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List of special monsters

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List of special monsters

Postby Bodom-Child » Wednesday August 10th, 2011 6:31pm

Hi every one!

I'm a new Heroquest user (I've always known the game but never have the chance to play it, until last month when I came across a copy for 5€!), and before playing it I want it to be painted. I've already bought a copy of Karak Varn (Kellar Keep), The Return of the Witch Lord and Against the Ogre Horde. A friend of mine has got the Wizards of Morcar and I'll get it soon. The two remaining extensions will have to wait, 600€ is *a bit* too much.

So I began to paint my minis and I'm quite happy with the results, making some variations, but I came across a problem : I know there are special monsters throughout the game (for exemple, in a room with 4 orcs, one is the boss and has better stats), and so it would be cool to have one painted quite differently.

My problem is I don't want to read the entire booklets because I don't know if I'm going to play Morcar or not and I'm not willing to be spoiled on the quests.

I know there are some huge fans of Heroquest here, and it would be fantastic if someone had a list for all special monsters appearing among other same creatures, so I can paint them accordingly.

Thank you very much.

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Re: List of special monsters

Postby Sjeng » Thursday August 11th, 2011 2:50am

Well, I've also recently bought a HQ set, and I've downloaded and printed all expansions. Much cheaper ;)
And as far as special monsters go: just paint ONE orc, one skeleton and one zombie in special colours. (perhaps 2 if you have enough)
If you happen to have a second Gargoyle, you couls paint one in stone colours, as a statue, and one in "living" colours.
If you have some extra miniatures, like from D&D, you could paint a knight as Sir Ragnar, some villagers perhaps, and the D&D goblins make very nice replacement ice-gremlins, the bugbears make good polar warbears, and the D&D ogre makes a good Rat-Ogre, for your custom quests such as Durrag Dol. The D&D skeletons make good skeleton champions too ;)
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Re: List of special monsters

Postby Ethica » Thursday August 11th, 2011 3:54am

Welcome to the forum Bodom-Child.

I'll just mention incase you hadn't noticed - one of the orcs has a larger sword, for identification as a boss.

Here is a list of special monsters I can remember from the original quests-

Sir Ragnar (Human)
Ulag (Orc)
Grak (Orc)
Balur (Mage)
Stone Chaos Warriors
Karlen (Zombie)
Witch Lord (Chaos Sorcerer)

Who have I forgotten?

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Re: List of special monsters

Postby ken » Thursday August 11th, 2011 10:48am

Ethica wrote:Welcome to the forum Bodom-Child.

I'll just mention incase you hadn't noticed - one of the orcs has a larger sword, for identification as a boss.

Here is a list of special monsters I can remember from the original quests-

Sir Ragnar (Human)
Ulag (Orc)
Grak (Orc)
Balur (Mage)
Stone Chaos Warriors
Karlen (Zombie)
Witch Lord (Chaos Sorcerer)

Who have I forgotten?

Don't forget Old Melar, from Melars Maze. I have the perfect miniature which I am willing to loan out, for a considerable sum, all profits to Ye Olde Inn. Here he is, a sort of cross between a Skeleton, a Zombie & Tarzan. Isn't he just great? :mrgreen:
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Re: List of special monsters

Postby Ethica » Thursday August 11th, 2011 11:15am

I didn't forget him. He doesn't make an appearance in Melars Maze so I figured someone wouldn't need a miniature.

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Re: List of special monsters

Postby ken » Thursday August 11th, 2011 2:34pm

Ethica wrote:I didn't forget him. He doesn't make an appearance in Melars Maze so I figured someone wouldn't need a miniature.

I used him in place of the gargoyle, who had no apparent link to the quest.

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Re: List of special monsters

Postby Ethica » Thursday August 11th, 2011 2:39pm

It could have been that he turned himself into stone and slumbered awaiting anyone foolish enough to enter his maze.

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Re: List of special monsters

Postby Bodom-Child » Thursday August 11th, 2011 11:27pm

Thank you very much for your answers, it will help me.

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Re: List of special monsters

Postby Goblin-King » Monday October 17th, 2011 6:20am

Here is an expanded list - All named or special monsters from the Game System, Kellar's Keep and Return of the Witch Lord:
*Edit* Aarh what the heck... Let's just take all the expansions!

