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Yeti in soloquest = instadeath

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc, from the Barbarian Quest Pack: The Frozen Horror.

Re: Yeti in soloquest = instadeath

Postby wallydubbs » Tuesday October 30th, 2018 2:02pm

I'm going to say that this quest was never playtested, but there is a strategic way to avoid instant death: if I'm not mistaken a crossbow can be obtained in the first quest; although a new player may be unaware of the Yeti hug attack, strategically the Barbarian's best defence is a ranged attack.

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Re: Yeti in soloquest = instadeath

Postby Maurice76 » Tuesday October 30th, 2018 2:34pm

Another solution would be to allow for an opposed roll between Barbarian and Yeti, on the Barbarian's turn. If the Barbarian wins the roll, he breaks free. If the Yeti wins, the Barbarian takes damage. If they tie the roll, nothing happens (the Barbarian doesn't break free, but at least manages to prevent further damage). As for the dice on this opposed roll, you might say the current hitpoints of either combatant, perhaps halved for the Barbarian for being held in the embrace (which restricts manoeuverability and hence the means to exert force against the hug); exact dice and win/loss conditions subject to balance testing :P.

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Re: Yeti in soloquest = instadeath

Postby Nicodemus » Tuesday October 30th, 2018 3:03pm

We always played these chronologically, so unless he was very unlucky previously the Barbarian should have lots of support from armour, weapons, stocked potions, etc. Even still, it’s definitely instant death. I’ve only played this twice, each time with someone who wasn’t familiar with what to expect from the Quests so I made sure the person playing knew exactly how the Yeti attacks worked and what the danger was. Even still, I distinctly remember the Yeti still catching the Barbarian and then bear hugging him for several turns. It wasn’t fun for either of us, so I just had the Yeti do one more point of damage and then threw the Barbarian to the floor, setting him free. Too OP without support for sure. It’s certainly an oversight, but doesn’t mean it wasn’t playtested. There’s usually lots of people involved and changes can be implemented right up until the last minute, so I guess this one slipped by them.

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Re: Yeti in soloquest = instadeath

Postby benvoliothefirst » Tuesday October 30th, 2018 4:11pm

If there isn't already a special rule for the barbarian called "head-butt" then I think now is the time to implement!
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Re: Yeti in soloquest = instadeath

Postby wallydubbs » Wednesday October 31st, 2018 7:15am

benvoliothefirst wrote:If there isn't already a special rule for the barbarian called "head-butt" then I think now is the time to implement!

Really? Headbutt a Yeti? These things have horns (at least in this game they do.
However, I do believe there is such a rule that a hero can attack while in a bearhug, but only with a dagger. As daggers are rarely used in combat (except maybe by the wizard), it makes sense as you're too close for a swing attack with a sword or ax; how many times have we seen it in the movies where the hero is in scuba predicament and must resort to using a dagger?

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Re: Yeti in soloquest = instadeath

Postby knightkrawler » Wednesday October 31st, 2018 9:16am

Why would anyone wanna headbutt the cute lil' teddy bear?
(Jesus, I do hate the sculpt of that miniature...)
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Re: Yeti in soloquest = instadeath

Postby Anderas » Wednesday October 31st, 2018 4:19pm

Headbutt a Yeti: lose a BP and roll a white die to see if the Yeti also loses a BP. :lol:

And the hug ends here.

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Re: Yeti in soloquest = instadeath

Postby The Admiral » Thursday November 1st, 2018 8:13am

Even without the Yeti, the chance of a totally fresh Barbarian character having any real chance in these solo quests is almost none. Most people will play with an experienced Barbarian, and even then there is the Yeti factor. This is why I believe the best approach for these three solo quests is to have the Barbarian joined by the Female Barbarian. Also, as a new character, she will be able to use the equipment available for finding in these quests, rather than the Barbarian just selling them at half price because he already has them.

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Re: Yeti in soloquest = instadeath

Postby Jalapenotrellis » Saturday February 16th, 2019 4:17am

I think the only way through this is make sure the barbarian has a crossbow, lots of potions, knows how to kite, or has a spell scroll (sleep it maybe?). They should by the time you get to this expansion. I don't think anyone's barb is going to be fresh at that point. There are also barb potions that are OP. I will wait (years at this point) until my group gets to this expansion, but I seriously doubt it will be a problem at that point. They will know how to kite and use a crossbow. My last group had too many potions by like quest 8.

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Re: Yeti in soloquest = instadeath

Postby Anderas » Saturday February 16th, 2019 4:55am

The barbarian questpack solo quest is for a beginner barbarian without equipment.

We try currently to play it with a beginner barbarian + 4 mercenaries (one of each).
Let's see if it works out.

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