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Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday May 1st, 2024 10:44am

CavemanLogic wrote:Here's an image to see what I'm talking about below.


Page 21, Quest 8, Note F says: "If a hero searches the room for secret doors, slide the chair down to reveal the secret passage." Where exactly is the Throne (called a chair in the text) supposed to slide to? The room is already pretty cramped with the Alchemist's Bench and Throne taking up seven of the 15 room squares, and needing to leave free passage to two doors plus the secret door amongst the remaining eight squares. If the Throne slides down one space, it moves through a solid wall into the next room below it. You could instead possibly maneuver it into the little nook occupied by the leftmost Skeleton on the Quest Map, or the space occupied by the topmost Skeleton, or you could remove it completely. But there is no place to slide it by following the text explicitly.

I suppose another option is to rotate the Alchemist's Bench 90 degrees counter clockwise, placing it in the Northeast corner of the room with its back against the North wall. Then the Throne could instead slide *up* (instead of down) one space to reveal the secret door. This would require moving the upper Skeleton to a new starting location in the room though (possibly to the now vacant space to the right of the "F").

Am I missing something here, or is this another instance which needs an errata?

Funny. For this one I imagine if the thing were a real room, the "chair sliding down" would mean like in a movie it sinks into the floor and moves out of sight, not that it moves south through the wall into the empty room. So I would just remove the throne from the board at this point, to role play it "sinking into the floor." Otherwise you could take it literally by knocking the furniture over and having the hero figure "climb" over it to enter the room (and then still probably just remove the piece since it crowds the room).

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby wallydubbs » Wednesday May 1st, 2024 12:09pm

I don't think I've ever played all the way through to Crypt of Perpetual Darkness, I'm not fond of this quest pack and the storyline just doesn't fit or make much sense, in my opinion. That's probably why I never played it all the way through, but I could totally see the issue.
In such cases I'd just disregard the throne completely, don't even put it on the board.

I rarely play entire quest packs without making some form of alteration, so this wouldn't be a big deal for me. There are a lot of quests out there that have unmarked chests, missing doors, or some form of error. You just gotta make sensible judgement calls.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby CavemanLogic » Wednesday May 1st, 2024 2:59pm

Kurgan wrote:...In the remake game system (again based on NA edition), the cards are all 1d6 healing (one red die) so if no other details were provided, I would use that as their intention. The retail versions of the new expansions assign other names to the variation ("potion of lesser healing"). File it under possible errata that have a very likely solution.

Talking Remake here. I own the Mythic Tier, and in nearly every single instance of "Potions of Healing" being found in a chest or specified in the quest notes, they nearly all specify what the effects of that potion do. The majority of them say something like “Restores up to 4 lost Body Points.” *None* of the Potions of Healing found in the quests detailed in the quest notes are of the 1d6 (roll 1 red die, recover that many BP) variety.

The *only* place you see Healing 1d6 potions is the Treasure card.

So, if there is an unspecified Healing Potion listed in the Quest notes, then it is most definitely a Healing-4 or Healing-2 potion, or one of the weird ones such as the abovementioned Elven Potion of Healing (heals ALL BP).

I just went through the retail Frozen Horror (remake) quest book last night, and there are 13 instances where the Heroes may find a Healing-4 potion by searching for treasure and earning one from the quest notes. None of those are of the 1d6, roll a red die and recover that many BP, variety. They are *all* of the Heal 4 BP variety.


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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday May 1st, 2024 10:34pm

Checked EQP, KK & ROTWL (NA editions) it's +4 for all the healing potions you find as well.

The odd one out in the base game is the one in Melar's Maze that is 2, the rest are all 4.

Can't argue with that research, I concede! |_P

That said, the "Potion of Healing" without explanation of what they do also occurs in Rise of the Dread Moon. I am curious just now if the Companion App gives any clue on these or if it still just says "Potion of Healing." ATOH originally had a single Potion of Healing that was 1d6, probably the sole official example (not counting the big potions of course that restored all). Interesting that the remake edition not only removed the "big" potions but it changed the one potion to a generic "Healing Potion" with no number.

