"Daedalus wrote:Sounds interesting. I like the modular idea. For compatibility purposes, I'd suggest only HeroQuest dice should be used in a community house-rule. But I'm jumping the gun, here.
@bene - I love the idea of a compatible, modular thing for rules here on the inn. Yes...we would have to stick with the HQ combat dice,
and simple d6's (as the system did come with 2 of those and used them often). It would require a lot of thought on the part of us all,
but could end up in a wonderful addition to the forum, and to the game itself.
I'm in. This might take a while though

Hope you brought cookies.
OK, guys, let's have a closer look on this whole thing:
Dice:only HeroQuest dice should be used
Nope. This was one of my first thoughts, too, but it turns out that restricting dice types is utterly irrelevant for compabililty. One could easily write a, let's say, rule for magic, which needs to use a d100 for it's own purposes without interfering with other rules at all.
Have it all working with the original HQ dice would be elegant and also practical for those players who don't own other dice, but it's not mandatory. I would keep it as a advice, but not as a rule.
What I think we need to do is:
Rule sections:We have to define a set of aspects or "chapters" of the rules, for example
Searching and, to keep up with the thread topic,
Advancement (I will give a more elaborate outline below).
I'm still thinking of a better name - "aspects", "chapters" and "sections" all sound lousy

, any suggestion is welcome!
These would serve as "slots" for the modules. For example, there could be various different modules how to handle Magic, and a group would choose one of them to "fit" the Magic "slot" of their house rules.
Basic values:For each of this "rule sections" we would have to agree upon one or more "Basic values". This could be values that are already part of the original rules or ones we would have to make up. For example we could decide that Mind points are the basic value of magic.
Every module can build up on this basic value as the author seems fitting, but he has to use
this same basic value.
To keep with our example, one could write a (overly) elaborated module of Magic rules that uses spell levels, a mana pool and a concentration check for every use of magic, but the author would have to base all this on the Mind points.
The purpose of this is, well, compability. When another module affects magic (for example a piece of equipment that enhances magic or a
Movement module that gives penalties when running in this turn), this module just states how it affects the
Mind points, and so will accordingly affect the magic, regardless of how magic is ruled in detail.
To give another example: Let's say, we decide that a module ruling
Abilities (which are not part of the original HQ game system, but perhaps some people would like to include), must be based upon a value we call "Knowledge". Now, if someone wants to write an
Advancement module, he has only to think how and when to icrease the
Knowledge value, and not how to handle the different possible rules for Abilities.
Basic rules:Some of the "
sections" may require not only basic values, but also basic rules on how to handle them. Every module can make it's own more elaborated rules, but has to base them upon the appropriate
basic rule. Can't think of an example right now, but very probably this will be necessary at some point.
Keeping the Game System in mind:Of course, our "modular system" may never violate the original HQ rules. It must be possible to have "modules" that fit into our system and make up for a set of rules that define gameplay absolutely similar to the game system, or else there'S something wrong with our modular system.
Draft of possible "rule sections":As for now, I would think of dividing the rules into the following "sections" (better name! please!). This is only a first draft. Some additional point may be neccesarry, whereas some of my poionts may be superflous.
- Rules that handle the sequence of playing
- Movement rules
- Combat rules
__Basic values should be the Attack and Defense stats. A module could for example use different values for meele and range attacks, but both should be based upon the one Attack base value (perhaps Meele Attack = Base Attack +1, Range Attack = Base Attack - 1 for the fighters, and the other way round for the elf).
- Searching rules
--- Rules that handle when and what to search
____For example, in the Game System heroes may search a room at a time for treasue
or traps/seret doors, whereas my own system of
Different card decks for different situations has rules when and where to search empty rooms, furniture, graves and the corpses of the fallen.
--- Rules that handle how to search
For example, in the Game System the players draw cards when searching treasure, whereas in my system they also draw cards, but from different decks. Other modules may include tables or dice.
- Magic rules
__In the Game System, the magic abilities of the spell users is allways the same, so no "value" is needed, but every module taking a more elaborate approach, should use the Mind points as the
Basic Value (of course this is just a thought of me, not a final word).
- Rules for using equipment
__(could be divided into weapons/armor and other equipment to include house rules that handle weopon breakage etc.)
- Experience rules
__(would handle every type of advancement of the heroes over time, by experience, training or otherwise. Would call it "experience" ratehr than "advancement" nonetheless, as to avoid confusion with "advenced rules" or "advanced HQ" or any other case of advancing something else than hero stats).
- Rules handling abilities
- Vision and light rules
- Rules handling traps
- Rules handling extraordnary situations (falling, swimming etc.)
Of course there could be modules that fit into none of these categories. New categories could be added everytime, but should be agreed upon by the community to keep them "compatible". There also could be a category "Other rules", in which every module could be put that is too special to fit into one of the standard slots or to justify a new one. This "Other rules" category should have some
Basic Rules to make sure the modules wouldn't interfere with other ones.