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HeroQuest lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pack

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby lucapaschi » Saturday December 18th, 2021 6:21am

Kurgan wrote:So I had to dig back in the archives but found this. Some pretty cool sketches of the hero-themed quest pack characters (including the centaur!). Are any of these in the new unreleased releases? I guess we'll find out... !

Another old thread on topic here. Mysteries unfold...

They're all there, except the centaur. Lestodante has them correctly assigned to each expansion: https://myheroquest.blogspot.com/

The Saber-Tooth actually helps you in the quests. It's the friendly wizard's pet.

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby lucapaschi » Saturday December 18th, 2021 6:36am

HispaZargon wrote:
lucapaschi wrote:No, they have different names. The Orc Shaman is actually two twin characters. Zanrath is used as a good guy. The minis would have been the same.

WOOOooowww... I think having new characters are good news for all like me who like to see WoM and ATOH characters and stories different than American questpacks. If same WoM sorcerers characters would had been used in WQP it would be so difficult to fit it with the European questpacks lore, especially if they would die in this questpack, so it seems to be great!

lucapaschi wrote:There are artifacts. The spell count was not final, as not all of the Chaos Wizards’ spell were likely meant to be in the final release. Some have the same art, but have different text.
The monsters are correct. There seem to be mentions for extra elemental spells throughout the packs notes. I still didn’t read all the spells.

Ok, so it seems that WQP probably should have included more than 30 cards, as an exception compared with the other three American character-questpacks. Similar happened in Europe with WoM questpack which included a huge ammount of cards especially due to the new Spells for Heroes and cards for Mercenaries.

lucapaschi wrote:Most likely, yes. Curse of the Hammer was registered by Hasbro in 1992 (anyone can check that in the US trademark database), but apparently the idea of the curse was taken away with the rewrite, so I’d say it’s the latest name.

Ok, thanks. "Dwarf Quest Pack – The Hammer of Hadrakka” sounds interesting.

lucapaschi wrote:It’s the three command group Ogres. Haven’t checked on the cards, but there are 5/6 mithril pieces of armor.

Yeah, the use of ogre command guys may also be good news too, especially if we could found their stats, since ATOH ones I think are so underpowered if playing with American rules.
Mithril pieces sounds interesting... although I would like to see they called such material with a non-Tolkien-word but ok.

No, just the Storm Master kept his "name", but seems to be the most powerful of the sorcerers in the US pack. I think that would be Zanrath in the EU one.

Uhm, probably not, designers were given a limit of 30 cards, so they would have probably had to come down to that. There's a discussion about putting the extra dwarf minis stats on a special tile for everyone to see and to limit the number of cards to use (unlike WoM where there are multiple copies of the MatA for each player to have).

I think it sounds better than "Curse of the Hammer" :)

Apparently, someone found "Dwarvmetal" extremely inadequate. I have to say, as a non-native speaker, it does sound a bit odd to me. Maybe it would just be better to come up with a dwarfish name for it, calling it "Dwarf metal" in the other instances. We'll see. Have to understand at what point we are with the Dwarf pack, sometimes it's not easy to understand which revision comes first.

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby lestodante » Saturday December 18th, 2021 7:22am

HispaZargon wrote:Ok, so it seems that WQP probably should have included more than 30 cards, as an exception compared with the other three American character-questpacks. Similar happened in Europe with WoM questpack which included a huge ammount of cards especially due to the new Spells for Heroes and cards for Mercenaries.

From what I can understand they were not going to create duplicates of already existing spells.
Some spells from the Wizards of Morcar were already used as Chaos Spells in the Game-System or used for the BQP and EQP, some examples are Rust, Summon Orcs or Summon Undead which are all Chaos Spell from the NA version (and are basically the same stuff). I guess I listed them somewhere else few months ago.
So the 30 new cards should have not featured anything that what was already released in other questpacks on in the Game-System.

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby Pancho » Saturday December 18th, 2021 9:13am

If they were going to use the four Sorcerers from WOM then making them different baddies is a good call I think. The Heroes already had to kill each of them twice in WOM, so making them do it again with the exact same villains would have been a bit meh.

I also think the big change in storyline half-way through development of the Dwarf quest pack is for the better. The final storyline about uniting the Dwarf clans with a powerful magical artefact is tighter, feels more epic, and is in keeping with HQ lore. The Emperor does a similar thing with the Star of the West before the battle of Black Fire Pass.

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby Pancho » Saturday December 18th, 2021 11:03am

Also, somehow I missed the comment that the Sabre Tooth is the Wizards pet and helps him in the adventure. How cool is that!?
I’m really excited for this. For me it already easily overshadows what Hasbro have come up with this year.

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby Sinned » Saturday December 18th, 2021 12:28pm

Do you have pics of the packs you can post?

I'm also curious what the price was for these packs.

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby Nlinindoll » Saturday December 18th, 2021 12:36pm

You can see two pages of the draft documents on this Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2350317 ... 202805802/

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby lucapaschi » Saturday December 18th, 2021 12:43pm

Sinned wrote:Do you have pics of the packs you can post?

I'm also curious what the price was for these packs.

I tried to upload one in the opening post (the one you can see on FB) but the Inn would just show up a broken link! :bites-lip:
If I manage to find a solution, there are some pics I could upload.

Price was… significant.

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby Kurgan » Saturday December 18th, 2021 1:48pm

So "good orcs" were already a thing in 1992ish (whenever this was cancelled)? Interesting if so.

The 30 cards limit is interesting, considering the Elven Chainmail/Elven Bracers issue in Elf Quest pack. I mean we always had instances of brand new things being introduced in quest notes that had no card, but still. They clearly created stuff that didn't get used or was mentioned but had no card (the same issue happened in the Remake too, for whatever reason).

As for prices, I assume we're talking super rare, one of kind stuff on par with other quest packs released in 1992? If so, bless ya for trying.

As for reusing assets, if these were intended to be North American exclusive releases, it would seem to follow the pattern with the EQP/BQP re-using assets from WOM/ATOH (you've explained already that they were developed more or less at the same time, with different teams or designers working on different parts). Most of us across the pond didn't know anything about the EU exclusive quest packs and I'm sure vice versa for the average fan. We've all heard stories of "dad brought it back home after his travels" and "so my game shop ordered this odd foreign game..." but those are probably the exception. If it wasn't at kay-bee, toys 'r' us, wal-mart, k-mart, etc. we didn't know about it around here (or we read the little mail away insert inside the box and dreamed).

As for goofy names, we're still talking about a game for kids (those who were the min age for the game system in the US would have been 12-13 by then), though the Warhammer lore always sounded pretty respectable like a Tolkien spinoff, if not somewhat generic.
Last edited by Kurgan on Saturday December 18th, 2021 1:56pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby Kurgan » Saturday December 18th, 2021 1:53pm

Nlinindoll wrote:You can see two pages of the draft documents on this Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2350317 ... 202805802/

Links possible for those not on FB?

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