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UK Compatibility

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc, from the Barbarian Quest Pack: The Frozen Horror.

UK Compatibility

Postby EnchanTim » Thursday March 6th, 2014 5:42am

I've heard mutterings about how the US version of the core game is different from the UK/EU versions but I was wondering just how much work you'd need to do in order to play this (or the Mage of the Mirror) with the UK core rules.

Has anyone looked at this - surely someone's given it a go? Or is it just fundamentally incompatible?


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Re: UK Compatibility

Postby Sjeng » Thursday March 6th, 2014 8:43am

The quests are pretty much the same, aside from a few extra traps and artefacts in the NA version, so it can be played easily with UK rules. But I strongly advise you to go all the way and use the NA rules as well. I played the core game using the UK rules, and then we played through KK and RotWL and it got so easy, we quickly switched to NA rules and quests. Much more challenging. And with fully equipped heroes, it's not too difficult, you just need to work together a bit more.

Multi-bodypoint monsters may sound scary, but they aren't really that big of a deal. Makes the game a lot more interesting.
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Re: UK Compatibility

Postby knightkrawler » Thursday March 6th, 2014 9:00am

I've never heard of anyone adapting NA to EU, which has a shitload of good reasons. Usually, it goes the other way round.
I completely agree with Sjeng.
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Re: UK Compatibility

Postby Daedalus » Wednesday March 19th, 2014 12:52am

Against the Ogre Horde used multiple Body Points, though in a strange way. So multiple Body Point monsters aren't exactly new to the EU rules. A simple conversion might be to rule monsters from the Base System use EU Body Points, but new monsters from the expansions use multiple Body Points. However, if you're gonna allow multiple Body Points, why not go all the way and use NA monster rules?

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Re: UK Compatibility

Postby wraeccan » Wednesday April 30th, 2014 9:07am

I downloaded the NA rules, monsters and spells recently.
Basically, my children are of an age where it's time to start teaching them some slightly more complicated games.
Using the English rules, they have been ultra competitive and I want to encourage them to be more cooperative.

Looking at the differences between the rulebooks, they are very similar and it should be pretty easy to convert from one to the other. Especially with the resources on this site.

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