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Translation of "Slumbering Monster" by Roberto de Moraes

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Re: Search for quest "Slumbering Monster" by Roberto de Mora

Postby j_dean80 » Wednesday February 28th, 2018 8:31pm

The Admiral wrote:I know about "Slave City". What is the other one?

Roberto De Moraes just had the 3:

Slave City
Slumbering Monster
Attack on the Sleep Wizard

Dragao had 2 more:

Rescue of the Princess - unknown author
The Rescue - Di'Follkyer
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Re: Search for quest "Slumbering Monster" by Roberto de Mora

Postby The Admiral » Thursday March 1st, 2018 4:33am

Those Brazilians certainly liked their themes. Sleep or rescue!

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Re: Search for quest "Slumbering Monster" by Roberto de Mora

Postby Pancho » Thursday March 1st, 2018 8:10am

A combined quest pack could be called "The Rescue of the Sleepy Princess who needs to be Rescued from the Sleep-Wizard and his Slumbering Monster" :D

Seriously, "Slave City" has 5 Quests and is already in the Quests page of the main website, I think it sits well on its own as a pack.
"Rescue of the Princess" is also there, and "the Rescue" has just been started; its a different author and probably sits on its own as well.

Attack on the Sleep-Wizard & The Slumbering Monster have 3 quests each. They can stand alone or fit together as 6 quests with a shared theme. Personally, I am going to combine these two and call it something like "Assault of the Sleep-Sorceror", with Lengrati as the main villain. But I think it makes sense to complete all of these stories individually as they were intended by their authors, then the Inn mates will be free to use them as they wish.

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Re: Search for quest "Slumbering Monster" by Roberto de Mora

Postby The Admiral » Thursday March 1st, 2018 1:31pm


"In this quest you must find the Axe of Destruction. With it and the sword you can destroy the Creature."


A - The chest in this room contains 20 gold coins.

B - The first Hero to search this room for treasure will find the Wand of Magic inside the chest. Its use is explained on the matching Artifact card.

C - This empty chest is a magical trap. A Hero who tampers with it will lose one magical item they are carrying. Zargon chooses the item to be lost, but may not choose the Chaotic Sword of the Axe of Destruction.

D - There are 2 Potions of Healing on the Alchemist's Table. Each will restore up to 4 lost Body Points when consumed.

E - The weapons on this Weapons Rack are rusted and broken. There is nothing here that the Heroes want.

F - The first Hero to search this room for treasure will find a Potion of Strength and a Potion of Defense in the cupboard.

G - On the table in this room lies the Axe of Destruction. It is a powerful Hand Axe that can attack with 10 extra combat dice, but after this blow it returns to a normal Hand Axe. To restore the magic power, the axe must be touched with a magic artifact. The artifact will lose its power forever, and the axe will be recharged for a new destructive blow.

H - The first Hero to open this chest will be attacked by a Wandering Monster. The chest is empty.

:zombie: Wandering Monster in this Quest: Zombie

I'm not sure how C works. The translation says 'tamper' which is quite distinct from search or open. I think if a Hero does anything with the chest such as try to disarm the trap or open/search it the trap goes off.

Wow! 12 dice attack. Combine that with potions of Strength and Heroic Brew and you have two 14 dice attacks!
Last edited by The Admiral on Friday March 2nd, 2018 7:30am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Search for quest "Slumbering Monster" by Roberto de Mora

Postby Pancho » Thursday March 1st, 2018 1:57pm

The Admiral wrote:Wow! 12 dice attack. Combine that with potions of Strength and Heroic Brew and you have two 14 dice attacks!

That's crazy powerful. I would allow it to only attack with 12 dice against the Creature, as it has been enchanted specifically with its demise intended. Against any other foe it is just an ordinary hand axe. Meaning that it will only be useful for this Quest pack, then the Hero reverts back to his previous weapons.

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Re: Search for quest "Slumbering Monster" by Roberto de Mora

Postby The Admiral » Thursday March 1st, 2018 4:22pm

Pancho wrote:
The Admiral wrote:Wow! 12 dice attack. Combine that with potions of Strength and Heroic Brew and you have two 14 dice attacks!

That's crazy powerful. I would allow it to only attack with 12 dice against the Creature, as it has been enchanted specifically with its demise intended. Against any other foe it is just an ordinary hand axe. Meaning that it will only be useful for this Quest pack, then the Hero reverts back to his previous weapons.

That's how it's been written. It's really just one use only, and then it's a normal axe, unless you are prepared to give up something really useful like the Wand of Magic for just one more attack. I like it. One mega attack,and then a real dilema as to whether to give up a precious magic artifact for just one more attack.

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Re: Search for quest "Slumbering Monster" by Roberto de Mora

Postby j_dean80 » Thursday March 1st, 2018 5:19pm

The Admiral wrote:
Pancho wrote:
The Admiral wrote:Wow! 12 dice attack. Combine that with potions of Strength and Heroic Brew and you have two 14 dice attacks!

That's crazy powerful. I would allow it to only attack with 12 dice against the Creature, as it has been enchanted specifically with its demise intended. Against any other foe it is just an ordinary hand axe. Meaning that it will only be useful for this Quest pack, then the Hero reverts back to his previous weapons.

That's how it's been written. It's really just one use only, and then it's a normal axe, unless you are prepared to give up something really useful like the Wand of Magic for just one more attack. I like it. One mega attack,and then a real dilema as to whether to give up a precious magic artifact for just one more attack.

I thought it works well as written also.
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Re: Search for quest "Slumbering Monster" by Roberto de Mora

Postby lestodante » Thursday March 1st, 2018 6:16pm

yes, I also like the idea to sacrifice an artifact forever to be able to use the Axe of Destruction once more!

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Final quest translation

Postby The Admiral » Friday March 2nd, 2018 7:29am


"With possession of the Chaotic Sword and the Axe of Destruction, it will now be possible to destroy the dreaded Creature. But first, you must find where the monster sleeps its ancient slumber."


A - The chest in this room is filled with a poisonous gas - it's a trap! If a Hero searches for treasure before the trap is disarmed, all Heroes in the room will lose 2 Body Points. The chest also contains a magic Spell Ring. Its use is explained on the matching Artifact card.

B - This is the place where the creature slept. It sleeps no longer because the Heroes arrived too late - and the beast was awakened by Zargon! Use the Chaos Sorcerer figure to represent the Creature. The Creature knows the following spells: Rock Skin, Command, Rust, Firestorm, and Summon Orcs.


C - If a Hero searches this room for treasure they will find the Talisman of Lore inside the chest. Its use is explained on the matching Artifact Card.

:chaoswarrior: Wandering Monster in this Quest: Chaos Warrior

Personally I would use the Gargoyle for the creature. that feels more creature like to me.

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Re: Search for quest "Slumbering Monster" by Roberto de Mora

Postby j_dean80 » Friday March 2nd, 2018 9:16am

They already use 2 in every Quest taking away the Gargoyle's mystique though. Sounds like a custom monster thing.
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