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The Tyrant's Tomb - a solo quest pack

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Re: The Tyrant's Tomb - a solo quest pack

Postby Anderas » Friday July 17th, 2020 1:58pm

lestodante wrote:So here we have the rear side of the new Elf Spells!
Artwork by Luis Octavio and edited by me.
Do you think the colors of the 3 cards match correctly? Or do you see any of them that still need some fixing?
I am struggling with the red of the outfit, seems the Illusion image is slighty darker than the other two while Nature image maybe need more contrast or darker lines.


Those are really great! This is Louis Octavio, too? That might be worth the wait.

That said, I somehow don't like the face of the third one, but I can't put my finger on the detail which I don't like. Sorry, I guess that was unhelpful.

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Re: The Tyrant's Tomb - a solo quest pack

Postby lestodante » Friday July 17th, 2020 5:16pm

We can edit the faces, I also noticed in Illusion and Time he looks sad

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Playtest Quest 11: In the Night Season Part 2

Postby wallydubbs » Saturday July 25th, 2020 3:49pm

:barbarian: was the first through the iron door, rolling :roll1: :roll1: and searched for traps.
:dwarf: rolled :roll4: :roll6: and wanted to make the most of his movement and ran down the hall towards the basement.
:elf: made it up the stairs with no problem and hesitated before opening the door, only having 1 movement left, wanting back-up.
:wizard: rolled :roll4: :roll3: so he went towards the room with the mirror but waited outside the door, now wishing he still had Swift Wind.

:barbarian: made it up the stairs without an issue and ran in to attack the :skeleton:s. Despite having 4 attack dice he only rolled 1 :skull:, which the :skeleton: blocked.
:elf: attempted to help, but his attack too was blocked.
:dwarf: made it around the corner and searched for secret doors, spotting the hidden door to the basement.
:wizard: opened the door to the study and searched for traps, finding none.
The 3 :skeleton:s attacked the :elf: and :barbarian:, :elf: lost 1BP, :barbarian: lost 2.

:barbarian: and :elf: had better luck on their next turn, each re-killing 1 :skeleton:.
:dwarf: didn't wish to get too separated from the group, rolling :roll6: :roll4:, he headed back to rejoin the others.
Searching for treasure, :wizard: found the diary of Dugald of Knocklor.
The last :skeleton:s attack was blocked by :barbarian:.

:barbarian: flopped on his attack, but the :elf: managed to finish the last :skeleton:.
:dwarf: only rolled :roll2: :roll1: so he didn't move far.
:wizard: took the journal over to the Mirror to read the backwards writing and was confronted by the demon and teleported to Room D.

:barbarian: and :elf: searched the room for traps and secret doors.
:dwarf: ran up the first set or stairs, but the floor gave way on the 2nd and he lost 1BP.
:wizard: searched for traps among his new surroundings.

:barbarian: ran over to Room E, assessing for traps while the :elf: searched for treasure, finding 25 gold. :dwarf: followed :barbarian: in, but couldn't find any secret doors.
:wizard: could find no secret doors in room D either.

:barbarian: searched for treasure but decided not to take the picture of Grim Dugald, finding it might be cursed. He and the :dwarf: made it down the stairs without issue, but the :elf: took 1 point of damage, bringing him down to 1BP.
Meanwhile the :wizard: found Wraithweaver.

:dwarf: and :barbarian: go down into the study. :barbarian: finds the the journal on the floor and demands that the demon in the mirror release his friend. :barbarian: too gets teleported to Room D. The :dwarf: witnessed the demon say, "You are not my master either!"
The :wizard: was about to cast Pass Through Rock on himself when the :barbarian: appeared. After discussing it with the :barbarian: he decided to go ahead. Only rolling :roll4: :roll2: he searched all adjacent rooms, finding nothing but stone.
:elf: makes it to the study where the :dwarf: explains what happened. Only then do they recall the portrait of Grim Dugald. Realizing the :elf: is low on BP, he gives the :elf: his Potion of Warmth.

