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Hasbro 2021 Remake: Public Unboxings ARE HERE!

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Should someone at the Inn post a public unboxing video of New Heroquest?

Poll ended at Wednesday January 19th, 2022 9:16pm

Yes, more info is good
No, spoilers are bad, I won't click on it
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No, an official vid will get posted ahead of time
No, doesn't tell me how it plays
Total votes : 29

Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake: Public Unboxing IS HERE!

Postby cynthialee » Saturday November 6th, 2021 7:02pm

Just noticed Dread Warrior move of 7 not 6. (I am remembering right? Chaos Warrior had 6 move right?)
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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake: Public Unboxing IS HERE!

Postby Shadzar » Saturday November 6th, 2021 8:16pm

cynthialee wrote:Just noticed Dread Warrior move of 7 not 6. (I am remembering right? Chaos Warrior had 6 move right?)


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Postby Kurgan » Saturday November 6th, 2021 9:29pm

http://english.yeoldeinn.com/downloads/system/system-monster.pdf Yep, the Chaos Warrior was slower in the EU edition (so is the Zombie, come to think of it). Other differences too of course.

So no change from the NA edition I'm most familiar with.

I have a feeling the EU vs. NA differences will come up again and again as people post their reactions, time to find that big thread where we went through it all (It was an eye opener for me!).

Ah ha, here it is: EU vs NA Rule [and other] Comparison

Another useful thread when evaluating the new game...

NA 2nd Edition errata suggestions
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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake: Public Unboxing IS HERE!

Postby Shadzar » Sunday November 7th, 2021 12:51am

people are already painting. i dont want to be influenced by other people's paint jobs! :evil:

does show off some of the details on some things that otherwise haven't been seen in other photos and videos. Didn't even know the doors had vines on the side... how did the vine het there when the side of the doorway is part of THE WALL? :|

also some rooms the squares arent even big enough to hold a mini in if there is an adjacent wall? :?

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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake: Public Unboxing IS HERE!

Postby Kurgan » Sunday November 7th, 2021 1:00am

Good point, I guess they are meant to be archways sticking out from the wall (they're just thinner than you expect)? That or Zargon is using buried cable...

More from the rulebook via Cosmic Tavern's video...

Drinking more than one potion at a time was always in the NA rules, I just forgot and thought maybe I was home-brewin' it. ;)

"Wizard since there are few items you can buy from the armory, it would be wise to save your money." [line about powerful magical items in future quest packs becoming available deleted]

Yeah, but for what? Potions? Also, he can buy stuff for his fellow heroes too (even if he can't use them) right? (not yet confirmed if you can use gold to hire mercs in the Mythic tier expansions).

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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake: Public Unboxing IS HERE!

Postby Kurgan » Sunday November 7th, 2021 2:12am

Some more unboxing videos were posted on youtube (any of you?)... haven't had a chance to go through all of them yet. A lot of them seem to just be taking stuff out of the boxes, or just showing the minis, nothing we haven't seen already. You can always ask questions of course in their comments...

D20Studios part 1, part 2

Noticed a detail in part 2, the Spiral staircase has a back on it, that has a different looking staircase (going straight down instead of a spiral). Few people are flipping over their tile sheets on camera to show the other side!

darklord bob kudos for the batman reference

Nate Things (not the greatest, it's hard to see because of the camera quality and distance, but it was for Todd so I'm not going to blame the guy too much)

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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake: Public Unboxing IS HERE!

Postby Shadzar » Sunday November 7th, 2021 2:39am

Kurgan wrote:the Spiral staircase has a back on it, that has a different looking staircase (going straight down instead of a spiral). Few people are flipping over their tile sheets on camera to show the other side!

the base game also has some alcove tiles on the back of double wide corridor block tiles as I saw in one video. Might have been deadgamer's videos or the other one that has now hit 14k views.

Instant celebrity being the first to unbox... if there even a point of us making videos anymore?

All that is left is to do static images of things like these strange tiles and the back of tiles that are new, and ... like the eye/ morcar/zargon symbol tile, statue, and bones pile, none of these other new tiles have icons for them for creating your own quests.

Which alludes me to think this is unfinished and the retail version might be different, or they will have to issue errata or a new icon sheet for these strange new 10 or so tiles that never existed before.

Possibly the Mythic unlocked quests have or use these new tiles, but until gone through with a fine comb by someone, nobody will know.

Sure a dead end alcove isnt much other than a blocked double corridor, but why add that and say nothing?

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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake: Public Unboxing IS HERE!

Postby Kurgan » Sunday November 7th, 2021 3:27am

deadgamer's videos have gone over KK & ROTWL, and he discusses the mystery tiles but he hasn't really going through the GS or the new quests yet.

As to making new videos there's no obligation, but I would say spoiling the Mythic tier quest books and going through the rulebook are all that are left at this point.

I said from the start that the point of the unboxing would be for those who were having second thoughts, and for any future buyers (yes, even if it's not going to retail, which would be a huge mistake, it would be for purchase from the Hasbro website in some form or another). If you don't mind forfeiting your refund, rip that sucker open.

For me the most important part hasn't been revealed yet (I can well assume that the original 14 are unchanged, and we know parts of the rulebook are different, but those small changes are of interest to me nonetheless). For the people who just wanted the miniatures, they've know for quite some time what they're getting.

Don't forget daylight savings time ending, those of you who observe it!

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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake: Public Unboxing IS HERE!

Postby Shadzar » Sunday November 7th, 2021 4:52am

Kurgan wrote:deadgamer's videos have gone over KK & ROTWL, and he discusses the mystery tiles

Not all of them, he hasn't done the base game yet, unless he took the video down. Cael found the tiles i mention in the BIG thread...

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Re: Hasbro 2021 Remake: Public Unboxing IS HERE!

Postby Kurgan » Sunday November 7th, 2021 10:17am

Thanks again everyone... if some new detail gets lost in the shuffle of the big thread, I appreciate it being mentioned so I can update the OP of this one to make it easier to find in future! |_P

So any new things from the three new quest books, the GS quest book, and the Rulebook are what I'm most curious about...

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