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Hasbro 2021 Remake: Public Unboxings ARE HERE!

Discuss general topics relating to HeroQuest that don't fit well in the categories below.

Should someone at the Inn post a public unboxing video of New Heroquest?

Poll ended at Wednesday January 19th, 2022 9:16pm

Yes, more info is good
No, spoilers are bad, I won't click on it
No votes
No, an official vid will get posted ahead of time
No, doesn't tell me how it plays
Total votes : 29

Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake - Public Unboxing: seeking volunteers

Postby Xoxxala » Thursday October 21st, 2021 9:07pm

The two issues most new streamers/youtubers have are lighting and audio. You will need plenty of light from multiple angles to avoid shadows.

But a good microphone is probably the single most useful upgrade. Viewers will forgive most everything, but if they have difficulty listening to you, they are likely to not finish the video (according to many content creators).

Good luck with your video!
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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake - Public Unboxing: seeking volunteers

Postby lestodante » Friday October 22nd, 2021 5:26am

FainFlynn wrote:Quick question for everyone. I am one of the unboxing volunteers, however, I must admit - I have never streamed live or uploaded to Youtube. Terrible, I know.
I do have an iPhone 13 Pro, and a stand. And, I have a webcam for work.
Suggestions for what platform or equipment I may need to make this good for all of you? And be more detailed in your responses than you think you need to be. Assume I know nothing of the tech, which I probably don't.

Your phone do excellent videos already. I guess Kurgan was asking to receive all the videos and then he will edit and put it online.

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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake - Public Unboxing: seeking volunteers

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday October 27th, 2021 5:37pm

It doesn't have to be "live" just comprehensive in terms of answering questions we have (see page one).

FainFlynn wrote:Quick question for everyone. I am one of the unboxing volunteers, however, I must admit - I have never streamed live or uploaded to Youtube. Terrible, I know.

I do have an iPhone 13 Pro, and a stand. And, I have a webcam for work.

Suggestions for what platform or equipment I may need to make this good for all of you? And be more detailed in your responses than you think you need to be. Assume I know nothing of the tech, which I probably don't.

As for collecting all the videos and putting them together...

That is an idea... I was more thinking I would Twitch Stream my own unboxing (unless I'm beaten to the punch), but if others want to host their files somewhere they can just share the links in this thread (or better yet, I'll start a NEW ONE and post a link to it here).

The point will be to get all the questions answered so the rest of us can decide if we want to rip open the shrink wrap / place future orders.

I could certainly gather photos and/or videos anyone wants to send me (email kurganx @ mediacombb . net ) <--- remove spaces
if you don't mind them featured on my twitch page (HeroQuestFans) and later Youtube channel (backup).

We just got a new email declaring:

Greetings HeroQuest Backers,

Thank you for your patience as we work to get you more definitive answers to your shipping questions. As many of you may already know, the shipping industry is dealing with unprecedented issues and concrete information is difficult to share as the situation can quickly change. We targeted this campaign to deliver in the Fall of 2021 and we have worked hard to meet that deadline.

Now for the good news!

For Mythic tier backers, the last of the shipments have arrived to our warehouse and we have begun printing shipping labels! That means you may be seeing a tracking number generated, but please don’t be alarmed if you don’t see movement right away. As soon as your incredible chest of quests officially ships, you will receive a shipping confirmation email from us.

We hope you are as excited as we are to get HeroQuest to the table soon, and we’d love to see that excitement. The team launched an Instagram page for @AvalonHillGames, so feel free to share your heroic adventures.

Game on!

- The Hasbro Pulse Team

So it may not be long now, guessing 1-2 weeks, if I'm reading that right, but who is to say any of us volunteers will be among them. Keep us informed!
I logged into my HasbroPulse and it said status "Unfulfilled" so that's where I am as of right now.
Last edited by Kurgan on Wednesday October 27th, 2021 5:40pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake - Public Unboxing: seeking volunteers

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday October 27th, 2021 5:38pm

Also, does anyone want to be signed up beyond the list so far, or have your name removed? Let me know. You can post here or PM me.

If possible I'd like to help coordinate by sending out a group email. Can each of you respond and send me a way to contact you?

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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake - Public Unboxing: We Have Volunteers

Postby Kurgan » Monday November 1st, 2021 12:45pm

FainFlynn reports a delivery date of Nov 8th.

Edit: a few adjustments...

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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake - Public Unboxing: We Have Volunteers

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 11:58am

Info is being updated from the Big Discussion Thread:

Xoxxala Nov 2 (Got it?)
Darkfox190 Nov 6 (Sat)
Leathaface79 Nov 6 (Sat)
cynthialee Nov 7 (Sun)
FainFlynn Nov 8 (Mon)
Kurgan Nov 9 (Tue)
Blayze Nov 9 (Tue)

Xoxxala, do you have it, or did your date get changed?

Note: Only two of the above persons have volunteered for the public unboxing. If anyone else wants to join in, please let us know!
Last edited by Kurgan on Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 5:38pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake - Public Unboxing: We Have Volunteers

Postby Shadzar » Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 5:32pm

Fulfillment Status Unfulfilled


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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake - Public Unboxing: We Have Volunteers

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 10:30pm

Some people on reddit are posting stuff but still we need hard data on the textual changes/additions, so there's still a need for an unboxing at this time.

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To all the non-believers... !

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday November 3rd, 2021 11:25pm

IT'S HERE!!!! But my copy won't arrive until Tuesday afternoon CST. (don't forget to set your clocks back this Sunday for those observing Daylight Savings Time!)

In the meantime pics are being posted. But one thing they're really lacking in, is proper measurements next to the classic minis and content of the booklets in terms of textual changes/additions (spoilers or otherwise). Reddit and facebook seem to be the places to see these sights but we're posting up and linking what we find.

Edit: Updated the questions on the first page OP that still need answering.

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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake - Public Unboxing: We Have Volunteers

Postby Kurgan » Thursday November 4th, 2021 7:38am

The first unboxing has been posted! Credit where credit is due (and thanks to muscularis for posting and Shadzar for alerting me to it). From Cosmic Tavern on youtube.

I haven't had a chance to see the whole thing so there may be a few things not answered yet.

A few early thoughts and comments are here, will get the list updated as I run through it. Feel free to ask him questions on his youtube comments section!

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