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Definitive, Unofficially Official, HQ Cartography Discussion

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Re: Definitive, Unofficially Official, HQ Cartography Discus

Postby Anderas » Friday September 28th, 2018 10:18am

Just looked this old thread up and it is as great as before! I put all the quest locations of cornixt inside my personal world map now.

Feels good.

Now I can close the world map and never look at it again. :lol:

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Re: Definitive, Unofficially Official, HQ Cartography Discus

Postby Spookyhappyfun » Monday November 19th, 2018 3:55pm

Anderas wrote:Just looked this old thread up and it is as great as before! I put all the quest locations of cornixt inside my personal world map now.

Feels good.

Now I can close the world map and never look at it again. :lol:

I'm getting back to finding locations myself recently, as seen in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=4345 I'm gonna move my results over here to help add to this one.

In the meantime, Anderas, I'd love to see what you have for a personal world map if you don't mind sharing.

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Re: Definitive, Unofficially Official, HQ Cartography Discus

Postby Spookyhappyfun » Monday November 19th, 2018 4:08pm

I've found and saved a series of maps that have different locations mapped out from different people's ideas and interpretations, as well as different versions of maps of the Old World. (Link here if you're interested: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing) I'm using them to try to figure out locations for every Quest or Quest Pack and have a few so far, though I don't have a proper map to place them on. Some are invented locations based on ideas I've taken from other people, but still near to named locations in the Warhammer world. Some are slightly changed from the original intent (for instance, I can't figure out where a good location for the Inn of Chaos would be that would be a week's march from the nearest human settlement, so it's been changed a bit to fit with my edited version of the quest). I intend to fill this in more as I discover more locations.

My locations so far:

Capital City & Imperial Palace - Altdorf
Mentor's Tower - just south outside of Nuln, overlooking the city

The Maze - Mentor's Tower near Nuln
Rogar's Hall - Under Mentor's Tower near Nuln

The Trial - Catacombs of Karev (including Fellmarg's Tomb), south of Nuln
The Rescue of Sir Ragnar - dungeons under Knightskeep near Castle Drakenhof
Lair of the Orc Warlord - stronghold near Zhufbar on the shores of Black Water Lake
Mellar's Maze - at the bottom of the cliffs of Turekk Tor, near Karak Norn in the Grey Mountains
Prince Magnus' Gold - a hideout south of Wusterburg and Kroppenleben in the foothills of the Black Mountains
Legacy of the Orc Warlord - near Ulag's old stronghold close to Black Water
The Lost Wizard/The Stone Hunter - a secret lab in the catacombs under Altdorf
The Fire Mage - beneath Black Fire Crag, a small canyon passage section of Black Fire Pass
Race Against Time - Mound of Krell, a burial mound in the Frugelhorn Valley in the Grey Mountains
Castle of Mystery - near Karak Angazhar in the Black Mountains
Bastion of Chaos - along the Peak Pass beyond Karak Kadrin in the World's Edge Mountains
Barak Tor: Barrow of the Witch Lord - Barak Tor just west of Karak Hirn along Winter's Teeth Pass in the Black Mountains
Quest for the Spirit Blade - an ancient temple in The Vaults near Karak Grom
Return to Barak Tor - Barak Tor just west of Karak Hirn along Winter's Teeth Pass in the Black Mountains

Forsaken Tunnels of Xel-Xor - tunnels in the World's Edge Mountains leading to the Great Gate to Karak Varn
Kellar's Keep - part of the underground fortress of Karak Varn, near Black Water Lake

Return of the Witch Lord - Kalos, an underground keep under the ruined city of Morgheim

The Plague of Zombies - caverns in the highlands north of Heideck in Averland

The Halls of Durrag-Dol - south of Karak Kadrin in the World's End Mountains near the source of the River Stir

Inn of Chaos - Inn in Zherdenschlosse, to the west of Durrag-Dol and east of Waldenhof

The Eyes of Chaos - Tombs of the Phalanx in the Vault Mountains?

Against the Ogre Horde - ?

Elf Quest - Mage of the Mirror - Athel Loren

Running the Gauntlet - across the Sea of Claws?

Revenge of the Weather-Man - Keep of the Windmaker?

