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The Tyrant's Tomb - a solo quest pack

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Re: The Tyrant's Tomb - a solo quest pack

Postby Pancho » Monday April 27th, 2020 8:39am

Epilogue - The Tyrant's Tomb
The Heroes' Tale ends...
"The fellowship of four has parted company, leaving you free to pursue your own inclinations. Despite your many adventures and victories, there is something that still gnaws away at you; you never did get to lay your eyes on the great riches that lie in the tomb of Chungor Chan. The hideous Orc Witch, Ghashlug, stole the treasure map, along with any chance you had to locate the tomb. Almost as bad, the Witch managed to escape from the battle beneath Mt Anger. The way forward then dawned on you; to kill two birds with one stone by hunting down the Witch to exact justice and, if she still has the map, use it to find your fortune.
It took you many months to find where Ghashlug has been hiding since her defeat, a squalid cave deep in Troll Country. After the wounds she sustained, you can only hope that she will be less hot to handle than in previous encounters.
The hoard of Chungor Chan would be the ultimate prize for a treasure hunter such as yourself. Chungor Chan was said to be the most direful despot ever to inflict his rule on the lands of men. His Empire stretched further than any before or since. As his power and cruelty grew, so did his wealth. When he finally met his demise, his servants carried his body to the far northern edge of the world, and buried it in a secret tomb set inside a pyramid of ice, along with treasures greater than all the lost hoards that lie in the ocean depths. Your palms start to sweat just thinking about all that loot!"

Notes - This Quest is for any ONE Hero that the Hero player chooses to use. It makes sense for it to be the Dwarf, but it doesn't have to be as the other Heroes know all about the treasure after spending time with him. The Hero may use any items and artefacts he has found so far, and before this Quest begins he may spend any gold he has accumulated on equipment from the standard equipment card deck. He may also buy any of the following items from the market place for his grave-robbing attempt; Rope 25 gold, Lantern 30 gold, Shovel 50 gold, Mongoose Statue 50 gold, Wooden Stake 15 gold, Holy Water 50 gold, Silver Dagger 200 gold, Healing Potion 150 gold (will restore 4BP).

A - This door bears Ghashlug's personal symbol (four serpents intertwining to form an eight-pointed star). However, the door is locked and can only be opened with a Bone key (even a Genie spell won't open it).

B - A Troll stands on the X. It has these stats - Move 8, Attack 4, Defend 4, Body 3, Mind 2, and is immune to all spells. The chest contains a Bone key that will open door A.

C- Ghashlug the Orc Witch stands in front of the fireplace. Some of the fire has left her since her defeat in Kyrax's tomb, and of course she has lost a hand, but she still looks dangerous and cackles at the Hero as he enters. Her voice sounds like something slithering in the recesses of a cavern, and her breath leaves a festering miasma in the air in front of a face covered in tiny toadstools and warts. Stats - Move 7, Attack 2, Defend 4, Body 3, Mind 5. She has the Chaos spell Firestorm, and the WOM spell Strands of Binding.

D - The treasure chest contains a Potion of Healing (4BP) and a Genie spell scroll, but is armed with a spear trap. There is also a spear trap on the cupboard, which will also inflict 1BP of damage if it is not disarmed. Inside the cupboard the Hero will find a threadbare Journey Bag, much like the one the Heroes used to escape from My Anger. Inside the bag is the treasure map! The Hero may travel to the location of the tomb marked on the map, simply by climbing into the Journey Bag. The Hero is immediately moved to the teleportation symbol in room E.

E - Use the Snow Cavern tile here. The Hero finds himself in a snowy wilderness beneath a glacier. The tracks in the snow were probably made by Ghashlug as she travelled to and fro using her Journey bag. Unfortunately the Bag gave out after the Hero's journey and now lies in useless pieces in the snow. He is obviously in the far north but there is no sign at all of the ice pyramid. Could it be that he is now stranded here?

