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HeroQuest lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pack

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby lucapaschi » Friday December 17th, 2021 9:14pm

Kurgan wrote:Youtube video discussion of the news in this thread! (should appear in about 15 mins or so, processing...)

It'll be already out of date as new info gets posted today, but feel free to comment.

You're lucky, I'll have to go to sleep pretty soon, so no new info! :D

I can confirm these are 100% real and non-fan created.

Anyone, if you're curious about something, go ahead and ask! As it will take some time before we'll be able to realease anything, I know you can't survive that far. At this point, I also don't know if the notes of the Dwarf and Wizard will be publicly available at any one time.
Also, the material for the Barb and Elf were included, so yes, there's a lot of stuff in there too. Some descriptions for the card's art or the comments on some of the Wizard's spell names are pretty hilarious.

I can also confirm Lestodante was the first person to know about this! :P

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby HispaZargon » Friday December 17th, 2021 9:35pm

Thinking about all the info shared in previous posts, there are the following first questions around my mind, most of them just guessing:

Wizard Quest Pack:

- Could we be 100% sure the four Sinister Sorcerers for this questpack are the same characters called in Europe as Wizards of Morcar? Do they have the same individual names? ... and were they be represented by the same miniatures as in the European WoM expansion? I guess probably Yes because the sinopsis is talking about the Storm Master and European miniatures sprues were quite used in American questpacks... but could we already confirm it with the available info?

- 30 Cards: 24 Chaos spells + 4 monsters, there are no new artifacts included in this expansion? Monster ones I guess would be the Ratman, Giant spider, Minotaur & Sabre Tooth. And what about the new Wizard Spells decks?

Dwarf Quest Pack:

- So, "The Hammer of Hadrakka" was the last considered title by designers for this expansion instead of "Curse of the Hammer", wasn't it?

- 30 Cards: Probably 5 of them would be monsters: Ogre Warrior, Carnivorous Caveworm, Stone Golem, Rockmole & Dwarf Fighter... or maybe the Ogres are three different ogre types? The Ogre Champion, the Ogre Chieftain and the Ogre Lord from Against of Ogre Horde EU expansion? In such case monster cards would be a total of 7 cards. I think this last idea could be possible if they intended to use for this expansion the EU available ogre miniatures not used in Elf Quest Pack. Other ones would be artifacts as lucapaschi pointed and the rest... all of them new Treasure cards? or maybe some additional Chaos Spells cards to be casted by the bad guys? what about a new deck of cards called "Magical Runes"?
Last edited by HispaZargon on Friday December 17th, 2021 10:08pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby lucapaschi » Friday December 17th, 2021 9:53pm

No, they have different names. The Orc Shaman is actually two twin characters. Zanrath is used as a good guy. The minis would have been the same.
There are artifacts. The spell count was not final, as not all of the Chaos Wizards’ spell were likely meant to be in the final release. Some have the same art, but have different text.
The monsters are correct. There seem to be mentions for extra elemental spells throughout the packs notes. I still didn’t read all the spells.

Most likely, yes. Curse of the Hammer was registered by Hasbro in 1992 (anyone can check that in the US trademark database), but apparently the idea of the curse was taken away with the rewrite, so I’d say it’s the latest name.
It’s the three command group Ogres. Haven’t checked on the cards, but there are 5/6 mithril pieces of armor.

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby Peelseel2 » Friday December 17th, 2021 10:01pm

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby HispaZargon » Friday December 17th, 2021 10:24pm

lucapaschi wrote:No, they have different names. The Orc Shaman is actually two twin characters. Zanrath is used as a good guy. The minis would have been the same.

WOOOooowww... I think having new characters are good news for all like me who like to see WoM and ATOH characters and stories different than American questpacks. If same WoM sorcerers characters would had been used in WQP it would be so difficult to fit it with the European questpacks lore, especially if they would die in this questpack, so it seems to be great!

lucapaschi wrote:There are artifacts. The spell count was not final, as not all of the Chaos Wizards’ spell were likely meant to be in the final release. Some have the same art, but have different text.
The monsters are correct. There seem to be mentions for extra elemental spells throughout the packs notes. I still didn’t read all the spells.

Ok, so it seems that WQP probably should have included more than 30 cards, as an exception compared with the other three American character-questpacks. Similar happened in Europe with WoM questpack which included a huge ammount of cards especially due to the new Spells for Heroes and cards for Mercenaries.

lucapaschi wrote:Most likely, yes. Curse of the Hammer was registered by Hasbro in 1992 (anyone can check that in the US trademark database), but apparently the idea of the curse was taken away with the rewrite, so I’d say it’s the latest name.

Ok, thanks. "Dwarf Quest Pack – The Hammer of Hadrakka” sounds interesting.

lucapaschi wrote:It’s the three command group Ogres. Haven’t checked on the cards, but there are 5/6 mithril pieces of armor.

Yeah, the use of ogre command guys may also be good news too, especially if we could found their stats, since ATOH ones I think are so underpowered if playing with American rules.
Mithril pieces sounds interesting... although I would like to see they called such material with a non-Tolkien-word but ok.

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby Kurgan » Friday December 17th, 2021 10:50pm

Dwarvmetal? Cheesy or not, if that's original, I hope it stays.

I would listen to Dwarf metal... especially if it was played on a mighty axe, if you get my meaning. Thanks for the updates. Nice to see these long rumored bits and pieces might finally be coming together into something playable after all.

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby Fallensaviour » Friday December 17th, 2021 11:02pm

30 long years of waiting….Thank you in advance for all that is to come.

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby Kurgan » Friday December 17th, 2021 11:16pm

So I had to dig back in the archives but found this. Some pretty cool sketches of the hero-themed quest pack characters (including the centaur!). Are any of these in the new unreleased releases? I guess we'll find out... !

Another old thread on topic here. Mysteries unfold...

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby Fallensaviour » Saturday December 18th, 2021 12:55am

Kurgan wrote:So I had to dig back in the archives but found this. Some pretty cool sketches of the hero-themed quest pack characters (including the centaur!). Are any of these in the new unreleased releases? I guess we'll find out... !

Another old thread on topic here. Mysteries unfold...

Most of if not all of the images on the second link are all gone.

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Re: HeroQuest's lost Quest Packs: Wizard and Dwarf Quest Pac

Postby Kurgan » Saturday December 18th, 2021 1:20am

Right click on the "IMAGE" placeholders. Then open up archive.org and copy and past the link there and go back to a date around the time the post was made, and they seem to appear. For example https://web.archive.org/web/20160615210047/http://www.toco.be/ahq/unreleased/TocoPresents_DonKueker_Sketch_HeroQuest.jpg

I'll fix 'em up... in order:




This one couldn't be retrieved: http://cf.geekdo-images.com/images/pic672534.jpg

This explains why so many of the links broke:
Toco wrote: Jun 15, 2018
Update your bookmark, I changed my domain name to www.tocoking.be .

Look at the thread for context. Caution, that thread also contains some fan speculation. Hopefully the new info can dispel rumors and provide accurate info on what the designers were intending all those years ago before the projects were officially canned. How would they have finished up?

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