So I'm changing my vote to +4 was most probable for CoPD.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday May 1st, 2024 11:09pm

Now that you got me checking I'm combing through remake ATOH (pdf not yet available). It varies quite a bit from the original in terms of Potions of Healing.

First off, no problem... they got rid of the "large" healing potions at the start, we know this. They introduced the purple (on the map) treasure chests "Supply Crates" that contain each 4 potions of healing [Q's 5, 8, & 9] that are described as restoring as many body points as the roll of 1 red die. No issues.

But when it comes to the rest of the quests, whenever you find a Potion of Healing it doesn't say what kind it is (see our discussion above). In the original version of ATOH the one Healing Potion you found was a 1d6 (unusual, compared to the +4's usually found). So should the rest of the Potions be 1d6's to match the rest found in the same quest pack? Or should they be +4s to match those found in the rest of HeroQuest (other than ROTDM which doesn't give any clue either way)?


Q4: 2 Potions of Healing with no description of what they do (this was formerly Q2 in the original, where it was a single 1d6 healing potion; also this was the only one you find in the entire campaign... remember all the Potions of Healing in the EU treasure decks were +4's so drawing a card would be the only other way to get more healing potions!).

Q5: Not sure if this is an errata per se, but it says the central room must be cleared of monsters for one hero's full turn. The original said "for one turn." Did they mean one round, as it when it comes back to that hero's turn (the one whose turn it was when the room was cleared of monsters?). Or does it just mean as soon as you clear the monsters from the room, it is accomplished? After all, monsters don't get to move on a hero's own turn. If he spends his last action killing the last monster, he won't have another action to use searching for treasure and triggering a Wandering Monster, for example... so it's strange if they didn't mean "round."

Q6: Two potions of healing found, once again with no clarification.

Q7: Two potions of healing found, once again with no clarification.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby CavemanLogic » Thursday May 2nd, 2024 12:38am

Kurgan wrote:Funny. For this one I imagine if the thing were a real room, the "chair sliding down" would mean like in a movie it sinks into the floor and moves out of sight, not that it moves south through the wall into the empty room. So I would just remove the throne from the board at this point, to role play it "sinking into the floor." Otherwise you could take it literally by knocking the furniture over and having the hero figure "climb" over it to enter the room (and then still probably just remove the piece since it crowds the room).

The very next quest, Quest 9, has another Throne that also moves to reveal a secret door behind it. It actually has a down arrow on the map, but the quest notes say "if a Hero searches the room for secret doors, slide the throne one space to reveal the passage behind it." It does not say to slide the Throne *down*, it just says to slide it *one space* without stating a direction in the text. So you could be right that the throne in Quest 8 is meant to sink "down" into the floor or something.

I agree that removing it may simply be the best option.

This is a bit unfortunate, since I houserule treasure searches. My Heroes are only allowed to search each room once (in total, not once per Hero per room), plus once per piece of furniture present. And they need to be adjacent to the furniture in order to search it (makes those random traps on the spaces in front of some of the Treasure Chests more relevant). But the loss of one single piece of furniture is not that big a deal overall anyway.


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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby CavemanLogic » Thursday May 2nd, 2024 12:59am

Kurgan wrote:Now that you got me checking I'm combing through remake ATOH (pdf not yet available). It varies quite a bit from the original in terms of Potions of Healing.

First off, no problem... they got rid of the "large" healing potions at the start, we know this. They introduced the purple (on the map) treasure chests "Supply Crates" that contain each 4 potions of healing [Q's 5, 8, & 9] that are described as restoring as many body points as the roll of 1 red die. No issues.