The :dwarf: runs to grab the portrait as the :barbarian:, :wizard: and :elf: all wait. He makes it up the stairs with no issue, grabs the portrait. It takes him 3 additional turns to make it back to the study with said portrait.
The demon returns :barbarian: and :wizard: and offers to restore all BP or replenish all used spells. Although combined the :elf: and :wizard: only had 7 spells left, the heroes desperately needed BPs.

It took the heroes 5 or 6 turns to make it over to the basement. :barbarian: was the first in, searching for traps. :dwarf: followed, finding no secret doors, :elf: lagged behind and :wizard: searched for treasure, drawing a Hazard from the Treasure deck.

:barbarian: killed the first :skeleton: in the wine celler, but both :dwarf: and :elf: flopped in their attempts to kill the other one.
Although the :skeleton: attacked the :elf: with :skull: :skull:, the :elf: managed to roll 2 :whiteshield:s.

:barbarian: obliterated the :skeleton: on his next turn with :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:.
Upon searching for treasure the :dwarf: was the only one to drink wine and get drunk.

All heroes cross the lake in the boat. You weren't specific weather the heroes could defend against the bats, but I allowed it anyway:
:barbarian: was attacked with 1 :skull:, but defended well against it. The drunk :dwarf: took 2 damage. :elf: managed a successful defense. :wizard: was attacked wit :skull: :whiteshield: :skull:, but managed 1
:whiteshield: in his defense, dropping to 2BPs.

:barbarian: was the first out of the pier and through the door, throwing his hammer down the hall, killing the :skeleton:.
:dwarf: followed, finding no traps in the hall and found that door I was locked.
:elf: switched out to his bow as he opened the door to Room J.
:wizard: followed him in and searched for traps, finding none.

:barbarian: walked in and searched for Treasure, finding the brass key and the vat of blood. Both K doors opened (I assume the Undead Brides don't attack until Morcar's turn?
Upon given the option to purify the blood, the :dwarf: was the only one who had Holy Water and thus so did.
The :elf: had a diagonal view of the 3x5 room and 1 undead bride there within. He fired an arrow: :skull: :skull: :whiteshield:. No :blackshield:s were rolled in defence and it crumbled to the ground.
:wizard: cast Sleep against them only to find it doesn't work.
The undead brides swarmed the room. 1 attacked :barbarian: with :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:; he defended with :skull: :skull: :blackshield: :blackshield:, taking 4BPs of damage, reducing half his health.
Another attacked the :dwarf: with :skull: :blackshield: :whiteshield: :skull:, he failed to roll any :whiteshield:s in defence and dropped to 3BP.

:barbarian: attacked an undead bride with :skull: :skull: :blackshield: :whiteshield:; it defended with :skull: :blackshield: :whiteshield: :whiteshield:, dropping to 1BP.
The drunken :dwarf: with the cursed sword attacked an undead bride with :skull:. It did not roll any :blackshield:s and took 1 damage.
:dwarf: moved away, allowing the :elf: to get a clear shot with his bow: :skull: :skull: :skull:; and it was defended with :whiteshield: :whiteshield: :blackshield: :skull:, killing the undead bride.
:wizard:, not expecting a formidable roll decides to sid the :barbarian: and attack the undead bride that had already lost 1BP. Surprisingly he rolled :skull: :skull: :skull:, and only 1 :blackshield: was rolled in defense.
The last undead bride attacked the :elf: with :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:. He did not roll any :whiteshield:s and was dropped to 2BP.

:barbarian: threw his hammer at the last undead bride, knocking it for 1BP of damage.
:dwarf: couldn't get passed the :elf: to fight it, so he headed to the 3x5 room.
:elf: danced away from the undead Bride and shot it down with his arrow.
The :wizard: accompanied the :dwarf: but rolled short on his movement.