Only those actually represented on the board by a figure are mentioned:

Game System
Verag (Gargoyle) - Because real heroes start with "The Trial"
Sir Ragnar (Human Knight)
Ulag (Orc)
Gulthor (Chaos Warrior)
Grak (Orc)
Balur (Fire Mage)
Stone Chaos Warriors (4)
Karlen[EU]/Wardoz[US] (Zombie)
Witch Lord (Chaos Sorcerer)

Kellar's Keep
Enchanted Suits of Armor (4 "Chaos Warriors")
Ancient Dwarf King Skeletons (4 "Skeletons")
Gragor (Chaos Warrior)
Ograk (Orc)
The Shape-changer (It changes shape, soo...)
Petrokk[EU]/Borokk[US] (Chaos Sorcerer)

Return of the Witch Lord
Spirit Riders (4 Skeletons)
Bellthor (Poisonous Gargoyle) - You can tell by his name he is awesome!
Skulmar, Captain of the Dead Host (Represented by the Chaos Sorcerer, but not sure what he actually is...)
Doomguard (3 Chaos Warriors)
Kessandria, The Witch Queen (Female Chaos Sorcerer)
Magical Orc Statues (4 Orcs)
Witch Lord (Chaos Sorcerer) - Same as in the Game System

Against the Ogre Horde
Magical Orc Statue which shoots fireballs (Orc)
Tograk (Ogre Chieftain) - They sure like the suffix "grak"!
Nexrael (Chaos Sorcerer)
Festrael (Chaos Sorcerer)
Xenloth (Chaos Sorcerer)
Ogre Lord (Ogre)

Wizards of Morcar

Zanrath (High Mage)
Zanrath's Elite Force (Chaos Warriors)
Fanrax (Necromancer)
Fanrax's Creations (Skeletons)
Magical Chaos Sorcerer Statue (Chaos Sorcerer)
Boroush (Storm Master)
Grawshak (Orc Shaman) - Why isn't he named Grawgrak?
Grawshak's Elite Bodyguard (Orcs)

The Frozen Horror
Evil Crossbowman (Crossbowman)
Krag (Chaos Warrior)
Gothar (Barbarian)
Vilor (Chaos Sorcerer)
Kelvinos (Undead Barbarian)
The Frozen Horror (Well... The Frozen Horror...)

The Mage of the Mirror
Queen's Attendants (2 Female Elves)
The Queen's Prospector (Male Elf)
The High Alchemist (Chaos Sorcerer)
Tormuk The Necromancer (Necromancer/Chaos Sorcerer)
Sinestra (Female Elven Archmage)
Millandriel, Elven Princess (Female Elf)

Dark Company
The Doomguard (Chaos Warriors)
Vadim Gorfell (Zombie/Spirit)
Hinsgrim (Chaos Warrior)
Delzarron (Chaos Sorcerer)

A Growl of Thunder!
Balor (Chaos Sorcerer)
Balor's retinue (3 Goblins)
Grashlÿg (Ancient Orc warlord in wight form - They suggest using a mummy)
Balash (Human Wizard)

Balor's Honour Guards (2 Chaos Warriors)
They carry Balor's personal coat-of-arms on their shields: Four serpents intertwining to form an eight-pointed star.
Good luck painting those shields!!!

Eyes of Chaos
Pierre Chancier (Knight of the Empire apparently. Official model seems to be Bretonnian)

Revenge of the Weather Man
Ice Gargoyle (Gargoyle)
Death Reapers (Skeletons)
Erongil (Chaos Sorcerer)

Running the Gauntlet
Munzuk the Hun (Barbarian)

Halls of Durrag-Dol
Kili Thekkrsson (Dwarf Trollslayer)

Fun Fact:
"Fimirs are sometimes found leading small bands of Orcs and Goblins..."
Yet through all the quest books there exist not a single Fimir special character!
Last edited by Goblin-King on Saturday December 13th, 2014 12:09pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: List of special monsters

Postby cynthialee » Monday October 17th, 2011 9:09am

The way I use the Fimir the players tend to think they are the 'bosses' of the dungeons.
But then I have a nasty habit of giving all my Fimirs chaos spells.....
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