But when it comes to the rest of the quests, whenever you find a Potion of Healing it doesn't say what kind it is (see our discussion above). In the original version of ATOH the one Healing Potion you found was a 1d6 (unusual, compared to the +4's usually found). So should the rest of the Potions be 1d6's to match the rest found in the same quest pack? Or should they be +4s to match those found in the rest of HeroQuest (other than ROTDM which doesn't give any clue either way)?...

I don't own AtOH yet, but I do own everything else gameplay related for the remake (I never was that interested in the purple Dread dice set). Any ideas on when and where an AtOH restock will be happening?

Actually, I see that a few "Used-Like New" copies just popped up on Amazon.com that weren't there the other day. But I would still like to know if and when a restock of "New" copies will be coming down the pipeline.

So, I can only answer based on your reply above. Purple "Supply Crates" you say? That sounds cool!

As far as the Potions of Healing in the quest book, are there *any* that are of the Healing-4 variety? If not, then I would have to assume that the unspecified ones are all Healing-1d6 potions then.


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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Thursday May 2nd, 2024 2:23am

As far as restocks go, no idea what is up with Amazon's ("temporarily out of stock" and third party only though virtually same price), but HasbroPulse has copies on the US/Canada side, UK, Europe (English, German, Italian, and even Spanish). I don't see any French version available though...

Checked Wizards of Morcar, granted an EU exclusive (for now) and there's only a single Potion of Healing (+2). No mysteries.

I don't see any +4s mentioned in ATOH remake, so I'm going to agree with you they were probably intended to be d6's.

Re: ROTDM Healing Potions...
I just checked the v2.3 Companion App. Knowing this isn't the end-all be-all (it has plenty of oddities and errors still) but we are talking here about an original AH creation, so maybe it is more in line with their wishes? It gets the "no shopping" thing wrong for Quest 2's ending, but in this quest it explicitly says the Healing Potion is a 1d6. So that's Q2!

Q5: Even the App simply calls them "Two Potions of Healing!" no details.

Q9: Same as in Q5, no clarification attached to the two Potions of Healing.

So only one clarification there. I guess we could guess from the above that ROTDM's are ALL meant to be 1d6's... maybe (if you believe the App!). The Alchemy Deck, for reference, lets you buy Lesser Healing (+2) and Healing (1d6) so maybe the latter is the only clue in the printed version.

Checking the retail versions... SQT notes no potions of healing (well, there's one that can be a d6 based on what symbol you roll on a die, but it's explained; no healing potions in that Alchemist Shop since it's the same as KK/ROTWL).

PoT is really the odd one, with examples of +2's, +4's and "full" healing potions, but always clarified in each instance ("Lesser" is always +2). The first two at least match the included Alchemist Shop (& cards).

So that leaves us with two expansions full of possible errata potions:

CoPD: Probably meant to be +4's (Q6 & Q10, based on Q2)
ROTDM & ATOH remake: Probably meant to be 1d6's (see above & earlier post).

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby CavemanLogic » Tuesday May 7th, 2024 5:41am

Kurgan wrote:As far as restocks go, no idea what is up with Amazon's ("temporarily out of stock" and third party only though virtually same price), but HasbroPulse has copies on the US/Canada side, UK, Europe (English, German, Italian, and even Spanish). I don't see any French version available though...

I ended up buying a "Used-Like New" copy of Ogre Horde on Amazon. It arrived yesterday still in shrink, with a couple of very minor box corner dings. I'm happy, since I picked it up for about $7.50 (about 15%) cheaper than ordering directly from Hasbro Pulse (mainly due to Amazon free shipping).

Kurgan wrote:Re: ROTDM Healing Potions...
I just checked the v2.3 Companion App. Knowing this isn't the end-all be-all (it has plenty of oddities and errors still) but we are talking here about an original AH creation, so maybe it is more in line with their wishes? It gets the "no shopping" thing wrong for Quest 2's ending, but in this quest it explicitly says the Healing Potion is a 1d6. So that's Q2!

Q5: Even the App simply calls them "Two Potions of Healing!" no details.