F - Use an Iron door here, to show the entrance to the Pyramid tomb. The pyramid itself has been covered up by the glacier, which is why the Hero couldn't see it until now. The tunnel beyond the door is packed deep with ice and will need to be cleared using a pickaxe or shovel, or by sacrificing any one fire spell. If the Hero does not have any of these options open to him, he will need to use a weapon to hack at the ice; he will lose 1 Body Point from the effort and the weapon will break upon clearing the last square of ice.

G - This is an altar to the Snake goddess. Large stone tablets set in the altar depict vanquished lords being disembowelled on her altar or images of blood-drenched conquest, with Chungor Chan in his chariot at the head of a vast army. Tell the Hero that the tablets can be removed, but they are too heavy to bring back to civilisation and are therefore worthless.

H - Use a stone doorway here. Tell the Hero that it is carved in the likeness of Chungor Chan and two large metal dishes hang from chains connected to the door. The door is extremely heavy and can't be opened by normal means. If the Hero places the stone tablets from room G on to the metal dishes, the stone door will lift up high enough for the Hero to duck under. A Genie could be used, but the door will then fall back into place behind the Hero as he moves through it. Pass Through Rock will also allow passage, but the way back will also be blocked. The only other way to get past the door is to smash through it using brute force, using a Hammer, a Pickaxe or a Toolkit. If either of these three items are used, the Hero will lose 1 Body Point from exhaustion and the item will be destroyed, but the door will be permanently opened.

I - The Hero has now reached the inner temple of the pyramid, which is unnaturally dark. The Dwarf will have no problem here, but for any other Hero this corridor cannot be searched for traps or secret doors unless a lantern is used. A fire spell will also light up the darkness. If neither of these methods are available, the Hero will automatically fall into any pit of darkness tile that he moves into.

J - There is more light in the rooms either side of the door marked J, as the glacier has partially broken through the roof. The ingress of the ice over the centuries has warped the archway above the door, leaving this section of the pyramid likely to collapse. If the Hero searches for traps in this room, tell him that the doorway is weak but by passing through carefully he will avoid danger, but any pressure at all on the archway will lead to collapse.The falling block traps either side of the door will only be triggered, on Morcars' next turn, if the Hero walks through this weakened door without first searching the room for traps.

K - Use the Frozen Horror chamber tile here. The tomb of Chungor Chan, the tyrant of a bygone age, has gold and gems piled up high around it. A black snake lies coiled up inside the ribcage of the skeleton lying atop the tomb. The snake is filled with the soul of the dead Tyrant and is waiting to be reborn in the body of a man (or Elf, or Dwarf!). The snake opens its eyes as the Hero enters and begins to speak. "The Snake goddess promised I would be reborn in a thousand years, as this serpent grew in my mouldering body. When the seal of the tomb was broken, she said I would eat the intruders soul, then go forth once more to impose my will on the world of men. Now rivers of blood will flow to fill the altar-cups of my goddess. I will make each day a monument of hatred. The wars of your era will seem as the tantrum's of children beside the carnage I shall wreak..."
The black snake is nearly immortal and cannot be harmed by weapons or spells (all attacks bounce off its magical scales). Allow the Hero to waste an attack before hinting at this. However, if the Hero has a Mongoose statue in his possession and he thinks to use it, it will summon a mongoose familiar that can fight the snake (see below). The snake itself cannot attack but will instead cast two spells. On Morcar's first turn it will summon a Draugr (see note J of Quest 6 for its stats and abilities). If the Hero defeats the Draugr, the snake will then cast a spell to pull the Hero into the Chaos void; the Hero must roll the same as or less than his mind score on one red die or will be dragged into the void and instantly destroyed.
If the Hero survives these spells, he must then attempt to deal with the snake again. If he uses the Mongoose Statue, the familiar will kill the snake and the evil soul inside it, allowing the Hero to loot the room at his leisure. He can take 5,000 gold coins, and if he manages to get back to the snow tile (room E), he can journey south on foot (the Quest pack is complete).
If the Hero doesn't think to use the statue, or doesn't possess one, he will be at an impasse as he cannot harm the serpent and it has in turn used up all its spells. Tell the Hero that he can snatch up no more than 1,000 gold coins and make a run for it (with the snake slowly slithering behind him at 4 squares per turn). If the Hero can get back to room E the Quest is considered complete. If the Hero thinks to collapse the archway above door J (a free action as he passes through the doorway), all the falling block traps will fall on Morcar's next turn. If the black serpent is on the far side of the door, it will be trapped inside it's pyramid tomb forever. If the snake is not trapped here, the Hero may escape with his gold but tell him that he has doomed the world to an age of war and conquest now that Chungor Chan has been set free.

