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Crafting a new HeroQuest board

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby Oftkilted » Tuesday October 6th, 2020 5:40pm

That’s a really sweet creation so far. It makes me realize how much plastic I have sitting in my ‘to build cabinet’....

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby elvyler » Thursday October 8th, 2020 1:23am

Those tables that I put together earlier, they are also pretty light and flimsy, so I made new ones out of wood.


The wooden ones seem to match the rest of the furniture better. Here is a new one and an old one together in one shot:


I will keep the old ones, just in case, but I think the new ones look and feel better.

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby Oftkilted » Thursday October 8th, 2020 9:24am

So. I’m completely in awe of the effort and work you’re putting into your board and the furniture. Do you have a blog or build post that you talk about and show how you built them? (From Popsicle sticks? Something else?)

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby elvyler » Thursday October 8th, 2020 9:48am

Oftkilted wrote:So. I’m completely in awe of the effort and work you’re putting into your board and the furniture. Do you have a blog or build post that you talk about and show how you built them? (From Popsicle sticks? Something else?)

I don't have a blog currently. It's something I'm working on. I'll try to put some more detail into the post when I make the next piece. I've been meaning to take more pictures of the process, Once I get started, it's like I have tunnel vision on the project and then forget to do things like take pictures or document the process.
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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby elvyler » Friday October 16th, 2020 1:35pm

elvyler wrote:
Oftkilted wrote:So. I’m completely in awe of the effort and work you’re putting into your board and the furniture. Do you have a blog or build post that you talk about and show how you built them? (From Popsicle sticks? Something else?)

I don't have a blog currently. It's something I'm working on. I'll try to put some more detail into the post when I make the next piece. I've been meaning to take more pictures of the process, Once I get started, it's like I have tunnel vision on the project and then forget to do things like take pictures or document the process.

Oftkilted, I spent last weekend and a good portion of my evenings this week throwing together a blog. I hope to go into more detail about my build process. You can check out what I have so far on this project here: https://elvyler.com/2020/10/custom-heroquest-board/. I've also decided to put together some other articles about other things that I'm interested in related to board gaming.

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby Oftkilted » Friday October 16th, 2020 1:51pm

Awesome! The earlier pics of the furniture are great!

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby Azure » Thursday October 22nd, 2020 12:41pm

The results are totally marvelous and astonishing !!
Congrats !

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby elvyler » Saturday October 24th, 2020 9:51pm

Posted a little bit more about the process I went through for the weapon rack on my blog: https://elvyler.com/2020/10/furniture-weapon-rack/.

I'm slowly updating things there, just takes a while to write everything.
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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby Nedmuffin » Wednesday October 28th, 2020 5:33pm

Thanks for sharing this top class crafting. Hope you get round to playing this with your kids.
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