Q9: Same as in Q5, no clarification attached to the two Potions of Healing.

So only one clarification there. I guess we could guess from the above that ROTDM's are ALL meant to be 1d6's... maybe (if you believe the App!). The Alchemy Deck, for reference, lets you buy Lesser Healing (+2) and Healing (1d6) so maybe the latter is the only clue in the printed version.

The Rise of the Dread Moon quest book does not specify what type of Potions of Healing the Heroes may find in quests 2, 5, and 9. But you're saying the app specifically describes the Quest 2 Potion of Healing as being of the 1d6 variety? Interesting...

Kurgan wrote:So that leaves us with two expansions full of possible errata potions:

CoPD: Probably meant to be +4's (Q6 & Q10, based on Q2)
ROTDM & ATOH remake: Probably meant to be 1d6's (see above & earlier post).

It appears that all of the earlier expansions (up through Spirit Queen and Prophecy of Telor retail releases) use the Healing-4 versions of the Potions of Healing (unless otherwise described in the text) as the default "found" Potion of Healing in the quests. I agree with you that the two newest sets (Dread Moon and Ogre Horde) most likely use the Healing-1d6 variety. I wonder if Hasbro will just stick with the Healing-1d6's as the default found potions going forward.

On a side note, it is interesting that the "Half-Filled" Healing-2 potions (from the base game Gathering Storm quests, and New Beginnings) appear to have been completely replaced with the "Lesser" Healing-2 potions starting with the Rise of the Dread Moon expansion. Rise of the Dread Moon and Prophecy of Telor retail release both call them "Potions of Lesser Healing," whereas the original Prophecy of Telor Heroic release simply called them "Potions of Healing" and specified that they restore up to 2 lost Body Points. I actually liked the visual of a half-filled flask restoring 2 BP and a regular (full) flask restoring 4.


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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby CavemanLogic » Thursday May 9th, 2024 5:14am

CavemanLogic wrote:It appears that all of the earlier expansions (up through Spirit Queen and Prophecy of Telor retail releases) use the Healing-4 versions of the Potions of Healing (unless otherwise described in the text) as the default "found" Potion of Healing in the quests. I agree with you that the two newest sets (Dread Moon and Ogre Horde) most likely use the Healing-1d6 variety. I wonder if Hasbro will just stick with the Healing-1d6's as the default found potions going forward.

After more research, it looks like the Healing-1d6 may have become the default healing potion starting with the newer retail release of Prophecy of Telor. Here is the text for a potion found in the Prophecy of Telor, Quest 10, of the Mythic Tier 2021 release:

"This is the apothecary's storeroom. The first hero to search for treasure finds a potion of healing in each chest that restores up to 4 lost Body Points when consumed."

Note that there are three chests in the room. Here is the same entry from the retail 2023 release:

"This is the apothecary's storeroom. The first hero to search for treasure finds two modified potions of healing that restore up to 4 lost Body Points when consumed."

There are still three chests, but now only two of the "Modified" potions can be found, instead of the three from the earlier version. The word "modified" in the newer entry seems to imply that the *default* potions are probably now the Healing-1d6 variety, and the "modified," other, non-standard potions are the Healing-4 ones. Also, the newer retail edition comes with a "Potion of Lesser Healing" Equipment card. I don't recall seeing a similar "Half-Filled Potion of Healing" card in the original Mythic Tier release. And the Potion of Lesser Healing can be found in three separate instances in earlier quests in the quest book. The Potion of Lesser Healing is the new wording for the old Half-Filled Potions of Healing.

Also, the only instance in the entire game of a "Bolstered" Potion of Healing which heals *all* lost Body Points is found in Prophecy of Telor. So, even though only Potions of Lesser Healing, "Modified" Potions of Healing, and the "Bolstered" Potion of Healing are the only ones found in this quest pack, and none of the now standard Healing-1d6 potions are to be found, it still appears that the Healing-1d6 potions are the new standard.


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