Wandering monster - in the cave in Troll Country; Goblin. In the Tomb of Chungor Chan; Spear Trap
Last edited by Pancho on Tuesday September 8th, 2020 4:09am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The Tyrant's Tomb - a solo quest pack

Postby Weltenlaeufer » Monday April 27th, 2020 12:54pm

Wow! What an incredible amount of work Pancho and all involved. I gotta take some time to read through everything, it looks epic already! Inspiring!

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Playtest Quest 6: The Acolytes of Kyrax

Postby wallydubbs » Friday May 1st, 2020 10:16pm

Carrying on from the Dwarf's previous quest, he has Warm Furs, a Lantern, a Wooden Stake, Hand & Pick Axe, a sheild, a Potion of defense, Holy Water and 55 gold.

Upon starting the quest the :dwarf: did indeed search for traps and managed to clear out the 3 :goblin: archers in 3 turns while only losing 1BP.
A search for treasure revealed a gem tucked into an old boot.
Onto the first room, after conducting 3 searches he did draw 25 gold from the treasure deck.
The :goblin: just outside the door didn't stand a chance. The :dwarf: proceeds into the room across the hall to battle the 2 :goblin:. His first attack flopped, allowing the :goblin:s to get 2 attacks in:
:skull: :whiteshield: and :skull: :whiteshield:
Thanks to the shield the :dwarf: blocked both. He would spend his next 2 turns killing the :goblin:s. He would also find 30 gold from the treasure deck and lose a turn, which doesn't matter at this point.
The :dwarf: rolled :roll5: :roll5:, leaving the room, spotting Grivois and charging down the hall. They fell out of his sight and he kept going without searching for traps. He stepped on the spear trap, but rolled :whiteshield: to avoid taking damage. From there he would continue on, this time being more cautious. But by the time he got around the corner Grinch and Grivois were gone.
The :dwarf: spent 3 turns trying to open the stone doorway but could not roll :skull: :skull:, so he went into the room:
He entered the room and searched for traps, spotting all 4 spear traps. He attempted to disarm one and rolled :blackshield:, triggering it, followed by a :skull:, taking 1 damage, down to 5BP.
When searching for treasure he drew Poison and rolled another :skull:, losing 1MP.
Pushing forward into the next room he rolled :whiteshield: :whiteshield: on his first attack, allowing the 2 :goblin:s to take the initiative. Although one flopped on its attack the other did get a hit in, :dwarf: drops to 4BP. But he would be successful at landing a hit on each of his next 2 turns. Thankfully he found the Potion of Healing and Potion of Strength on the table in that room.
Into the small room with the :goblin:, :dwarf: attacks for :skull: :whiteshield:, which the :goblin: fails to block. Not finding any traps or secret doors the :dwarf: draws a Hazard from the treasure deck, falling into a pit and losing 1BP, down to 3 Body and 2 Mind points.
In the next small room the :dwarf: draws yet another Hazard, falling into another pit trap! Down to 2BP.

