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Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Eudoxio » Sunday January 30th, 2022 3:56pm

Think i found a couple of little things on the Crypt of Perpetual Darkness Questbook.

Page 11 - The Swamp Hag knows the Escape spell, which allows the spellcaster to escape to a previously designated place on the quest map. However, there is no such designated place on the map.

Page 9/13 - The Crossbow (9) and the Battle Axe (13) are "described in the HeroQuest Game System Armory". I think since theres no "armory", will be better explained to say on the "HeroQuest Game System Equipment Cards".

About Vander on Page 9 i think the wise choice can be to use the Sir Ragnar rules: Vander should be moved by the hero who opened the door to his cell. That hero takes their regular turn first, then rolls 1 red die to move the wounded elf. Vander must be moved back to the stairs alive in order for the heroes to finish the quest. Vander may not attack but may roll 2 Defend dice. He has 2 Body Points left.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Sunday January 30th, 2022 4:51pm

Page 11 - as in not just any previously visited space on the board?

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Eudoxio » Sunday January 30th, 2022 5:09pm

Kurgan wrote:Page 11 - as in not just any previously visited space on the board?

Is kinda a repeated Errata like the one on Page 15: The goblin queen Buubhealxea also knows Escape.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Nlinindoll » Sunday January 30th, 2022 6:05pm

Eudoxio wrote:Think i found a couple of little things on the Crypt of Perpetual Darkness
Page 9/13 - The Crossbow (9) and the Battle Axe (13) are "described in the HeroQuest Game System Armory". I think since theres no "armory", will be better explained to say on the "HeroQuest Game System Equipment Cards".

There is an armory that is more of a concept than a literal cardboard insert in the game box. The Equipment Cards ARE the Armory as defined in the rule book. See previous discussion here : http://forum.yeoldeinn.com/viewtopic.ph ... 05#p115942

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Monday January 31st, 2022 3:01pm

Eudoxio wrote:Think i found a couple of little things on the Crypt of Perpetual Darkness Questbook.

Page 11 - The Swamp Hag knows the Escape spell, which allows the spellcaster to escape to a previously designated place on the quest map. However, there is no such designated place on the map.

Yeah, good catch! Nevertheless I think this Swamp Hag is so magically powerful having only 2 Body points..

Eudoxio wrote:Page 9/13 - The Crossbow (9) and the Battle Axe (13) are "described in the HeroQuest Game System Armory". I think since theres no "armory", will be better explained to say on the "HeroQuest Game System Equipment Cards".

This topic has been already discussed as Nlinindoll pointed. You are right but we had consider it a vagueness, not an errata due to context.

Eudoxio wrote:About Vander on Page 9 i think the wise choice can be to use the Sir Ragnar rules: Vander should be moved by the hero who opened the door to his cell. That hero takes their regular turn first, then rolls 1 red die to move the wounded elf. Vander must be moved back to the stairs alive in order for the heroes to finish the quest. Vander may not attack but may roll 2 Defend dice. He has 2 Body Points left.

Yeah, of course that's another possible solution.

Kurgan wrote:Page 11 - as in not just any previously visited space on the board?

I think the most interesting would be putting the "X" in the stairs room, waiting for the heroes until they escape the dungeon, guarded by the Skeletons and the Dread Warrior there.
Last edited by HispaZargon on Monday January 31st, 2022 6:23pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Monday January 31st, 2022 6:23pm

Another misprint in remake's Game System questbook, page 33: Gargoyle monster symbol is missing.

I have updated the errata summary here with last mistakes reported.

... and another misprints detected in Spanish Edition of Game System box:

- Rulebook, page 4: Torture rack has been incorrectly translated as "Estante" instead of "Potro de tortura" like in classical version of the game.

- Questbook, page 33: Torture rack has been incorrectly translated as "Estantería" instead of "Potro de tortura" like in classical version of the game.

- Equipment Cards, Handaxe: It maybe considered just an vagueness, not an errata, but "Handaxe" title has been translated as "Hacha Enana" (yes, both words in Capitals) instead of "Hacha de mano" like in classical version of the game. Calling it "Hacha Enana" could have two different interpretations in Spanish. "Hacha Enana" could means in Spanish both "small axe" and/or "dwarven axe", which could add confussion, especially because the axe can be used by the Wizard in this version (...). As said I think it should not be considered a misprint since it does not affect the game and it is not something incorrect but better words shoudl had been chosen for that...

Spanish Edition errata summary list here has been also updated with last mistakes reported.
Last edited by HispaZargon on Friday February 4th, 2022 3:51pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Monday January 31st, 2022 8:36pm

That is a funny one! Those wiley monsters putting books on their torture racks (I guess they don't torture much? or maybe they are books on torture... or else they are so crazy evil they are torturing books!). Maybe for the dumber monsters, reading IS torture...

(maybe the books consist of transcripts of all of Twitter "ZARGON's" "jokes" equivalent to torture).

Okay, I'm done.

