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Crafting a new HeroQuest board

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby elvyler » Monday May 11th, 2020 2:26pm

Not much to update today. I have all the room tiles base coated in black. It looks a lot better than all the pink.


Here is a closeup of how some of the detail looks:


I started working out the corridors. My material is only 23 inches wide, with my 1.25" grid, I can only fit up to 18 squares. So for the top and bottom corridors, they'll need to be two pieces. Some day maybe I'll buy some larger sheets of foam, for now this is just what I have on hand and I'll work with what I have.

Cutting foam strips for the corridors didn't really appeal to me, seems a bit tedious. It has to get done eventually, but I just didn't feel like doing it now. Instead, I opted to start working on some of the furniture pieces. I started with the throne and two tables.


The tables just need some texture added to the tops and then they're ready for a black base coat. The details aren't perfect, but I'm really happy with how the throne turned out.

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby BigDaddio » Monday May 11th, 2020 7:28pm

oooo, really like the scratchbuilt furniture!! Totally agree the tiles look much better in black, lol. (who decided that insulation should be pink?)

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby Anderas » Tuesday May 12th, 2020 5:00am

That scratchbuilt furniture is cool indeed!

If you make the corridors from a little harder material than the rest, they could serve as clamps to keep the rest together

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby Pancho » Tuesday May 12th, 2020 1:05pm

Anderas wrote:That scratchbuilt furniture is cool indeed!

If you make the corridors from a little harder material than the rest, they could serve as clamps to keep the rest together

I love the tables, might have a go at those as my originals are quite damaged.

Great idea about the corridors acting as clamps. Should work well seeing as they surround all quarters of the board, as well as the centre room.

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby elvyler » Tuesday May 12th, 2020 1:24pm

Anderas wrote:That scratchbuilt furniture is cool indeed!

If you make the corridors from a little harder material than the rest, they could serve as clamps to keep the rest together

Great idea about using a different material for the corridors. I'll save that one in my back pocket until I find a suitable material. For now I think I'll stick with the foam, it's easy to work with and shouldn't take very long to to make temporary corridors.
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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby khimbar » Tuesday May 12th, 2020 1:35pm

This is great and I'm going to steal, I mean copy, this. It's brilliant.

What thickness foam are you using?

When I get mine started I might glue some washers in the corners for weight and put some cork neoprene on them for extra grip. Have some stuff ready to start it but never quite got it going. Might do now I have some more free time.

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby elvyler » Tuesday May 12th, 2020 1:53pm

khimbar wrote:This is great and I'm going to steal, I mean copy, this. It's brilliant.

What thickness foam are you using?

When I get mine started I might glue some washers in the corners for weight and put some cork neoprene on them for extra grip. Have some stuff ready to start it but never quite got it going. Might do now I have some more free time.

I'm using 1" thick foam. In my opinion, I would prefer 3/4" or maybe even 1/2" inch, just considering storage. This is just leftover "free" material though, so I'm using what's available.
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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby khimbar » Tuesday May 12th, 2020 2:11pm

elvyler wrote:
khimbar wrote:This is great and I'm going to steal, I mean copy, this. It's brilliant.

What thickness foam are you using?

When I get mine started I might glue some washers in the corners for weight and put some cork neoprene on them for extra grip. Have some stuff ready to start it but never quite got it going. Might do now I have some more free time.

I'm using 1" thick foam. In my opinion, I would prefer 3/4" or maybe even 1/2" inch, just considering storage. This is just leftover "free" material though, so I'm using what's available.

Thanks. I have some 10mm so not sure if that'll be too thin. I've just glued some to some mountboard to see if it warps or strengthens it a bit.

Your work is great. I look forward to seeing more to steal ideas from.

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby elvyler » Tuesday May 12th, 2020 10:26pm

The blanks for the corridors are cut out. This is getting really exciting, I just need grid lines and then theoretically I could actually play a game that I haven't played in over a decade!


I also managed to get some paint on the tables. I'm nowhere near a pro when it comes to painting, but I think I'm satisfied with this.

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Re: Crafting a new HeroQuest board

Postby Weltenlaeufer » Wednesday May 13th, 2020 8:38am

I love this project, great job man!

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