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Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday March 6th, 2024 9:54am


Not really an errata, just a change, but I was messing around in the App 2.2 and it reminded me that in Prophecy of Telor when the heroes are turned into Orcs, their attack is set at 2 dice (just like the text in the retail version, but in the Haslab mythic version, it said attack the same as an Orc, which would be 3).

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby TheLastChaosWarrior » Wednesday March 6th, 2024 1:11pm

I ignore that stupid 1d6 healing potion rule, it's very tiresome having to make a note on how many bps each potion will recover. You end up with a list on your sheet six long, one for each strength.
As per the old EU rules, they are all 4bp ones.
The only time a 2bp one appears is when it's found in notes sometimes.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday March 6th, 2024 2:29pm

The 1d6 healing Potion was in the original version, though. Each to their own, but I've never had a problem with multiple different kinds of healing potions existing side by side in HeroQuest. Some restore 2, some 4, some the roll of 1 red die (up to 6). Yes, the last one will piss you off if you roll a "1" etc.

That's the notation I use on my sheet. So it could be:

heal 1d6x20

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Wednesday March 6th, 2024 4:00pm

Kurgan wrote:From what I understood they can't be disarmed. Once you search, they appear. Right?

Correct, it is clearly stated in the questbook rules that the Pit of Darkness traps cannot be disarmed so, placing more traps than available tiles is a clear errata.

Kurgan wrote:Regarding the swinging blade traps, you have to actually land on the red/orange square in order to trigger the blade (with one exception where the blade activates when you open a certain stone door) and then the squares with white blades on them all get hit. Am I understanding that correctly and that's how it worked in the original?

To be accurate... are hit the miniatures in the White Axe squares AND also the miniature in the Red Axe who activated the trap. It is the same like in the original AtOH.

Kurgan wrote:Regarding traps, it's true I haven't played the 1st or 2nd EU edition and I forget the many differences from the NA edition I grew up with. So you search a room/corridor and it reveals the trap (which in some cases means putting the tile down). If you have a toolkit, you say you want to disarm (no need to move to the exact square) and roll your die... if it's any shield, the trap is removed. The Dwarf does it the same way except he doesn't have to roll... just saying he wants to disarm and boom, it's gone.

Not 100% correct/complete. 1st EU edition is not clear about where the hero should be placed to disarm the trap, but in EU 2nd edition the hero must be adjacent to the trap to be able to disarm it and if the Hero fails he loses 1 Body Point as stated in the Tool Kit card (not in the rulebook). Then, I guess that MB wanted to polish the disarming rule a bit in the classic AtOH rules adapting it for Blade traps and replacing the 1 BP fixed concept by a "triggering" one. The problem now is such rules have been directly copied in the remake from the classic, but under NA rules it is reduntant (according to the NA or remake rulebook a failed attempt of disarming always triggers the trap, it do not cause 1 BP of damage) and mentioning the Dwarf automatic disarm ability makes no sense because it nver existed under NA rules.

Kurgan wrote:A falling block trap would work like this in the EU editions... you hit the "rock" square and the block lands on the "arrow" square. Then you can disarm the tile (from anywhere) but if you fail, you take 1 BP damage and the tile is removed anyway. So a trapped hero could easily free themselves (unless they are a non-Dwarf without a toolkit then they have to wait for another such hero to be in the same area). That's assuming they don't luck out and happen to be the Elf or Wizard with Pass Through Rock left. No Spell Scrolls or special artifacts were added to this expansion.

In classic EU rules you must be adjacent to the trap to disarm it, but I always thought it can be only done if the trap has been discovered but not triggered yet.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday March 6th, 2024 4:19pm

Ah okay, thanks for clarifying. I missed the "adjacent" part!

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby j_dean80 » Wednesday March 6th, 2024 6:51pm

HispaZargon wrote:
Kurgan wrote:From what I understood they can't be disarmed. Once you search, they appear. Right?

Correct, it is clearly stated in the questbook rules that the Pit of Darkness traps cannot be disarmed so, placing more traps than available tiles is a clear errata.

I haven't read through the new AtOH rules yet. Figured they would convert the traps to work like NA traps but it sounds like they did not.
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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Thursday March 28th, 2024 1:38pm

Yeah I'm pretty sure a triggered (placed on the board) Pit (not pit of darkness) and Fallen Rock trap CAN be removed after the fact under EU rules. Hence, heroes are far less likely to be trapped forever in the original ATOH vs. an (unmodified) NA/Remake rules version.

The problem of "trapped but not dead" heroes only should come up when playing under the NA/AH rules. In many cases Zargon can "warn" the hero that by moving a certain direction (in which he sees a dead end) he may become trapped. There is at least one place in which a friendly warning like this won't help because the trap triggers AFTER the hero goes into the room (and the chest is empty). A forgiving Zargon could choose to say inside the chest is actually a pass through rock spell scroll (OR a toolkit, read below...).

Hence, my (homebrew) solution to this would be to re-allow the old disarming technique for these types of traps in the remake version. If the heroes (most likely) have played other quests before taking on this expansion, they would probably have enough gold to buy Toolkit(s) and even if they haven't (and left the Dwarf behind and no Rogue joined up), they would certainly get a lot of gold for accomplishing the Tournament quests. So if they started on this expansion from scratch, and skipped the tournaments, and removed the Dwarf from play... it's going to be a rough day. A hero left behind like that could make an interesting "rescue mission" replay though I suppose, or else they are declared "dead" and move on.

A trapped hero faces some danger (1 BP damage) but is not faced with sitting out the rest of the game until such time (if any) that another hero can free him (which under NA/Remake rules would only happen if a hero happens to have multiple pass through rock abilities saved from other quests, could move into the room, pass that item/cast spell on the trapped one, and let them both escape).

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Thursday March 28th, 2024 1:47pm

ATOH errata... the Spanish version (set for release April 1, 2024, hope that's not an April Fools Day joke!) is called "La Horda del Orgo" which means "the Ogre Horde" ... what happened to "Against" ?

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Vorimir » Thursday March 28th, 2024 2:20pm

Its already released, Amazon sent copies two weeks ago. The translation is not very good all along, seems a bit hurried. Not only botched the title but there are some strange word uses in the rulebook. Seems a bit like translated by someone not totally fluent or even with some computer app.
The OG was called Contra la horda de ogros, as this should have been.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Thursday March 28th, 2024 6:09pm

Despite the 'original' translation of the title, the only translation mistake I have found until now in the Spanish version of AtOH is in the Druid Spell Pixie. The did not translated the word "pixie" anywhere and they kept it as is, which I would had trasnlated it as "hada" in Spanish. But well, we could live with it. Anyhow, I have not checked all the text in the quest notes, just the general rules, Mentor words and cards. To be honest in my opinion RoDM and AtOH have been much better translated than previous material, however it is not perfect, yes.

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