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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

PostPosted: Friday November 19th, 2021 4:17pm
by Kurgan
InSpectreRetro wrote:I haven't apparently posted on this site since the agins inn days.

Has anyone on here reached out to Hasbro/Avalon Hill regarding all of this?

I had compiled and posted a bunch of non-spoilery stuff on Facebook and did reach out to Hasbro, and have a line of communication open that I could send thia info through.

But if someone else has already started down that path, then I'd say just continue as you are.

I'm gonna try to get more active on these forums again, so I look forward to talking with everyone.


Welcome back! PLEASE send it to them. Even if somebody already sent it, I think the fact that more than one person sends it will further reinforce that fans are noticing the issues and are encouraging them to help. Keep it civil as always. ;)

Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

PostPosted: Friday November 19th, 2021 5:04pm
by HispaZargon
InSpectreRetro wrote:I haven't apparently posted on this site since the agins inn days.

Has anyone on here reached out to Hasbro/Avalon Hill regarding all of this?

I had compiled and posted a bunch of non-spoilery stuff on Facebook and did reach out to Hasbro, and have a line of communication open that I could send thia info through.

But if someone else has already started down that path, then I'd say just continue as you are.

I'm gonna try to get more active on these forums again, so I look forward to talking with everyone.


Hi, yes of course feel free to send them wherever you want*.

*Notice that I will modify the errata summary list some time later with last updates and fixes.

Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

PostPosted: Friday November 19th, 2021 6:43pm
by HispaZargon
Hi, I have updated the errata summary here with the last mistakes reported and the following ones I have also found:

The Crypt of Perpetual Darkness, page 13: Note B says this about the two spell scrolls found by Heroes: "Randomly determine which scrolls they receive from the available spell scrolls", however, full spell scrolls cards deck for this questpack is unknown since it is not defined anywhere. - Page 27 of this questpack only shows two spell scroll cards which could be enough but in such case a "random" selection has o sense since there are only two different cards and the heroes find just two. Most probable, the questpack is refering to a full deck including all the spell scroll cards included in the other two Mythic Tier questpacks and probably also including KK and ROTWL expansions ones, but again, it is not explained anywhere so a clarification from Hasbro of what cards are they refering to in Note B would be welcome.

Extra Characters: Bard, Warlock and Druid: (updated)
- No clear rules or guidelines are provided anywhere about how these new characters should be introduced in play. Only minor notes are written in their Character Cards which seems to be insufficient:
- Bard special ability: Is the extra defence die for the Bard already counted in the 2 Defence Dice written in the character card or should be added another extra die? - Heroes stats use to also count the starting equipment of the hero so, if we strictly follow the same criterion for the rest of character cards, it seems that the 2 Defence Dice of the Bard already includes the extra die since this character does not start with any armour or shield, however, it is quite strange to see this orc hero with the same basic Defence value as the rest of the heroes when Bard is supposed to have an extra ability that allows him to have a better defence, isn't it?
- Warlock spells: Warlock is supposed to count as Wizard hero in terms of which weapons, artifacts and equipment they can use but, waht about the spells? Can the warlock cast more than the 3 spells from her deck up to 9 as the Wizard? - Probably, the answer is NOT if character card content is strictly followed, but there is no clear explanation and 'Wizard' mention in the character card could be confusing.

Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

PostPosted: Friday November 19th, 2021 7:41pm
by Kurgan
Yeah I always read "random scroll" as whatever scrolls you happen to have, across quest packs.

Warlock can't use Wizard SPELLS it only says in terms of equipment (armory gear) and magical artifacts (Artifact cards). Warlock can only use her 3 unique spells.

So that means she can use Wizard's Staff and Wizard's Cloak for example, could wear Bracers and use staff or dagger or toolkit but can't use a shortsword or helmet or other types of Body Armor (but could use a handaxe due to the lack of prohibition to the Wizard on the card), etc.

So anything the Wizard can use, the Warlock can use, but the Elemental Spells are for the Wizard and Elf to divide up still, nothing for the Warlock, taking it literally.

Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

PostPosted: Friday November 19th, 2021 7:55pm
by HispaZargon
Kurgan wrote:Yeah I always read "random scroll" as whatever scrolls you happen to have, across quest packs.

Warlock can't use Wizard SPELLS it only says in terms of equipment (armory gear) and magical artifacts (Artifact cards). Warlock can only use her 3 unique spells.

So that means she can use Wizard's Staff and Wizard's Cloak for example, could wear Bracers and use staff or dagger or toolkit but can't use a shortsword or helmet or other types of Body Armor (but could use a handaxe due to the lack of prohibition to the Wizard on the card), etc.

So anything the Wizard can use, the Warlock can use, but the Elemental Spells are for the Wizard and Elf to divide up still, nothing for the Warlock, taking it literally.

Yeah, I agree but I think clarifications for those extra characters rules would be better. There are more people who have similar doubts here.

Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

PostPosted: Tuesday November 30th, 2021 11:56am
by joec
InSpectreRetro wrote:I haven't apparently posted on this site since the agins inn days.

Has anyone on here reached out to Hasbro/Avalon Hill regarding all of this?

I've written Teos Abadia about if he can weigh in on any errata. (He wrote SQT.) You can see the exchanges here:

Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

PostPosted: Wednesday December 1st, 2021 1:31am
by Daedalus
Nice work, joec! It may or may not come to anything, but it's nice to see Teos is listening to errata criticisms. Here's hoping!

Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

PostPosted: Wednesday December 1st, 2021 3:45pm
by Kurgan
Ah so he's (Teos = Alphastream on twitter) not on facebook...

I'm not on twitter, reddit or instagram (on FB but I don't participate in the HQ groups there), so I can't blame him. Keep sending him that errata! Sounds like he thought it was just aesthetic issues (lack of shading, wrong colors used for secret doors/traps) and no major issues.

Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

PostPosted: Wednesday December 1st, 2021 4:54pm
by HispaZargon
joec wrote:
InSpectreRetro wrote:I haven't apparently posted on this site since the agins inn days.

Has anyone on here reached out to Hasbro/Avalon Hill regarding all of this?

I've written Teos Abadia about if he can weigh in on any errata. (He wrote SQT.) You can see the exchanges here:

Thank you!

Teos Abadia also twitted here another errata we had not identified in the list:

The errata is a missing door in upper right corner room of SQT Quest #5 map, page 14. Teos himself provided in previous link where the missing door may be placed.


Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

PostPosted: Wednesday December 1st, 2021 5:22pm
by Kurgan
Ah good, glad he's not blowing it off but dedicated to assisting with the corrections. Thanks for sharing, HZ!