:barbarian: and :elf: searched the 4x5 room while :dwarf: and :wizard: did the same for the 3x5 room. :dwarf: discovered a Potion of Strength, :barbarian: found 20 gold.

:barbarian: rolled :roll6: :roll6:, running to open Door I and find Perdita. The others casually made their way to western hall.

In this hallway, :barbarian: took out 1 :skeleton: by throwing his hammer, the :elf: shot the other one with his bow, allowing the :elf: to search for traps. :dwarf: was lagging in the previous hall with Perdita.

:barbarian: made it to Grim Dugald and ran to make an attack: :whiteshield: :blackshield: :whiteshield: :whiteshield:... feeling very awkward...
:dwarf: made it into the room but didn't have the spaces to reach Dugald.
:elf: entered next, aiming with his bow, but then decided to cast Slow on Grim Dugald instead.
:wizard: used his Wand of Recall to cast Water of Healing on :barbarian: and Tempest against Grim Dughald.

:barbarian: smashed with his hammer, rolling :blackshield: :skull: :skull: :skull:, which Dughald defended with :whiteshield: :skull: :skull: :whiteshield:, losing 1 dice because he's slow, and dropping to 2BP.
:dwarf: drank his Potion of Strength and attacked with :skull: :skull: :whiteshield:. Again Grim Dugald rolled no :blackshield:s and was taken to 0BP. As he showed signs of regenerating, :elf: fired a shot with his arrow, which did nothing.
:wizard: attempted to stab him with Wraithweaver, but rolled :whiteshield: :blackshield: :whiteshield:.
Grim Dugald stands and attacks the :barbarian:, only rolling 1 :skull:, which :barbarian: defended.

:barbarian: attacked with :skull: :skull: :blackshield: :blackshield:, but Grim Dughald managed 2 :blackshield:s in defense.
:dwarf: attacked with 1 dice, actually rolling a :skull:, which Dughald failed to block.
:elf: dropped him down to 3BP with another arrow.
:wizard: cast Genie against Dughald: rolling :whiteshield: :whiteshield: :skull: :whiteshield: :blackshield:. Dughald rolled mostly :skull:s when defending, dropping him to 2 BP.
All heroes had made certain. To stay at least 2 spaces away from Grim Dughald, as Slow prevented him from attacking.

:barbarian:'s attack brought him down to 1BP.
:dwarf: charged for an attack in his stupor, once again prevailing with a :skull:, but Dughald managed a :blackshield: in defense.
:elf: dropped Dughald back to 0BP with an arrow.
:wizard: once again flopped on his attempt to stab Dughald through the hear.
"Not this time!" The :elf: says, casting Flashback, allowing the :wizard: to reroll his attack, scoring :skull: :whiteshield: :skull: to kill Grim Dughald.

:barbarian: drew Poison from the treasure deck and lost 1BP.
Released that it was over the heroes didn't bother searching for traps or secret doors in that room, completely missing room O.
The :dwarf: found the secret door in the adjacent room.
:elf: found a Potion of Defense from the Treasure deck. :wizard: led Perdita out.

The :elf:'s spell Slow was incredibly effective against Dughald, he didn't appear to be much of a threat as the Undead Brides did more damage then he did. However the heroes knew a boss was coming up so they held onto their spells through most of the quest.

These last 2 quests only had undead enemies in it so Skeep didn't really have any use. Dughald has mind points, would Sleep have worked on him?

Now that I'm thinking about it, although it wouldn't be heroic at all, I was wondering if in the previous quest, si ce the heroes had no gold at all (the died in the prior attempt), could the :wizard: have cast Sleep on Pedler and the heroes steal all the goods he was selling? Probably not, no. But I'd like to find some use for sleep in these quests.

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Re: The Tyrant's Tomb - a solo quest pack

Postby Pancho » Sunday July 26th, 2020 2:53am

Awesome, sounds like it was an exciting quest.
The Elf really saved the day with his Slow and Flashback spells.

