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Failed to playtest

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc, from the Barbarian Quest Pack: The Frozen Horror.

Re: Failed to playtest

Postby lestodante » Monday November 12th, 2018 10:24am

wallydubbs wrote:look at America's Dwarven Forge in Keller's Keep and tell me how to get into Room F.

the treasure chest doesn't really block the access to the secret door. It can be moved away so the heroes can pass in the hidden corridor F.

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Re: Failed to playtest

Postby wallydubbs » Monday November 12th, 2018 2:27pm

lestodante wrote:
wallydubbs wrote:look at America's Dwarven Forge in Keller's Keep and tell me how to get into Room F.

the treasure chest doesn't really block the access to the secret door. It can be moved away so the heroes can pass in the hidden corridor F.

My point was that it wasn't in the European version and some people had issues with it. I understand Quest 4: Prince Magnus' Gold set in place a rule for moving chests, but this question was posted by someone in Keller's Keep.

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Re: Failed to playtest

Postby benvoliothefirst » Tuesday November 13th, 2018 7:47am

Although to be fair, just about every change I've seen from the UK to US editions was for the best, including tougher monsters and the layouts of cards and quests, etc.
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Re: Failed to playtest

Postby Anderas » Tuesday November 13th, 2018 8:24am

benvoliothefirst wrote:Although to be fair, just about every change I've seen from the UK to US editions was for the best, including tougher monsters and the layouts of cards and quests, etc.

You say that because you're american :D

Certainly, I can give in that the changes make it easier for production. And that the monster stats are better. But... no equipment cards? Look at those model bases! naaah... :lol:

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Re: Failed to playtest

Postby wallydubbs » Tuesday November 13th, 2018 10:46am

benvoliothefirst wrote:Although to be fair, just about every change I've seen from the UK to US editions was for the best, including tougher monsters and the layouts of cards and quests, etc.

I do have to agree with you on the part about tougher monsters. It seemed ridiculous that they'd give the gargoyle 1BP. The European version was more like a dungeon explore rather a dungeon crawl.
Perhaps this is why I find "The Trial" too difficult for a 1st quest. It's doable when you can kill the gargoyle and chaos warriors with not so much as a papercut... for some reason I'm thinking of Smaug (from the Hobbit) when I say this...

However i can't really agree with giving an Ice Gremlin 3 BP, these guys are supposed to be roughly the size of goblins.
We also have ogres with 10 BP... and so we've come full circle back to a failed playtest. They would've caught this...

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Re: Failed to playtest

Postby mitchiemasha » Tuesday November 13th, 2018 6:36pm

Model bases. NO
Equipment Cards. NO.
Falling block traps. NO.
Talisman. NO.
Wording to spells. NO
All expansions. NO
Quest Book. NO
Rule Book. NO
Character Cards. NO
Character Sheet. NO

Body Points. YES

Probably a lot more too... So I clearly disagree to that statement!

Edit: Oh! wait! "GAME SYSTEM", "HIGH ADVENTURE IN A WORLD OF MAGIC". Say no more!!!

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Re: Failed to playtest

Postby lestodante » Thursday November 15th, 2018 5:37pm

Prince Mitchiemasha, you forgot to mention:
Chaos Spells Cards. YES
Don't forget that Ogres are EUR but they have the worst base. Expansions, are 4 in US and 4 in EU, just 2 are the same (KK & WL) while bigger ones are differents.
But guys, we are going off topic...

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Re: Failed to playtest

Postby mitchiemasha » Thursday November 15th, 2018 9:14pm

I'll give you that one.

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Re: Failed to playtest

Postby wallydubbs » Sunday November 18th, 2018 12:12pm

lestodante wrote:Prince Mitchiemasha, you forgot to mention:
Chaos Spells Cards. YES
Don't forget that Ogres are EUR but they have the worst base. Expansions, are 4 in US and 4 in EU, just 2 are the same (KK & WL) while bigger ones are differents.
But guys, we are going off topic...

I kinda forgot what the topic was...
Oh right, failed playtesting.
I finished up Mage of the Mirror over the weekend and made same suggestive results to even out the gameplay in another thread under that expansion.
But I also tried the first quest of Frozen Horror twice but that didn't go well either time.
My girlfriend went in as the female barbarian alone, uneqipped. This one really came down to luck of the dice. 2 Skeletons as the wandering monster was a bit too much. She lost half her body points fighting wandering monsters. She played the game wandering the halls first, finding the external layout of the board without exploring the rooms. At that point the first room she went into was the one with the icey floor and crossbow man. She got the crossbow, out tge door, down the hall, turned the corner and had her Broadsword swollen by the ice gremlin, who ran away and it ran out of her line of sight before she could shoot it down with the crossbow. She managed to beat the 2 Skeletons in the hall (wandering monsters) only losing 1 BP. But when she came to the ice gremlin in the last hall she kept firing at him with the crossbow but failed to land a hit. The Ice Gremlin continued running after her, attacking with 2 dice and eventually killed her that way. It was a collosol failure.
We tried again and this time she did a bit better on die roll, even managing to land 3 hits on the Yeti... But oh no, the Yet I grabbed her in the bear hug and there was no way out.
We'll play again next week and try to work out the bugs. I'd suggest getting rid of the yeti and replacing it with just a standard orc.

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Re: Failed to playtest

Postby lestodante » Sunday November 18th, 2018 1:58pm

wallydubbs wrote:My girlfriend went in as the female barbarian alone, uneqipped...

Do not send a woman to do a man's job! :barbarian: :lol:

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