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Hasbro 2021 Remake: Public Unboxings ARE HERE!

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Should someone at the Inn post a public unboxing video of New Heroquest?

Poll ended at Wednesday January 19th, 2022 9:16pm

Yes, more info is good
No, spoilers are bad, I won't click on it
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No, an official vid will get posted ahead of time
No, doesn't tell me how it plays
Total votes : 29

More Unboxing Details...

Postby Kurgan » Thursday November 4th, 2021 5:28pm

Yeah but it got lost in the chants of "Dra-gon! Dra-gon! Dra-gon!" etc. ;)

I was assuming these tiles were going to be double sided, but now I'm beginning to think maybe they aren't... like the KK/ROTWL ones seem to have their sheets folded over and there's white space on there. Of course the video I'm watching the guy doesn't unfold it so it's hard to see. It's a minor thing, but the original NA tiles were single sided and white on the back and thinner (lesser quality) than the game system ones... but apparently EU players didn't have this, they got black on the back and thick, shiny pieces similar to the GS quality. Edit: Nevermind, I see later in the video he flips them over and the KK/ROTWL tiles are linen finish AND they are WHITE on the back. Not double-sided.

I see some quality differences between the Joe M. Mythic tier stuff (the Dragon expansion with its tiles and such and the new Hero cards) in terms of finish which I don't think is just a trick of the lightning, but there's some noticeable differences. Yet KK & ROTWL this time seems to have the same finish. Eyes could be playing tricks on me... anybody else agree?

The way I see the Quest books being handled, they look like they have kind of the size and weight of a folded mini-magazine, or maybe a modern comic book, and less like the heavier folded paper booklet from the 90's. Again just a subtle perception, without holding it in my own hands, I can't be sure. It certainly looks presentable. And if you photocopy it in color (which they give you permission to do at least for certain sections for personal use) it should still look pretty good.

The ROTWL quest book still mentions the fallen city of Kalos. Along with the With Lord, Skullmar, Kessandra and the Black Banner are untouched in terms of replacements, so I'm grateful for that. SPOILERS: Skullmar is still at large in this edition as well.
Last edited by Kurgan on Thursday November 4th, 2021 5:48pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake - Public Unboxing: We Have Volunteers

Postby Mbutt01 » Thursday November 4th, 2021 5:43pm

Kurgan wrote:He... or She? I have this idea that they are giving us a male and female of every monster (certainly with Orcs, Goblins, Mummy, Zombie, Dread Sorcerer and Dread Warrior). Yes, even the Skeleton (wider hip bones?). I guess it's hard to tell with monsters some times but I think maybe the Gargoyle as well?

Can you take a picture of the back of the GM Screen? The NA version gives the stats for the monsters, explains what actions heroes can do and some of the things monsters can do on their turns and a brief description of traps (if I recall correctly), whereas the EU version had all the furniture and map symbols on it instead with trap descriptions. It's a cheat sheet, but we wondered specifically what's on it.

Edit: So from what you say, it SOUNDS like the GM Screen is the same as the NA version...

Lets see if posting this image works:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iexYKy ... sp=sharing

There only seems to be female orcs on the monster side, the gargoyle is genderless!

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Re: More Unboxing Details...

Postby Mbutt01 » Thursday November 4th, 2021 5:46pm

Kurgan wrote:Yeah but it got lost in the chants of "Dra-gon! Dra-gon! Dra-gon!" etc. ;)

I was assuming these tiles were going to be double sided, but now I'm beginning to think maybe they aren't... like the KK/ROTWL ones seem to have their sheets folded over and there's white space on there. Of course the video I'm watching the guy doesn't unfold it so it's hard to see. It's a minor thing, but the original NA tiles were single sided and white on the back and thinner (lesser quality) than the game system ones... but apparently EU players didn't have this, they got black on the back and thick, shiny pieces similar to the GS quality.

the Dragon quest tiles are double sided, and appear to be the same finish quality as the main game

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Re: From the video... Monsters, Artifacts, Equipment insight

Postby HispaZargon » Thursday November 4th, 2021 6:02pm

Hi again,

After a first overview of the comments posted here about Cosmic Tavern's unboxing video, here are my thoughts about several topics. Please, of course maybe some of those comments could be incorrect because I don't have a copy of the game so I don't have all the information but, here they are anyway:

- New artifacts in Basic Game System box: I am quite surprised about it since according to official Hasbro's feedback, I thought the rules were going to be the same as the original 1990's American version of Hero Quest. I know that new artifacts do not directly affect to the basic game rules but, in my opinion, adding new artifacts may change some of the charm of the original version if they are found through the basic game questpack. I don't know how those artifacts will be obtained by the heroes but I guess it should be explained in the questbook, which means the questbook is not like the original? (despite of the Games Workshop licenses issues we already know or other minor corrections from the original)

- New equipment cards in Basic Game System box: Same comment as new artifacts. It seems that Hasbro has made a hybrid version between American and European available equipment items. European's Hand Axe, Bracers, Holy Water and Speed Boots have added from EU version, with changes at least in case of the Hand Axe (cost increased to 200 gold coins)... In my opinion I never liked the bracers, because them make the Wizard stronger and, one of the best things of the original HeroQuest is the weakness of the Wizard since it makes him a more difficult Hero to be played, again in my opinion. I think these changes affect to the game experience, maybe in the good direction (something to be further discussed probably in future weeks), but they are changes from the original in any case. About Holy Water I am I little bit dissapointed because the card does not clarify the historical issue about it if it can be thrown or not to a monster, it seems that the ambiguity in the original card text remains in the remake version. Another topic mentioned is that tools kit is now considered an artifact instead an equipment item, really? Something to be confirmed too.