And the Hand Axe wasn't "corrected" to be unusable by the Wizard. Nice work as always!

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Onyxius » Wednesday February 2nd, 2022 11:54pm

Has anyone put together an updated version of the books with all of these changes in them? I don't want to reinvent the wheel if someone already has them updated and ready to print.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Friday February 4th, 2022 4:31pm

Onyxius wrote:Has anyone put together an updated version of the books with all of these changes in them? I don't want to reinvent the wheel if someone already has them updated and ready to print.

Hi. No, as far as I know it does not exist... yet

Another important misprint detected in Spanish Edition of Game System box:

- Fire Spells Cards, "Valentía" (Courage): There is a translation mistake in card sentence "En los siguientes turnos del Héroe, éste podrá tirar 2 Dados extra de Combate." since according to remake's 'Courage' English card, it should had been written as "La próxima vez que el Héroe ataque, éste podrá tirar 2 Dados extra de Combate.". Otherwise it could be incorrectly understood that the hero can roll 2 extra dice in both Attack and Defence after casting this spell. Additionally, the original English text classic ambigüity for this card about how many turns can be rolled the two extra dice was kept in the remake, so this correction also keeps it in the Spanish version.

Spanish Edition errata summary list here has been also updated with last mistakes reported.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Wednesday February 16th, 2022 9:21pm

More translation misprints detected in Spanish Edition of Game System box:

- Wind Spells Cards, "Ráfaga" (Swift Wind): There is a translation mistake in card sentence "... lanzar el doble de Dados Rojos en su próximo turno." since according to remake's 'Swift Wind' English card, it should had been written as "... lanzar el doble de Dados Rojos la próxima vez que se mueva.". Then this card can be played slightly different as written.

- Wind Spells Cards, "Genio" (Genie): There is a translation mistake in card sentence "Abrir cualquier Puerta del Tablero, mostrando todo el contenido de la Habitación (incluido Trampas)..." since according to remake's 'Genie' English card, it should had been written as "Abrir cualquier Puerta del Tablero (mostrando lo que hay más allá)...". Otherwise, could be incorrectly understood that this spell cannot be used to open doors to a corridor, which is not correct. Additionally, saying "traps can be revealed by the Genie" is a licence taken in this Edition (I guess by mistake) compared with the original English text where no mention to traps exists. Then this card must be played different as written.

- Water Spells Cards, "Agua Milagrosa" (Water of Healing): The card title "Agua Milagrosa" is not correctly translated according to original English text. Card title should had been translated as "Agua de Curación".

- Dread Spells Cards, "Dormir" (Sleep): The following sentence must be deleted since it does not apply for a Dread spell and it was not included in the original English text for this card: "No puede utilizarse contra Momias, Zombis o Esqueletos".

- Dread Spells Cards, "Oxidación" (Rust): The card text "Este Hechizo hace que cualquier metal de una Espada o Yelmo se vuelva tan frágil e inútil..." is not correctly translated according to original English text. It should had been translated as "Este Hechizo hace que cualquier Espada o Yelmo metálico se vuelva tan frágil e inútil...".

- Dread Spells Cards, again "Oxidación" (Rust): The card last sentence "Sólo aplicable al Equipo de Batalla" has not been correctly translated according to original English text and could be confusing. This sentence should had been translated as "No es efectivo contra Artefactos".

- Dread Spells Cards, "Miedo" (Fear): The card text "... sólo pueda utilizar un Dado de Combate." is not correctly translated according to original English text. It should had been translated as "... sólo pueda utilizar un Dado de Combate para atacar.".

- Equipment Cards, "Brazalete" (Bracers): The card title "Blazalete" is not correctly translated according to original English text which is a plural name. Card title should had been translated as "Brazaletes".

- Artifacts Cards, "Varita de Celeridad" (Wand of Magic): The card title "Varita de Celeridad" is not correctly translated according to original English text. Card title should had been translated as "Varita Mágica".

- Artifacts Cards, "Capa de Archimago" (Wizard's Cloak): The card title "Capa de Archimago" is not correctly translated according to original English text. Card title should had been translated as "Capa del Mago".

- Artifacts Cards, "Báculo Mágico" (Wizard's Staff): The card title "Báculo Mágico" is not correctly translated according to original English text. Card title should had been translated as "Bastón del Mago".

- Artifacts Cards, "Armadura de Borin" (Borin's Armor): The card text "Esta legendaria y misteriosa vestimenta creada de un metal mágico..." is not correctly translated according to original English text. It should had been more accurate translated as "Esta mágica vestimenta acorazada...".

- Artifacts Cards, again "Armadura de Borin" (Borin's Armor): The card text "A diferencia de la Armadura normal, esta Armadura no perjudica al movimiento." is not correctly translated according to original English text and "Coraza" Equipment card. It should had been translated as "A diferencia de la Coraza normal, esta misteriosa y ultraligera Armadura no ralentiza a quien la lleve puesta.".

Spanish Edition errata summary list here has been also updated with last mistakes reported.

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