on him (rock skin for example).

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Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Postby The Admiral » Sunday December 9th, 2018 8:24pm

lestodante wrote:My point is instead that if you can do something in the real life, then you can also do it in HeroQuest! Then Heroquest has also the Magic that we don't have in real life.
So if I can pass a potion to a friend, also a hero can pass a potion to a mercenary. The fact that he could refuse it is another thing. But I will leave this choice to the players.
In some situation there can be a mercenary blocking the monsters and it may be useful to make him resist as long as possible in that position, so I will allow him to drink a potion or to cast a spell on him (rock skin for example).

Yes, but that works both ways. If a Hero can give a henchman something, then a Henchman can give a Hero something. I don't allow either, but it is obviously up to each EW player to decide their own rules.

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Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Postby wallydubbs » Monday December 10th, 2018 7:47am

Anderas wrote:I have a question:
The solo quests from the Barbarian and Elf Quest Packs: Do they give you some mercenaries at least or nothing at all?

The Barbarian is not given mercenaries in his Solo Quests, but it doesn't say anything that will restrict him from buying them...
As for the Elf Quest Pack, I don't think the game allows mercenaries. Although you can probably make adjustments to allow this; this expansion didn't come with mercenaries, so I don't think you're supposed to.

However to balance each game I'd suggest allowing the Female Barbarian and Female Elf to join the other heroes (in their respective quest packs) after the solo quests, this is why I'm trying to alter the solo quests, for an unequipped Barbarian and Elf; to make it challenging and doable, but also to bring them up to par with the rest of the heroes. This would mean adding extra equipment and potions to be found during the solo quests.

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Re: Surviving the Solo Quests: Xanon Pass

Postby wallydubbs » Monday December 10th, 2018 8:14am

The Admiral wrote:
lestodante wrote:My point is instead that if you can do something in the real life, then you can also do it in HeroQuest! Then Heroquest has also the Magic that we don't have in real life.
So if I can pass a potion to a friend, also a hero can pass a potion to a mercenary. The fact that he could refuse it is another thing. But I will leave this choice to the players.
In some situation there can be a mercenary blocking the monsters and it may be useful to make him resist as long as possible in that position, so I will allow him to drink a potion or to cast a spell on him (rock skin for example).

Yes, but that works both ways. If a Hero can give a henchman something, then a Henchman can give a Hero something. I don't allow either, but it is obviously up to each EW player to decide their own rules.

I wouldn't allow it, even in death. When a hero dies he drops his equipment, if a crossbowman mercenary dies and the hero just grabs the crossbow, that's like buying it at a major discount. The crossbow itself is 350 gold while the henchmen is only 75. Asides from those rare moments, if you kill a monster, do you get to take his weapon?
When Boromir died, he was sent down the river with his sword (if you go by the book he had his enemies weapons too). These mercenaries are identified by their weapons, so don't take that away from them. When they die and must be buried you honor them by burying them with their weapons.
Part of me thinks this is the reason you can get 600 gold from a chest in Mage of the Mirror... so after one dies there's enough gold to go around to buy completely new equipment.

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