:dwarf: enters the next room, this time confronted by 2 :orc:s. Although he attacked the first for :skull: :whiteshield:, it defended with :skull: :blackshield: and the :orc:s took turns.
The first rolled :skull: :whiteshield: :blackshield:, which the :dwarf: was able to block, but 2nd one rolled :skull: :skull: :whiteshield:, prompting the :dwarf: to drink his Potion of Defense and rolling :skull: :skull: :whiteshield: :skull: :blackshield:, taking him down to 1BP.
The :dwarf:'s next attack was :skull: :skull:, but the :goblin: only managed 1 :blackshield:.
The other :orc: attacked with :skull: :skull: :skull:, which the :dwarf: mimicked in defense, dropping to 0BP, but luckily he had to Potion of Healing, bringing him back up to 6. 2 turns later he managed to kill the other :orc:, but was attacked by a :goblin: while searching for treasure (Wandering monster), which landed 1 hit on the :dwarf:, bringing him down to 5BP. The :dwarf: killed the :goblin: on his next turn.

The :dwarf: continues on and meets Caenwulf... I wasn't sure who gets first attack in this situation, but since the :dwarf: only has to get 1 hit in I gave it to the wolf, which rolled: :skull: :whiteshield: :blackshield: :skull: :whiteshield: :skull:
:dwarf: defends with :skull: :whiteshield: :whiteshield:, only taking 1 damage.
Here the :dwarf: used his Potion of Strength, rolling :skull: :skull: :whiteshield: :whiteshield:
The wolf defended with :whiteshield: :skull: :skull:, promoting to Caenwulf to transform back into his human self and invite the :dwarf: in.

In regards to Room F, the deal seems a little hokey... he's not allowed to know what deal he's about to make. I would suggest telling the Dwarf the deal is for 1 year of his life, but not knowing the ramifications of it until after.
Just for the sake of playtesting, I had the :dwarf: agree to the deal.

The :dwarf: went on his way and searched for traps, spotting the pit trap, which he was successful in disarming. He moved back to check the middle hall, not seeing any traps, but upon searching for secret doors, he decided to go with 4x4 room. Rolling :roll1: :roll5: (-1), he had just enough movement to get in the room and attack the first :goblin:. Skullcleaver came in handy, as he flopped on his first attack, but was allowed to pick up the slack with reroll. The other :goblin: retaliated with :skull: :blackshield:, but :dwarf: managed to block and finish off this :goblin: on his next attack.

Alas, another Wandering monster was drawn from the treasure deck, dealing another point of damage, taking him down to 3BP. He was able to kill the :goblin: on his next turn.
As the :dwarf: entered the next 4x4 room, Skullcleaver proved it's worth again, as he failed to roll any :skull:s on his first attack, but got :skull: :skull:, thanks to the perk!
Unfortunately a 3rd Wandering monster was drew from the treasure deck, but it failed to do any damage.

Due to the :dwarf:'s age progression, he failed to reach the :orc: in the 3x5 room, giving the :orc: first attack. But with age comes experience, as the :dwarf: blocked the attack and killed the :orc: on his turn. With no traps or secret doors the :dwarf: drew a Potion of Healing from the treasure deck.
Rolling :roll5: :roll6: (-1) the :dwarf: was able to leave the room and attack the :orc: in the hall for :skull: :skull:, getting the kill.
The :goblin: managed a :skull: :skull: of his own, but the :dwarf: managed :skull: :whiteshield: :whiteshield: and blocked it. :dwarf: flopped is attack, but Skullcleaver proving to be an awesome weapon made up for it and he was able to smite the :goblin:.
In the next 3x5 there were no traps, but he did spot the secret door and search for treasure, where he found a Potion of Magic Resistance.
He moved through the secret door into the ice chasm room. He most certainly wasn't going to try and jump it, but in searching for treasure he found 20 gold coins.
:dwarf: goes back into the 3x5 room and follows the tracks out the door, where he meets the Draugr...
Will Holy Water effect the Draugr in any way?
The :dwarf: landed 1 hit on his initial attack against the Draugr.
It attacked him with :whiteshield: :skull: :skull: :whiteshield: :whiteshield:
:dwarf: blocked 1 :skull:, but took 1 damage. Down to 2BP.
:dwarf:'s next attack was :skull: :skull:
The Draugr defended with :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:, dropping to 1BP. The :dwarf: also took the opportunity to run away, but only rolled :roll2: :roll1: (-1).
The Draugr caught up to him and attacked for :blackshield: :blackshield: :skull: :skull: :skull:
:dwarf: defends with :skull: :whiteshield: :skull:, so he drops to 0BP and drinks his Potion of Healing rolling :roll6:!
Continuing the attack the :dwarf: rolls :skull: :blackshield:.
Draugr defends with :skull: :skull: :whiteshield: :whiteshield: and is defeated.
The :dwarf: checks the last hall for secret doors, finding the tomb. So surprised he forgot to search for traps, luckily there was none. He found the Tomb and the Heroic Brew and Potion of Healing within.

