Translation of "Slumbering Monster" by Roberto de Moraes

[This topic was moved from Board index ‹ HeroQuest Rooms ‹ HeroQuest Additions ‹ Quests and Quest Packs on 3/14/18. -edit]
I noticed in the Adventurers Guild section that there is a project to convert into English the Brazilian three quest pack by Roberto de Moraes "Attack on the Sleep Wizard" (title still under discussion).
I have his quest pack "Slave City", but noticed on Pheonix's website that there is another quest by the same author titled "Slumbering Monster" that has been "Coming Soon" for many years.
Does anyone know where I could get hold of this quest, preferably in English, please?
I noticed in the Adventurers Guild section that there is a project to convert into English the Brazilian three quest pack by Roberto de Moraes "Attack on the Sleep Wizard" (title still under discussion).
I have his quest pack "Slave City", but noticed on Pheonix's website that there is another quest by the same author titled "Slumbering Monster" that has been "Coming Soon" for many years.
Does anyone know where I could get hold of this quest, preferably in English, please?