- New small tile in Basic Game System box: Very interesting... Kurgan suggested here that it may be to represent the Star of the West, it could be a very good catch but I think we need more information about it to confirm.

- Borin's Armour card helmet issue clarification: Very good correction included to the historical issue so discussed here. Congrats to everyone, nothing more to say.

- Games Workshop lore changes: Well, calling "Realm" instead "Empire", "Dread" instead of "Chaos", "Kaba Karn" instead of "Karak Varn", etc. I think that is something that Hasbro had to do in order to release the game once GW is not a stakeholder of the project so, despite I would like to see there the GW lore as the original, it is in my opinion a minor issue, nothing more to say.

- Aesthetical topics of the new art, boxes, miniatures, genre diversity, etc: I like more the original style but I think the new ones are also very good. It is very glad to see that Hasbro has made an accurate work on that, trying to make a good and modern product. The miniatures are bigger, the boxes and board are bigger, the furniture is really good (the new tomb opening detail is awesome!), an inclusive policy is provided, etc. I think those details could attract the attention of many new (and younger) HeroQuest fans, which is something great for the Community! About the plastic trays of the boxes, I agree they could not be a good solution for the future, maybe could appear cracks and so on, but we will see.

- Empty space in the botton of the main box: I think such space would be used to store the screen and tiles of the basic game and the expansions once they are extracted from the cardboard sheets. I have not seen in the video any other better place to store them but correct me if I am wrong. If I am right, very good for Hasbro to provide such space there.

- KK and ROTWL Expansions: Very good for Hasbro to finally include the artifact cards.

- New expansions and extra Heroes: Well, in a first sight they look really well but I want to know more details about their rules and cards/spells. I hope those 3 new questpacks (THREE...!!!! :-) ) will add many interesting features to the game but, at the same time, new topics in line with the already known game and lore, not too much exotic. According to the new green tiles, I guess Dragon monster game mechanics may be different than other monsters but It has not been reported anything sure about it yet. Stephen Baker's questpack also really interesting for me how to see something new from his head 30 years ago, I am very excited about that but for the moment unfortunately, not too info available.

Well, honestly I am not interested in buying a copy of the HQ remake for the moment since I already have an original one painted, etc. but I think this new one are great news and I am so excited then for it, it looks really well.

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Re: From the video... Monsters, Artifacts, Equipment insight

Postby Mbutt01 » Thursday November 4th, 2021 6:11pm

HispaZargon wrote:Hi again,

After a first overview of the comments posted here about Cosmic Tavern's unboxing video, here are my thoughts about several topics. Please, of course maybe some of those comments could be incorrect because I don't have a copy of the game so I don't have all the information but, here they are anyway:

Another topic mentioned is that tools kit is now considered an artifact instead an equipment item, really? Something to be confirmed too.

- New small tile in Basic Game System box: Very interesting... Kurgan suggested here that it may be to represent the Star of the West, it could be a very good catch but I think we need more information about it to confirm.

The Tool kit remains equipment, 250 gold coins

There is a token which has the player symbol used in rulebook on one side and Zargon symbol on the other, it isn't mentioned as the star of the west specifically in the quest and I can't find a use for it. The double sized blocked wall tokens have a drain on the reverse side as well.

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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake - Public Unboxing: We Have Volunteers

Postby Kurgan » Thursday November 4th, 2021 6:17pm

Thank you Mbutt01 for confirming the tool kit. I figured Cosmic Tavern got his cards shuffled or it was put in the wrong order at the factory. Good to know either way!

Here's a thought... what if that weird token is the "Turn marker"? Heroquest never had it, but some games have a little object you pass around to remind the person that it's their turn (possible to forget for kids or people who are getting tired or a little tipsy or just absent minded).

Or it might be some kind of chit to determine whether the player is going to be Zargon or a hero (maybe good guy side or bad guy side) like flipping a coin? Again, would seem like a strange new thing, but possible. Does the Rulebook cover any of this, perhaps in the first few pages?

I doubt it's meant as a marker to show where a trap is (why would Zargon want to help the Heroes' poor memory? you can always use the movement dice for that).

Then again it may have a specific intended purpose we just haven't seen yet... but it's in the game system box, so you'd think it belongs there, right?

So another thing I didn't realize... it seems crystal clear to me now that you'll be able to buy KK and ROTWL separately. Why? Because of the duplicates.

Each one includes 1 each of the iron and reinforced doors. Yet you really only need one set to play these. Also, they give you each 1 set of all the "Alchemist Shop" potions.