There aren’t many monsters in this double quest, and nearly all of them are undead. I suppose we could change the rules for the bats, if you wanted a living enemy that you could use Sleep against.

Edit; the Heroes missed out on the treasure haul in this quest :shock: . This could have repercussions in the final epilogue quest. Do you have any idea which Hero you would select for it? Here’s a heads up that I edited quest 10 to say that the Cursed Sword loses its negative powers when Samhain night ends (at the end of quest 11), and it becomes an ordinary short sword.

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Re: The Tyrant's Tomb - a solo quest pack

Postby wallydubbs » Sunday July 26th, 2020 5:25pm

I don't think I'll be using the Wizard, he's limited with bodybpoints and attack dice. Plus some of his spells are greatly reduced in a solo quest.
The Dwarf doesn't have a whole lot going for him right now, even without the cursed sword all his other inventory is low. Perhaps the trap disarm would be something helpful, but he doesn't have the attack strength of the Barbarian and no spells.

So it's pretty much between the Elf and Barbarian. Barbarian has the better Armor and weapon, but I'm thinking mind points are going to be necessary if the next quest is anything like the book.
Elf is low at attack but that additional spell from Woa abd his bow should be quite helpful.

So I'm not sure yet. Maybe I'll try it with all of them and report back on who has the best chance.

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Playtest Quest 12 The Tyrant's Tomb

Postby wallydubbs » Thursday July 30th, 2020 11:18am

I went in this one with the Barbarian and he probably would've been more successful if he had Healing potions.

Upon stepping out into the hall he searched for traps, finding the one in front of the 3x3 room. He found no secret doors either. On his next turn he rolled :roll4: :roll1: for movement so went to check on the middle hall, seeing the two :goblin:s. Throwing his mighty hammer, he killed the first one. The 2nd ran to attack him, rolling :skull: :skull:, :barbarian: only blocked 1.
:barbarian: finished the :goblin: off on his next attack and pushed forward, carefully and discovered the spear trap awaiting him.
:barbarian: successfully jumped the spear trap and continued up to the middle hall, seeing another :goblin: ahead. Throwing his hammer to kill the :goblin:, allowing him to search for traps and secret doors, finding none.

Next he came to the room with 3 :goblin:s, taking 1 out by staying in the doorway and throwing his hammer.
The next :goblin: ran up to the door, rolling :skull: :skull: on his attack. Again :barbarian: only blocked 1, dropping to 6BP.
He defeated that :goblin: on his next attack and fended off the other one, killing it before taking further damage. He searched the room for traps, finding none, treasure and drew 50 gold from the treasure deck. And then found the secret door into room B. Here he would face the Troll. Standing in the doorway :barbarian: cast his Genie in a bottle for 5 attack dice rolling: :blackshield: :skull: :whiteshield: :blackshield: :blackshield:
The troll had no trouble defending this.

The troll's attack was :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:, and :barbarian: only rolled 1 :whiteshield: in defense, taking him down to 3BP.
:barbarian:'s next attack only resulted 1 hit on the Troll. Trying his luck to outrun the Troll he managed :roll5: :roll4: and as able to safely move away from the Troll without being attacked. The troll gave chase through the room and into the hall but fell short on catching him.
:barbarian:'s next attack landed 2 hits, which took the troll out.

So he went back to the room, opened the chest and got the key.
From there he worked his way go the eastern end of the board. He fought the two :orc:s in the first room and suffered another BP of damage, dropping to 2BP. A treasure search in that room revealed a Potion of Strength. In the next room he managed to take out the other 2 :orc:s without losing any BPs. A treasure search brought forth a Wandering monster, who flopped on its attack and :barbarian: slayed the :goblin:.