Heading out he slid down the ice slide and entered the ice cave. The battle that ensued was poorly rolled. Despite having 4 attack dice the Rine Wolves were lucky to get more then 1 :skull:. The :dwarf: finished them off in 3 turns, albeit he used a Heroic Brew along the way and then the :orc:s stormed him, making 4 attacks on him per Zargon turn, on their first 7 attacks those that didn't flop completely only rolled 1 :skull:. The :dwarf:, despite having 3 defense dice and not taking any damage from the Rine Wolves only blocked half attacks. On all of his attacks he only managed 1 :skull: each time as well, but the :orc:'s were better at rolling :blackshield:'s then the freakin' Draugr!
The :dwarf: failed to kill any :orc:s as their 4 attacks to his 1 did much more chipping damage. Until finally, on the 8th attack, 1 :orc: managed :skull: :skull: :skull:.
Even though the :dwarf: blocked one, the other 2 only brought him down to 1BP. I think on the next attack a 1 :skull: attack did him in, having the binding spell cast on him.
Even though the :dwarf: had a Potion of Magic Resistance and a Potion of Healing still on him, I decided to call it quits there and save these potions for a quest he can actually win.

But yeah it was a fine quest, I'm sure you didn't have Magic Resistance potions in mind when you wrote the ending of this quest.

But yeah, only 2 questions came up when playing this quest:
1.) Who attacks first, the Dwarf or Caenwulf?
2.) Does Holy Water have any effect on the Draugr?

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Re: The Tyrant's Tomb - a solo quest pack

Postby Pancho » Sunday May 3rd, 2020 2:10am

Cheers for the report |_P .
- Caenwulf should get the first attack. I’ll add a note for this.
- The Draugr is an undead creature and is affected by Holy Water, dealing 2BP of damage. Another Draugr appears much later in this pack, so the danger isn’t over on that front.

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Playtest Quest 7 A Growl of Thunder

Postby wallydubbs » Sunday May 10th, 2020 6:01pm

So the :barbarian: came into this quest with several potions, 1 of each: Healing (+4), Defence, Stength, Speed, Holy Water, Warmth; he also had 60 gold, a Sprig of Garlic, Warm Furs and a Genie in a Bottle. He started off equipped with a Broadsword and Sheild
Here's how the quest played out:

Upon opening the door it was a bit of a conundrum, it would be easier to kill the :orc: and only get 1 attack, or risk going after the Rime Wolf, failing to kill it would give Zargon 2 attacks. So he chose the :orc:, which he killed on first attack.
The Rime Wolf, although having 4 attack dice, rolled :skull: :whiteshield: :whiteshield: :whiteshield:, which the :barbarian: was able to block.
On his next attack :barbarian: rolled 2 :skull:'s, which killed the Rime Wolf.