So one thing you could do which would be cool is to mix up a "potions deck" for homebrew, or even toss some of them into the Treasure deck (hide it behind the screen). You'll have two instances each of those (Potions of Battle, Dexterity, Restoration, Venom Antidote). If it were me, I'd also toss in Potion of Battle and Holy Water too, even though technically now all of those are classed as "Equipment" cards.

So I have a good feeling about this. No need to rely upon online scalpers. You will probably be able to soon buy them straight from HasbroPulse and probably from those retailer stores that others have mentioned, even if you "missed out" on the pledge drive.

And what about those missing minis? Well if these are close to Reaper Bones anyway, there you go! Any generic Bard, Warlock, Druid, or Orc, half-ling or female warrior can be tossed in. You have the data from their spell cards already from the public "play test" and you can easily add the weapons on a paper sheet to the armory for purchase. And like others have said, you may also be able to use the "Heroquest companion app" (details unclear how to use that one).

Sure you may not get the new quests, but just find somebody else who has them and you can play easily, and of course you have the blank quest map to make whatever you want, fancy boxes or not!

Remember in classic Hero Quest we didn't have a special figure for the Witch Lord or Sir Ragnar. We just used the Chaos Warlock generic figure. If we wanted a female hero, we gave them a female name on the character sheet! (most of us didn't have the Barbarian or Elf Quest packs if we even knew they existed).
Last edited by Kurgan on Thursday November 4th, 2021 6:22pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: From the video... Monsters, Artifacts, Equipment insight

Postby HispaZargon » Thursday November 4th, 2021 6:18pm

Mbutt01 wrote:
HispaZargon wrote:Hi again,

After a first overview of the comments posted here about Cosmic Tavern's unboxing video, here are my thoughts about several topics. Please, of course maybe some of those comments could be incorrect because I don't have a copy of the game so I don't have all the information but, here they are anyway:

Another topic mentioned is that tools kit is now considered an artifact instead an equipment item, really? Something to be confirmed too.

- New small tile in Basic Game System box: Very interesting... Kurgan suggested here that it may be to represent the Star of the West, it could be a very good catch but I think we need more information about it to confirm.

The Tool kit remains equipment, 250 gold coins

There is a token which has the player symbol used in rulebook on one side and Zargon symbol on the other, it isn't mentioned as the star of the west specifically in the quest and I can't find a use for it. The double sized blocked wall tokens have a drain on the reverse side as well.

Ok, thank you! quite interesting what you say about those tokens... does anybody have any idea about their posible use?
Last edited by HispaZargon on Thursday November 4th, 2021 6:22pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake - Public Unboxing: We Have Volunteers

Postby Mbutt01 » Thursday November 4th, 2021 6:21pm

Yeah I totally agree about the separate release for the expansions. Also since they went to the effort of creating stand alone boxes for each expansion adds weight to that. As a small detail the plastic sheets with the model even has a specific space for the cards. Scream separate release to me.

I think a turn counter makes sense, you could also use it to 'flip a coin' or similar if needed.

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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake - Public Unboxing: We Have Volunteers

Postby Kurgan » Thursday November 4th, 2021 6:24pm

Whew, I'm finally through the video. I watched some sections of it in slow mo so I could pause and try to read the text. I didn't verify the placement of everything on the quest maps I saw (we were trained as kids not to learn the quest maps in case we ever played them, to be surprised!).

Despite him not having done enough research, he covered a lot of stuff, so I give him a lot of credit. Thanks Cosmic Tavern!

We know next to nothing about the Stephen Baker quests, their quality or play-testability, etc. We don't know if there are any crazy new rules in the untouched sections of the Rulebook. Part of me doesn't want to know about those new quests, but then again I've been looking over the EQP and BQP for years and we've discussed ways to fix the issues in those (and for all we know, we can expect the BQP to come out in this format too someday perhaps sooner than we think?).

So right now my instinct is to say "I'm going to open the box and review it" (and either keep it or gift it to someone) but you guys have about 5 days to change my mind. |_P

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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake - Public Unboxing: We Have Volunteers

Postby HispaZargon » Thursday November 4th, 2021 6:37pm

Kurgan wrote:And what about those missing minis? Well if these are close to Reaper Bones anyway, there you go! Any generic Bard, Warlock, Druid, or Orc, half-ling or female warrior can be tossed in. You have the data from their spell cards already from the public "play test" and you can easily add the weapons on a paper sheet to the armory for purchase. And like others have said, you may also be able to use the "Heroquest companion app" (details unclear how to use that one).

Sure you may not get the new quests, but just find somebody else who has them and you can play easily, and of course you have the blank quest map to make whatever you want, fancy boxes or not!

Remember in classic Hero Quest we didn't have a special figure for the Witch Lord or Sir Ragnar. We just used the Chaos Warlock generic figure. If we wanted a female hero, we gave them a female name on the character sheet! (most of us didn't have the Barbarian or Elf Quest packs if we even knew they existed).

Fully agree... now I have my 'classic' Mentor mini just doing exercises to be prepared for any future battle :D :D :D

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Last edited by HispaZargon on Thursday November 4th, 2021 6:57pm, edited 1 time in total.

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