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So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

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So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

Postby Pancho » Monday September 10th, 2018 9:21am

I'm converting some Warhammer goblins into ice gremlins cus I'm not paying a grand for an official mini, or whatever it is that they're going for these days.

I got me wondering what an ice gremlin is supposed to be exactly? The card art shows it to have the green skin and pointy features of a goblin, but it also appears to be have a really long white beard. It's dressed a bit like santa, and could conceivably be considered more of an elf-like or even demonic Krampus-like being instead. To add to the confusion the actual official mini looks like it doesn't have the beard, but it's a big creature, maybe bigger than an orc. It also has multiple body points and better stats than a goblin.

So what are your thoughts. I went for goblinoid, as that is the models I had and I wanted to emphasise the sneaky thieving nature of this monster over its strength anyway. I doubt if I'll change my already converted minis, but I might alter the paint scheme that I was going for, depending on what the heck an ice gremlin actually is.

Any suggestions?

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Re: So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

Postby benvoliothefirst » Monday September 10th, 2018 9:40am

Based on your description, maybe a hobgoblin? Are the stats between a gobbo and an orc?

I'm trying to think of another GW greenskin that has facial hair and not coming up with any. Certainly all of the members of a tribe wouldn't, but if they CAN grow body hair, that leaves you with a lot of options for customizing/differentiating them. Maybe the hair is an adaptation based on the climate?

Are there any ice goblins in a DnD sourcebook anywhere?
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Re: So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

Postby Pancho » Monday September 10th, 2018 10:45am

Adding a beard? Hmmm, that could be a lot of fun. I don't think I've ever done that before.
I'm still not convinced that the original model, or even the card, shows a beard. It could just be the fluffy white bit on the front of the Santa outfit. Without the actual model I couldn't be sure.

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Re: So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

Postby The Admiral » Tuesday September 11th, 2018 5:21am

Their skin colour definitely puts them with the greenskins. I see them as a mutated form of goblin. Caused by their location in the northern chaos wastes and the harsh climate. Making them a sort of super goblin.

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Re: So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

Postby Pancho » Tuesday September 11th, 2018 5:53am

And the beard? Anyone have the model to check this?

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Re: So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

Postby The Admiral » Tuesday September 11th, 2018 6:08am

Pancho wrote:And the beard? Anyone have the model to check this?

Yep, big long beard on the model. It is tucked back into the mold and so isn't initially obvious. But it's definitely there on closer inspection.

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Re: So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

Postby Pancho » Tuesday September 11th, 2018 6:36am

Cheers Admiral.

Interesting. It does seem to be some sort of super-goblin, with Father Christmas borrowed for inspiration.

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Re: So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

Postby j_dean80 » Tuesday September 11th, 2018 7:18am

They kind of remind me of the gremlins from that movie...hmm what's the name? Pretty sure I saw a Christmas version before dressed like Santa, beard and all.
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Re: So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

Postby lestodante » Tuesday September 11th, 2018 2:45pm

j_dean80 wrote:...Pretty sure I saw a Christmas version before dressed like Santa, beard and all.

Yes, in Christmas Exchange 2013!!! Big Bene received it from Wolfie907


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Re: So what is an Ice Gremlin anyway?

Postby Daedalus » Wednesday September 12th, 2018 10:30am

Pancho wrote:. . . I got me wondering what an ice gremlin is supposed to be exactly? The card art shows it to have the green skin and pointy features of a goblin, but it also appears to be have a really long white beard. It's dressed a bit like santa, and could conceivably be considered more of an elf-like or even demonic Krampus-like being instead. To add to the confusion the actual official mini looks like it doesn't have the beard, but it's a big creature, maybe bigger than an orc. It also has multiple body points and better stats than a goblin.

So what are your thoughts. I went for goblinoid, as that is the models I had and I wanted to emphasise the sneaky thieving nature of this monster over its strength anyway. I doubt if I'll change my already converted minis, but I might alter the paint scheme that I was going for, depending on what the heck an ice gremlin actually is.

Any suggestions?

From the BQP box, definitely showing a beard:


In terms of goblinoids, I'd say Ice Gremlins are more like squat bugbears. They are bigger, stronger, and hairier than goblins. They also are stealthy and tricky, two attributes that parallel stealing well.

Both the increased size and white hair suggest adaptation to a northern environment. The beard reminds me of a reindeer's long fur and would help with camouflaging the trickster. The size matches with the other minions of the Northlands.

For me, the greatest incongruity is the green skin. That doesn't match the other BQP monsters or any natural polar denizen. Oh well, that's Chaos for ya. I'd agree that relating Ice Gremlins to Orcs, Goblins, and Trolls makes sense.

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