lucapaschi wrote:No, they have different names. The Orc Shaman is actually two twin characters. Zanrath is used as a good guy. The minis would have been the same.
WOOOooowww... I think having new characters are good news for all like me who like to see WoM and ATOH characters and stories different than American questpacks. If same WoM sorcerers characters would had been used in WQP it would be so difficult to fit it with the European questpacks lore, especially if they would die in this questpack, so it seems to be great!
lucapaschi wrote:There are artifacts. The spell count was not final, as not all of the Chaos Wizards’ spell were likely meant to be in the final release. Some have the same art, but have different text.
The monsters are correct. There seem to be mentions for extra elemental spells throughout the packs notes. I still didn’t read all the spells.
Ok, so it seems that WQP probably should have included more than 30 cards, as an exception compared with the other three American character-questpacks. Similar happened in Europe with WoM questpack which included a huge ammount of cards especially due to the new Spells for Heroes and cards for Mercenaries.
lucapaschi wrote:Most likely, yes. Curse of the Hammer was registered by Hasbro in 1992 (anyone can check that in the US trademark database), but apparently the idea of the curse was taken away with the rewrite, so I’d say it’s the latest name.
Ok, thanks. "Dwarf Quest Pack – The Hammer of Hadrakka” sounds interesting.
lucapaschi wrote:It’s the three command group Ogres. Haven’t checked on the cards, but there are 5/6 mithril pieces of armor.
Yeah, the use of ogre command guys may also be good news too, especially if we could found their stats, since ATOH ones I think are so underpowered if playing with American rules.
Mithril pieces sounds interesting... although I would like to see they called such material with a non-Tolkien-word but ok.