He found no traps but did discover a secret door, inside there were no traps. He found the other secret door and a search for treasure revealed Jewels worth 50 gold.
When approaching the door he heard monsters within and then decided to for the secret door first. That's where he found the chest and the Thunder God's belt inside. With that extra defense dice he was ready for whomever was awaiting the next room.
Seeing the two :orc:s and a :chaoswarrior:, :barbarian: ran to the :chaoswarrior:, drinking a Potion of Strength, hoping to end him quickly, rolling: :whiteshield: :skull: :skull: :blackshield: :whiteshield:. The :chaoswarrior: blocked both.
As all 3 monsters took turns attacking him, only 1 body point of damage was inflicted. 1 :orc: did block off the door, though, preventing the :barbarian: from escaping.
The :barbarian: then took that :orc: out, freeing up the door, drank a Potion of Speed and ran out :roll2: :roll1: :roll4: :roll6: and ran back to the hallway he started in.
The :chaoswarrior: and :orc: gave chase, :orc: making it to the hall first. :barbarian: ran back and skewered the :orc:. But the :chaoswarrior: came out and attacked him. But :barbarian:, skilled fighter as he is, blocked all hits and then made an attack of his own, landing 1 :skull: on the :chaoswarrior:... he then ran away.
:chaoswarrior: gave chase and couldn't reach him. Taking advantage of another high roll, :roll6: :roll5:, :barbarian: opted to check down the Western Corridor rather then attack the :chaoswarrior:, but saw no monsters.
Accepting the fight, :barbarian: ran back to the :chaoswarrior: and landed 2 more hits, finishing him.
Too far to go back to the room he found them he decided to go down the Western hall...
But when he discovered the traps and him with no tool kit, his best choice was to head back...

But he rolled poorly and it took him 5 turns to get back to that room. Finding no traps or secret doors, he did discover 25 gold.
Stepping out of the room into the middle hall he searched for traps and found none, then decided to head towards the center of the board. Once in the hall around the central room he searched for traps, again not finding any, but this time searched for secret doors, discovering the secret door leading to room D. He nearly missed it.
Once in, he took out the first :goblin:, but the other 2 attacked him. 1 :goblin: hit him for2BP, the other was blocked. He would spend his next 2 tens killing the :goblin:s and then conducting a proper search of the room.
From there he went out to the Eastern hall and properly searched once he reached the fork, spotting traps in both directions.
He didn't really want to risk it and luckily rolled :roll6: :roll6:, taking him all the way to the corner of the north-central hall. There he found no traps and continued towards the opening. He spotted the spear trap, found no secret doors and went into room F.

I know the :orc:s are sleeping, but you worded it weirdly. They wake up if attacked, but I don't think they should get the opportunity to defend... I think you meant they don't wake up unless the attack fails.

:barbarian: killed the first :orc:, then the 3 others roll to wake up: :roll4: :roll6: :roll6:! 2 :orc:s wake up and attack :barbarian:. 1 landed 2 hits, the other failed.
:barbarian: then took out one of the :orc:s, and defended a :skull: from the other one.
:barbarian: attacked the :orc: for :skull: :skull: :whiteshield:
:orc: defends with :blackshield: :blackshield: And then attacked with :skull: :skull: :skull:!
:barbarian: only blocked 1 and was taken down to 1BP.
He managed to finish the :orc: on his next turn... meanwhile the 4th :orc: in the room stayed asleep through all of this :lol:. He died next.

As :barbarian: was searching that room, an :orc: (Wandering monster) attacked him. But he managed to defend its attack and kill it on his turn.
:barbarian: headed to the Northern hall, careful to avoid the spear trap. He found no traps in that hall and proceeded to the door, only to find 2 Rime Wolves.
:barbarian: attacked the first: :skull: :skull: :blackshield:
Rime Wolf Defense: :skull: :blackshield:, 1BP damage.
The 2 Rime Wolves attacked the :barbarian:, who only had 1BP. Both rolled 2 :skull:s in their attack.
:barbarian: blocked the first on his own, the 2nd he drank a Potion of Defense, rolling :skull: :blackshield: :whiteshield: :whiteshield: :blackshield: :skull:, just barely avoiding damage.
He managed to finish the first one off and then tried his chances at running away: :roll6: :roll3:, close but he wouldn't be able to outrun it.
It attacked for :skull: :skull: :whiteshield: :whiteshield:
:barbarian: defence: :skull: :blackshield: :whiteshield: :skull:, drops to 0BP and had to drink his only Potion of Healing.
He flopped on his next attack, successfully defended on the wolf's, and then managed to kill it his next turn. Searching the room he found another Potion of Defense.

