Kurgan wrote:. . . So for the 100$ + shipping you get the game system, the four "bonus" heroes (3 female variants and the male elf) and Sir Ragnar (prisoner).
And for 150$ + shipping you get the above plus ROTWL & KK remakes + Fake Mentor (Zargon) and Witch Lord figures AND the "unlocks" which means whatever is "funded" by Nov 6th, which right now is just:
"Warlock Hero figure" and "6 extra combat dice."
More funding (if it happens) would get two variant skeletons, two variant goblins and the much hyped new Stephen Baker quest. ($400K!)
So I'm guessing when it comes to stores (whatever stores those might be), and you weren't part of the "pledging" crowdfunding campaign, you just wouldn't get the bonus figures included.
Yeah, that's right. If Hasbro later releases HeroQuest at the stores or online, you'd likely buy Quest Packs separately from the base game. Bonus dice or gender options
might be made available for purchase as well.
Keep in mind more stretch goals are planned. A new Druid Hero and a Quest Pack, The Spirit Queen's Torment, are mentioned in the FAQ. I'd say they will be added in with at least two new monster sculpts over the next million, one being a new Abomination sculpt which was mentioned on the Pulsecon livestream. I'd also expect a Kessandria/Spirt Queen sculpt. Maybe even a Skullmar/IP alternatively named figure as well.
If this ride makes it to four million, we're also looking at at least another Quest Pack that features a new boss Monster, this time by Joe Manganiello (D&D luminary/actor). More stretch goals should be expected as well.
The Pulsecon livestream also mentioned rules changes in the stretch goals. If enough money is pledged, the Haslab crowdfunding $150 tier will likely be the best value available, in my opinion. I hope EU and AU fans get the same or a similar buy-in at some point.