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Crafting a new HeroQuest board

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby WarriorPrincess » Friday June 12th, 2020 9:12pm

wow dude, your dedication to this game is unreal, unparalleled! I'm just drooling all over your handmade version as I type this. This is why I still love board games. You cant do this with video games.
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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby lestodante » Saturday June 13th, 2020 3:57pm

The finished work is very good!

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby Maldeev1911 » Friday July 10th, 2020 6:44pm

Absolutely amazing work! Obviously a labor of love.

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby elvyler » Saturday July 25th, 2020 11:24pm

Thanks for all the feedback.

It's been a while since I updated, unfortunately I have experienced a bit of burnout on the project and just couldn't get much done. That paired with getting really busy at work has caused a slow down.

I think I'm going to work a little slower on this now so that I don't get burnt out again.

Here's some of the most recent work, started working on the rack:


More to follow.
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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby elvyler » Tuesday September 15th, 2020 4:43pm

Added a paint job to the rack, not much more to add.

I did find a nice matte clear coat to put over all of the furniture pieces as well, I think it looks alright. You can see the clear coat applied to the rack here:

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby Tott » Wednesday September 16th, 2020 5:20am

My Jaw is literally on the floor! this is outstanding work! so jealous right now.
The Board tiles look amazing, but the furniture in particular is just Phenomenal!
it looks like the tiles can just be popped out so are you going to make any of the extra rooms like the revolving room or the court room from the expansion packs?
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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby elvyler » Wednesday September 16th, 2020 11:33am

Thanks Tott, a lot of work has gone into it.

It's totally modular, so you only need to take out the pieces that you need for a specific quest. The plan for now is to focus on base game, eventually I hope to get around to making custom tiles for the expansions as well.
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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby joec » Wednesday September 16th, 2020 12:02pm

Simply gorgeous. Wow. Amazing detail work!

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby elvyler » Saturday October 3rd, 2020 4:28pm

One of my first posts was of an unpainted throne. That one was made out of dollar store foam core. I was never really happy with it, it was flimsy and would fall over from the slightest breeze.

My next attempt was using the pink insulation foam, I reinforced the legs with pieces of paper clip. No amount of reinforcement prepared that chair for it's encounter with my 2 year old son. I didn't even have a chance to take pictures of it before it was in pieces.


To be honest, I wasn't quite satisfied with this one either. So on to attempt number 3. This one is made out of wood, pretty solid and won't break. The cushion is actually upholstered with fabric. I think I'm finally happy with this one.

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby elvyler » Tuesday October 6th, 2020 3:55pm

I think the fireplace is one of my favourites. I had been putting it off for a while and was reluctant to start it, but I think it was fun to put together once I got into it.

The carving I thought would be pretty difficult to accomplish, so I tried to keep it simple. One thing that I really wanted to keep was the framed painting. For this I cheated a little bit and used a colour printer. Here's the final result:


Here it is with some other furniture for size comparison:


And this shot here is my favourite. This piece looks best in the dark I think:


To achieve this effect, I took apart one of those flickering candles that you get from the dollar store. Here's a GIF of the animation, sorry for the lower quality:

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