:barbarian: entered the next room, saw the :orc:s beating on the :dwarf: and killed the first :orc: he faced. The 3others then surrounded him. :barbarian: managed to block 2 on his own, the 3rd he used a Potion of Defense for support.
:barbarian: killed the one blocking the door and ran out to limit their attacks. The one that did attack rolled :skull: :skull: :skull:, :barbarian: only blocked 2, down to 3BP.
:barbarian: managed to kill the last 2 :orc:s without losing any more body points and he freed the :dwarf:.

Lucky for both of them the :dwarf:'s equipment was found in the corner of the room, and he had Healing potions. After exchanging stories and pleasantries they head to the 3x4 room.
:barbarian: spots the trap
:dwarf: disarms the trap
:barbarian: searches for treasure, but falls into a spike filled pit, down to 2BP.
:dwarf: finds no secret doors.
The next 3x4 room starts off the same way, but this time the :barbarian: finds a Heroic Brew and the :dwarf: finds the Secret door.

:barbarian: and :dwarf: storm Room I, each taking out an :orc: on their first turn.
The 2 others :orc:s attack, one flopped the other was blocked.
:barbarian: grabs the Hammer, sending lightning bolts to kill them.
Balog, still alive then attacks :barbarian: with: :skull: :skull: :whiteshield: :skull: :roll1:
:barbarian: defends with :skull: :whiteshield: :skull: :blackshield:, dropping to 0BP. Unfortunately the :dwarf: still had his own Healing potion, but :barbarian: did have a Potion of Warmth, which would give him 1BP.
:barbarian:'s next attack was blocked, but the :dwarf: managed to get 1 hit on Balog.
Balog retaliated with :skull: :skull: :skull: :whiteshield:
:dwarf: managed to block 1 and was taken down to 2BP.
:barbarian: then summoned his Genie in a bottle. Although 3 :skull:'s were rolled, Balog blocked 1, dropping to 1BP.
Balog's next attack on the :dwarf: did 1 damage, taking him down to 1 as well.
:barbarian: threw his hammer over the table at Balog, but it was blocked. The :dwarf:'s next attack too was blocked.
Balog's next attack finished the :dwarf:, but he drank his Potion of Healing for :roll3:.
:barbarian:'s next throw with the hammer killed Balog.
:dwarf: found no sign of traps.
A search from the :barbarian: revealed a Potion of Warmth.

By the wording earlier I imagine the :barbarian: can grab the hammer without searching. So I guess a treasure search is allowed.

The :barbarian: and :dwarf: made their way back and went down to the Western hall. There the :barbarian: saw the traps in that corridor. The :dwarf: disarmed both the pit and falling block trap, as the :barbarian: took the side entrance into the small room and killed the :orc:.
The :dwarf: searched the 4x4 room and :barbarian: did the same of the small room. No traps or secret doors were found by either. By the :dwarf: discovered a Potion of Healing from the treasure deck, but :barbarian: drew a Wandering Monster. The :orc: killed the :barbarian:, who was forced to drink his potion of Warmth to save himself. The :dwarf: came in from the other side and killed the :orc:.

Weighing their options when they got to the mound, Room E they were low on body points and had already acquired all 3 artifacts. So they figured it was best to be safe and finish the quest without bothering to enter.

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Re: The Tyrant's Tomb - a solo quest pack

Postby Pancho » Monday May 11th, 2020 1:28am

Great that they managed to just about do it, after using all available healing potions. My aim is to have each quest survivable only if the Hero/Heroes make good decisions overall, which yours did (tactical retreat from the Chaos warrior, going the long way round at times due to having no tool kit, etc).

Room F I think I just copied over the original quest notes from the novel. But you are right, it needs to be clear that a sleeping orc will wake up when attacked, but won’t roll to defend from that particular attack.

Room I the magical hammer is lying on the table, plain as day and easy to see because Balog and his goons are all looking at it. There’s no need for a treasure search as such, the Barbarian can just pick it up if he has enough movement to get to the table. Morris wasn’t particularly clear when he wrote these notes, so I’ll add these details in.

