Gold Bearer wrote:I wouldn't introduce a bunch of new house rules like monster skills for beginners. Mitchiemasha just wants everyone to use his stuff, or his version of other peoples stuff.
The simplest way would be to increase monster strength by giving them extra BP.
You are right and wrong.
Yes, I do want people to use my version of other peoples stuff. That would please me more than anything in the world.
No, increasing monsters BP is the single worst thing to do. It's boring. Its only result is more dice rolling and adds no spice to the game at all. Compared to most games today, the unique skills and a few other tweaks are minor, nothing too much to take on. Most don't even need to be known by the players and come about, discovered, as they play. Also, when Heroes start to die, randomly increased BP would be the first thing to be seen as cheating, not a nice twist to the game. Lets not forget... the lack of space in the dungeon prevents the extra heroes being that much of an issue. There's no space to surround a monster. Group splits are more likely.
I'd skip the character creation at the start and simply make a few extras myself, using the system. Those who come back after a death, might want to try. We love creating characters so why wouldn't they? it ends up being a huge part of the game, a game of its own. It's very easy to add their ideas to the system, that's how many of the ideas came about in the first place. It's what players wanted to try (the best thing about HeroQuest) and why they're split out into basic traits not clumped to specific classes, races. You want to be a Half Orc Thief that dabbles in magic, yeah do it!
The extended armoury is of no concern as they won't have the gold anyways. Neither is the reequip. These becomes more important later on as the game evolves. I would skip all that.
The EW tokens (or the Chaos Deck), the players don't even need to know about these rules. I'd do the first run through myself as the EW. If a few player really got into it, have them create their own quest packs. They'd of picked up the more complex rules and I'd play as a hero with the others through their quests. Our group often had changing heroes and different players at different quests, tweaking the story flow was very easy, they did all that themselves. It's fun watching others imagination come to life.
All the mods on the print out have very important reasons for being there. We all know about the issues players can learn to milk. These mods work heavily towards reducing them, with out having to say, no you can't do that or no that's not how it works. The GIVE (Bonus Action) rule was rewritten many times to incorporate the many ways they might try to play it. I'd be tempted to skip the Bonus Actions, making them all free, if the players were young. If very young, i'd play vanilla, it wont matter anyways.