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Re: So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

PostPosted: Thursday September 13th, 2018 5:48am
by Pancho
Very cool pics of Ice gremlins.

I suppose I better get busy modding some long beards for my minis.
I think I'll paint the little fellows with blue-green skin. That way they can pass as goblinoids, but ones that are adapted to polar conditions.

Re: So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

PostPosted: Saturday September 15th, 2018 3:34am
by lestodante
They are greenskin on the box cover too.

Re: So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

PostPosted: Wednesday September 26th, 2018 8:13am
by Pancho
Here's a photo of my first Gremlin. The other two are on their way and will soon be added to the Frozen Horror's army.


Re: So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

PostPosted: Wednesday September 26th, 2018 8:55am
by The Admiral
Cool sword, literally!

Re: So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

PostPosted: Wednesday September 26th, 2018 9:29am
by Gold Bearer
Me thinks theys polar hobgoblins. :2cents:

Re: So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

PostPosted: Thursday September 27th, 2018 3:58pm
by Daedalus
I like it! The beard and sword work well. The higher base also should help to increase their presence in relation to Hero Quest Heroes. It may just be the camera shot, but I'd think a lighter shade of blue for the skin tone would help sell the polar look even more.

Re: So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

PostPosted: Friday September 28th, 2018 7:44am
by Thor-in
The Ice Gremlins on the cover art look like hulked out versions of Santa Clause on Halloween.... :roll:

Re: So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

PostPosted: Wednesday October 17th, 2018 6:55am
by Pancho
All 3 Gremlins are now ready to hit the gameboard. I would have preferred to have all of them look the same, but alas it was not to be and I had to make do with the miniatures I already had.

Re: So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

PostPosted: Wednesday October 17th, 2018 8:29am
by Anderas
I like that you have modeled quite a lot yourself on those gremlins. Also I love the weapons. What are they made from?

Re: So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

PostPosted: Wednesday October 17th, 2018 9:10am
by Pancho
Anderas wrote:I like that you have modeled quite a lot yourself on those gremlins. Also I love the weapons. What are they made from?

LOL when I originally read that I thought for a moment that you were saying that I looked like an ice gremlim! :D I see what you mean now, lots of additions to the model.
The weapons are really simple and a bit naff, I just cut up some clear plastic into the right shape then glued them on. The glue left a slight cloudiness to the plastic, which actually looked quite good. I also scored the plastic with a knife before assembly, to add a little bit of "depth" to the appearance of the ice weapons.