Thanks for the report. Your Heroes are getting closer to Kyrax now!

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Re: The Tyrant's Tomb - a solo quest pack

Postby wallydubbs » Saturday May 16th, 2020 9:35am

I have a few questions/comments on the Screaming Spectre...

1.) In the Frozen Horror the Ice Gremlins can only steal unequipped items and are removed from the board when heroes lose line of sight. Same thing here?
(I'm aware that you stated the same rules as the Frozen Horror, I just want to verify as they have 10 movement and their placement on the board is less then 10 spaces from any corner, so stopping them once they stole an item isn't likely.
2.) Does stealing an item from a hero count as an action for the Ice Gremlin, or can it attack too?

3.) The Avalanche killing charcters in Room E seems a little much... thanks to Swift Wind at least 1 hero will be safe. There's a chance that 1 or 2 heroes will roll :roll1: :roll1: or low enough that they can't escape the room on time...
In the event that 1 or 2 heroes die and the others make it, what then? Do the dead heroes respawn for the next quest or would I have to replay this whole quest?

4.)I'm sorry, your wording for Room F seems a little silly, I get what you mean that you can only search for traps and secret doors one space at a time, but if you're on the space and a trap hasn't gone off, then it obviously isn't there.
Also what's the criteria for searching for Treasure in this room? Obviously the stone creatures will need to be defeated first. Does there have to be light to find treasure?

5.) I'm a little weary of the Hantu demon in Room I... only magic can hurt him. At this point the Wizard may be dead from Room E.
And there's always the unlikely possibility that the Wizard will fail to roll a White Shield... which screws over the rest of the heroes.
Plus he may have already used all his fire spells on Room F and Trap H, which only leaves Genie, but that's no guarentee it'll kill the Hantu.

6.) As the Hantu is a demon, shouldn't holy water have some effect on it? Going by demon lore, it does burn them.

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Re: The Tyrant's Tomb - a solo quest pack

Postby Pancho » Saturday May 16th, 2020 4:54pm

Hi Wallydubs

1) treat the Ice Gremlins as the same as in FH. I’m ok with them stealing stuff. That’s what they do after all, and the Heroes can get their stuff back easily enough.

2) Stealing counts as the action for the Gremlin that turn.

3) let’s see what happens on the playtest. I wrote this on the understanding that, because the second avalanche is triggered only when the last Hero enters the room, the other 3 should already be some distance in, or past the tile entirely. Swift wind is an option to help the last Hero, plus a potion of speed might actually get used for once, and the Elf might have a handy Time spell too. But I am a little nervous about the room, it’s definitely up for revision if it’s too deadly.

4) I’ll look at the wording again, cheers. I’ll also add a note to say treasure searches aren’t possible whilst in the pitch darkness.

5) Remember that the Hantu can be attacked with magic weapons too. The other Hero’s should have one Magic weapon by now. Even if the Gremlins stole something, the Heroes should be Ok as a group they will have collected Thor’s Hammer, Woe, possibly Skullcleaver, plus the Wizard can make magical attacks.

6) good point about the Holy water, that should do some damage too (I’m thinking 1BP).

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Re: The Tyrant's Tomb - a solo quest pack

Postby lestodante » Wednesday May 20th, 2020 7:38pm

Cards almost done!!!!! :o ;) :D
I received all the artworks today from Luis and currently editing them.
Which one I should use for the Scrying-Glass?
It's the same artwork but with a different cut. I think the 1st one with the close up is a better choice because it focus the attention on the lens more.
(please ignore the actual text on the cards)

scr_lens prev.jpg
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Re: The Tyrant's Tomb - a solo quest pack

Postby Anderas » Thursday May 21st, 2020 1:30am

Wow! love it that someone is doing artwork for this!

I would like to lay my hands on raw artwork in large format and raw card texts. I would then give you back those cards in a dozen professional-printer-suitable formats by stuffing all of it into my card maker.

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