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Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby Kurgan » Sunday September 27th, 2020 10:29am

Leathaface79 wrote:
Orc26 wrote:Out of curiosity, was Ragnar a fan favorite for a lot of people? I seem to remember him becoming a baddy in the lore, but now can't seem to find that again...

Yeah, it was quest text that he succumbed to Choas manic and was a traitor. He was executed.

Yeah, but NA fans never knew this since it was left out of our Quest books. This lead me to invent a new conspiracy plot twist in our homebrew adventures. The opposite of a "fan favorite" would be a "heel."

But maybe when Zargon's back was finally turned, he grabbed a folding chair and cracked him over the back with it, to the cheers of the crowd? We can only hope!

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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby j_dean80 » Sunday September 27th, 2020 10:32am

Yes, Kickstarter campaigns you only get charged if it gets funded. It is a hyped up pre-order to let them know interest in the product before they start wasting money on making it.
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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby Kurgan » Sunday September 27th, 2020 10:52am

If the bearded guy was meant to be Mentor (not Zargon) this whole time, they did a terrible job conveying that idea! Unless one imagines that "Zargon" is the kid's head above the cardboard screen, but why would Mentor be there at all? Yelling out the names of Monsters from his book as a last minute warning to you in battle? He's dressed like a classic villian too, as opposed to a wise teacher figure (aka Merlin, Gandalf). But look at some other images, maybe not everyone on the good side looks kindly and noble.

Some other materials that highlight this issue are from the premiere edition manual (who is that? chaos warlock, or...?)

and also the official video game produced by Gremlin (on DOS) which, granted, has differences from the EU version it is based upon (no cloak of protection, Wizard not restricted by weapons/armor). But surely we can agree that Morcar = Zargon, right?

So is that supposed to be Mentor, or is the Santa Claus guy him? One of these sources is in error.
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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby benvoliothefirst » Sunday September 27th, 2020 11:19am

Game companies and fans on the board can "prove" whatever they want with whatever "evidence" they want until they're blue in the face. The guy in the red cloak is Morcar, to me, always and forever, and he was the first Everchosen of Chaos, and Archaon wears his armor now, and Morkar is not happy about it, and is going to be taking it back if the heroes can't stop him!
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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby jeanlf » Sunday September 27th, 2020 1:22pm

I think Mentor and Zargon are the same person (with a bit of wordbuilding, it's plausible, algthough i haven't played most extentions... I hope it doesn't become incoherent down the line.)
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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby Daedalus » Sunday September 27th, 2020 3:05pm

Kurgan wrote:. . . So for the 100$ + shipping you get the game system, the four "bonus" heroes (3 female variants and the male elf) and Sir Ragnar (prisoner).

And for 150$ + shipping you get the above plus ROTWL & KK remakes + Fake Mentor (Zargon) and Witch Lord figures AND the "unlocks" which means whatever is "funded" by Nov 6th, which right now is just:

"Warlock Hero figure" and "6 extra combat dice."

More funding (if it happens) would get two variant skeletons, two variant goblins and the much hyped new Stephen Baker quest. ($400K!)

So I'm guessing when it comes to stores (whatever stores those might be), and you weren't part of the "pledging" crowdfunding campaign, you just wouldn't get the bonus figures included.

Yeah, that's right. If Hasbro later releases HeroQuest at the stores or online, you'd likely buy Quest Packs separately from the base game. Bonus dice or gender options might be made available for purchase as well.

Keep in mind more stretch goals are planned. A new Druid Hero and a Quest Pack, The Spirit Queen's Torment, are mentioned in the FAQ. I'd say they will be added in with at least two new monster sculpts over the next million, one being a new Abomination sculpt which was mentioned on the Pulsecon livestream. I'd also expect a Kessandria/Spirt Queen sculpt. Maybe even a Skullmar/IP alternatively named figure as well.

If this ride makes it to four million, we're also looking at at least another Quest Pack that features a new boss Monster, this time by Joe Manganiello (D&D luminary/actor). More stretch goals should be expected as well.

The Pulsecon livestream also mentioned rules changes in the stretch goals. If enough money is pledged, the Haslab crowdfunding $150 tier will likely be the best value available, in my opinion. I hope EU and AU fans get the same or a similar buy-in at some point.

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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby j_dean80 » Sunday September 27th, 2020 8:08pm

...and now we have extra Skellies
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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby Leathaface79 » Sunday September 27th, 2020 8:11pm


This is what I envision with the extra character's and Mobs (this was even for a Hasbro game, so they have a history of doing this).

Even the Pulse Exclusive Sir Ragnar mini figure, the notes say "This Version of the character miniature will only be available during this campaign". I'm going to assume they will have another version in an expansion pack, or part of an expansion kit.

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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby Orc26 » Sunday September 27th, 2020 8:13pm

Do we know if that is just 2 extra skelingtons? or if that is +2 in core game and +4 in the witch lord expansion? Because If I remember correctly the witch lord expansion pack came with 2x the undead monsters as what came in the core box.

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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby Leathaface79 » Sunday September 27th, 2020 8:17pm

Kurgan wrote:If the bearded guy was meant to be Mentor (not Zargon) this whole time, they did a terrible job conveying that idea! Unless one imagines that "Zargon" is the kid's head above the cardboard screen, but why would Mentor be there at all?

Exactly, Zargon's servants are coming out of Mentor's robes? How does this image make sense if this is Mentor??? This clearly shows a wizard summoning monsters and pointing them toward battle. The DM Screen faces the board, the DM is playing as Zargon/Morcar and is putting the monster figs from behind the screen. I have always took this screen as representation of the DM sending his forces toward the battle field. Very confusing image if that is supposed to be Mentor.


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