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Is it Possible to Play with 5-6 Player Characters?

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Re: Is it Possible to Play with 5-6 Player Characters?

Postby Gold Bearer » Sunday July 22nd, 2018 7:05am

mitchiemasha wrote:We don't invent faults... we push your creations to higher levels. That's what happens when team work is involved. Being open to faults and different perspectives is how a more solid creation is achieved. I know the issues with my ideas have been strongly reduced by the help of many on here. Some of us do suffer creativity pride and want to keep everything as we have it. And, that is perfectly fine but not much point of having a Forum for discussion! It's also how we learn, especially with design, layout and general English, wording choice.
You weren't in the one or two I was referring to. Although I find your manner a little hard to take at times (tone it down!) and wish you'd left the best thing I've created for HQ the hell alone to be honest (and insisting it's an improvement when it's clearly not is doubly annoying), I don't have any problem with you. |_P
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Re: Is it Possible to Play with 5-6 Player Characters?

Postby mitchiemasha » Monday July 23rd, 2018 7:57am

My main issue is telling people to move things more to the left, up, down or right. Most people simply whack info on a card, like old magic, they get away with that but it IS bad design. When i did a bit of design i was lucky the guy at the print house spent some extra time to take me a side and teach me a thing or too completely free, no extra charge. I honour him for that, you should too. Some people just don't see it. I'm not very good myself but i can see it. Lay out is key. A few mm can mean the world of difference and hundreds of words on a card just does not work. Especially if printing it!

Then there was the spells. I tried to get that on 1 page table, super simplified. We could of worked together and made that awesome. A list on a forum isn't really good for people to reference, use in game. I spent hours on that whilst i was auditioning mixes for work. If not days. I'd be deeply grateful if some one went to that level on my ideas. Saving you the time on something you might never of got round to doing. We could of debated the few changes but words needed to be dropped for the sake of creating the table.

And, it's not an "improvement" it's just the next stage. One step closer to a finished idea. No time in life to be toning down!

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