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New Type of Mini Encounter Quest

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Re: New Type of Mini Encounter Quest

Postby elvyler » Friday July 31st, 2020 9:02am

I'm working on an instruction page for page one of my encounters booklet. Page one will explain all of the generic rules that apply to all of the encounters. The quest pages will have special rules that are specific to the encounter.
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Re: New Type of Mini Encounter Quest

Postby arntisdale » Friday July 31st, 2020 9:48pm

The unarmed rules could use a tweak. Unarmed shouldn't be the same as a dagger (or other 1 combat die weapon).
Somewhere here at the inn I stumbled across a great unarmed substitute, it was:
:barbarian: rolls 4 combat dice
:dwarf: rolls 3 combat dice
:elf: rolls 2 combat dice
:wizard: rolls 1 combat dice
unlike regular rolls, you count :blackshield: as hits, not :skull:

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Re: New Type of Mini Encounter Quest

Postby elvyler » Friday July 31st, 2020 11:02pm

arntisdale wrote:The unarmed rules could use a tweak. Unarmed shouldn't be the same as a dagger (or other 1 combat die weapon).
Somewhere here at the inn I stumbled across a great unarmed substitute, it was:
:barbarian: rolls 4 combat dice
:dwarf: rolls 3 combat dice
:elf: rolls 2 combat dice
:wizard: rolls 1 combat dice
unlike regular rolls, you count :blackshield: as hits, not :skull:

I'll have to look around the forum for those substitute rules, it sounds interesting. The rule I used was taken directly, almost word for word, from Quest 6: Legacy of the Orc Warlord in the North American base system quest book. That rule seemed like it would fit this situation.
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Re: New Type of Mini Encounter Quest

Postby DullandRusty » Saturday August 1st, 2020 1:39am

We use the white shield for unarmed successes. Black shield was so rare it was not fun. White shield is less frequent than skulls but still a fair chance of a hit.

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Re: New Type of Mini Encounter Quest

Postby Anderas » Saturday August 1st, 2020 6:37am

Having your weapon next to you when you sleep... ok. Having your armor on, no.

How about giving the heroes one weapon plus their potions and the rest is in the crate?
I also like Arntisdale's idea of having one third ( :skull: )or two thirds ( :whiteshield: ) or all of the normal number ( :blackshield: ) of spells

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Re: New Type of Mini Encounter Quest

Postby elvyler » Saturday August 1st, 2020 10:02am

You guys are bringing up some great points. These unarmed rules need a revamp. The original rule I was referencing is in the context of imprisonment. It makes sense that while camping out you would keep your primary weapon close by.

Maybe we just keep the Heroes at base stats for defence until they can collect their armour from the crate. Could have them pick one or two items to keep with them as well. As for the spell casters, maybe the Wizard can only use one spell group until the others are regained from searching the crate. The Elf is a bit trickier, he only has one spell group to begin with. I want to avoid making it complicated and make the Elf split his spells, that might be the only option though. Unless the Elf can't use any spells until they are regained.
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Re: New Type of Mini Encounter Quest

Postby arntisdale » Saturday August 1st, 2020 1:02pm

DullandRusty wrote:We use the white shield for unarmed successes. Black shield was so rare it was not fun. White shield is less frequent than skulls but still a fair chance of a hit.

I could see this working if everyone only rolled 1 combat die.

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Re: New Type of Mini Encounter Quest

Postby The Admiral » Friday August 7th, 2020 6:58am

Interlude 1 from Nicodemus' "Destruction of the Tomes' has a camp fire battle similar to the concept in this thread.

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Re: New Type of Mini Encounter Quest

Postby Orc26 » Saturday October 17th, 2020 10:39am

We did a full quest where we started in the center room and monsters spawned in other rooms and assaulted us. It was really tense because we couldn't use our body armor (shields and helmets were allowed). Each caster rolled a combat die for each spell and black shields ment it was already spent. (Both of our heal spells were gone during setup...) And finally no traps/secret doors/searching for treasures.

It was tense and we were using our healing potions towards the end of it...

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Re: New Type of Mini Encounter Quest

Postby Stig » Saturday October 17th, 2020 11:06am

A great idea, love the camp!

Nicodemus did something similar in his End-of-Heroquest Epic, where he had mini quests interspersed between larger quests. They were brilliant at adding to the story:


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