Heading back down to the entrance hall he was completely aware of the trap in front of that one room. He successfully jumped the trap into the room with the Rime Wolf. However he flopped on his attack.
The Rime Wolf managed two :skull:s, but :barbarian: blocked both.
:barbarian:'s next attack also failed to land a hit, but he chanced a roll to see if he could outrun the beast: :roll5: :roll5:! He shot for the door, attempted to jump the spear trap but rolled :skull:, however the following roll was a :blackshield: so he took no damage and kept running out of the wolf's reach. His next attack against the charging wolf was victorious with 3 :skull: landing a hit.

:barbarian: went back to the room hoping to find a Potion of Healing, but the treasure deck only relented 20 gold.
:barbarian: made it over to the western passage and easily defeated the :goblin: that awaited him there.
It was at this point I realized instead of moving towards the door, opening it and attacking, the :barbarian: could just end his turn at the door, open it at the start of his next turn, attack, then run. In so doing he managed to avoid being attacked by the 2 :orc:. They were 3 spaces away from the door, so the :roll3: :roll3: he rolled for movement afterwards was enough to avoid any further damage.
Unfortunately after using this kyte technique to kill them, there was actually a Hazard in the room from the Treasure deck, dropping :barbarian: to 1BP.

From there he moved to door A and prepared for the same technique. But no monsters were in that room, so he cautiously entered and searched for traps, finding the 2pit traps. No secret door was found and searching for treasure revealed a Potion of Speed.

He ended his turn by the door, preparing to face what lies beyond. Inside was Gushlag. Concerned with his low BPs he felt his best option was a quick kill. He ran in the room adjacent to the Orc Witch and drank his Potion of Strength, striking with: :whiteshield: :blackshield: :whiteshield: :whiteshield: :blackshield:! Well that was awkward...
She cast Firestorm and he burned to death, rolling :roll3: :roll2:

As much chip damage as the orcs and goblins did in this quest, I fault the loss at the poor rolls against the big villains. The Genie nearly flopped against the Troll and the Potion of Strength completely failed him when he tried to take out Gushlag. I believe these to be the reasons he failed.

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Re: The Tyrant's Tomb - a solo quest pack

Postby Pancho » Friday July 31st, 2020 12:55am

|_P for the report.
I’m just trying to remember what items the Barbarian has going into this. The three Thor artefacts and a shield? Did he have anything else?

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Re: The Tyrant's Tomb - a solo quest pack

Postby wallydubbs » Friday July 31st, 2020 5:42am

Yeah, that's about it... apparently he had a Potion of Warmth too that I forgot about. I guess he could've used that to heal himself. But that's only for 1BP. Not sure he would've got past all those traps at the end there.

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Re: The Tyrant's Tomb - a solo quest pack

Postby Pancho » Friday July 31st, 2020 1:06pm

wallydubbs wrote:Yeah, that's about it... apparently he had a Potion of Warmth too that I forgot about. I guess he could've used that to heal himself. But that's only for 1BP. Not sure he would've got past all those traps at the end there.

There is a potion of healing in the Orc Witch’s treasure chest, but it takes some doing to even get that far.
I’m not sure how much gold your Heroes have at this point, but the Hero can buy anything from the equipment deck and alchemists shop prior to this quest only, as well as a free trip to the “market”. I don’t know if that could help your guys at this point.

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Re: The Tyrant's Tomb - a solo quest pack

Postby wallydubbs » Friday July 31st, 2020 8:33pm

Pancho wrote:There is a potion of healing in the Orc Witch’s treasure chest, but it takes some doing to even get that far.
I’m not sure how much gold your Heroes have at this point, but the Hero can buy anything from the equipment deck and alchemists shop prior to this quest only, as well as a free trip to the “market”. I don’t know if that could help your guys at this point.

That was the problem, after their Total Party Kill in the initial In The Night Season playtest, I erased all the heroes gold, but then let them play it again with most of their equipment.
Yeah, that 1000 gold that I missed in the previous quest would've been highly useful.

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