The Tower of the High Mage - Tarak Mountains?
Crypt of the Necromancer - crypt in a graveyard swamp beyond the Shuddering Forests?
Eyrie of the Storm Master - Dark Mountains?

Lair of the Orc Shaman - outside of Karak Varn in the foothills of the World's Edge Mountains
The Final Conflict - Kaltrac, Zargon/Morcar's Citadel of Darkness?

Barbarian Quest - The Frozen Horror - A Growl of Thunder clearly places the Barbarian's tribe in Norsca, even though it probably wasn't meant to be the Warhammer world map. But I don't like that quest so I'm leaving it out of my campaign. For me, the Barbarian's homeland is in the Northern Wastes, north of Kislev before you reach Troll Country. Ice Mountain is located within the Cyberian Range, where the World's Edge Mountains meet the Goromadny Mountains. Xanon Pass branches off of High Pass, leading north into the Cyberian Range

Advanced Quest: The Dark Company - sewers under the Old City portion of Altdorf
Last edited by Spookyhappyfun on Thursday April 27th, 2023 10:07pm, edited 13 times in total.

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Re: Definitive, Unofficially Official, HQ Cartography Discus

Postby aaronAGN » Monday December 17th, 2018 9:29am

Spookyhappyfun wrote:I'm using them to try to figure out locations for every Quest or Quest Pack and have a few so far, though I don't have a proper map to place them on. Some are invented locations based on ideas I've taken from other people, but still near to named locations in the Warhammer world. I intend to fill this in more as I discover more locations.

Which ones are invented names, if you don't mind indicating? I'm not familiar enough with warhammer world map.

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Re: Definitive, Unofficially Official, HQ Cartography Discus

Postby Spookyhappyfun » Wednesday December 26th, 2018 10:38am

aaronAGN wrote:Which ones are invented names, if you don't mind indicating? I'm not familiar enough with warhammer world map.

Two of them came from the HeroicQuest Map Pack (Knightskeep and Karev), but I think all the other names came from HeroQuest or Warhammer maps that I've found (that, hopefully, are cannon and correct and don't have invented location names mixed in). The location in the world, however, was based on a lot of other people's ideas, and so I often found a Warhammer location that I thought was close enough to where I wanted to place to be. Some places involve some fudging of things like making Kalos an underground keep under Morgheim instead of it's own city.

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Re: Definitive, Unofficially Official, HQ Cartography Discus

Postby wallydubbs » Wednesday January 16th, 2019 3:55pm

clmckay wrote:This warhammer map in WD shows it over on the right hand side.

Whoa... Hero Quest is based in our world... like before the deluge?
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Re: Definitive, Unofficially Official, HQ Cartography Discus

Postby knightkrawler » Wednesday January 16th, 2019 4:33pm

wallydubbs wrote:
clmckay wrote:This warhammer map in WD shows it over on the right hand side.

Whoa... Hero Quest is based in our world... like before the deluge?

*cough*Hancock & Carlson*cough*
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Re: Definitive, Unofficially Official, HQ Cartography Discus

Postby wallydubbs » Thursday January 17th, 2019 8:13am

I never read Carlson; but I'm an avid fan of Graham Hancock.

But really, that round island in the would-be Atlantic Ocean is probably based on Atlantis.
Although, in "Fingerprints of the Gods" Hancock posturizes that Atlantis was in Antarctica; I personally lean towards South America.

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Re: Definitive, Unofficially Official, HQ Cartography Discus

Postby Maurice76 » Thursday January 17th, 2019 8:45am

In pretty much all descriptions, Atlantis is described as being Helenic in nature. It's therefore probably a (former) Greek colony. They're also often told to be an advanced society - but that's advanced with respect to all other known nations on the planet by that time and age. In our modern interpretation, it often seems to involve science fiction, with spaceships and whatmore :P. Placed in the classic Greek era, they were advanced with respect to those nations, but they'd be hopelessly outdated and ancient with respect to our current technological state.

I've read plausible stories placing Atlantis along the southwestern Spanish coastline, a bit west of Gibraltar. In such a position, they'd have access to the entire mediterranean region, as well as down the western coast of Africa and up the western coast of Europe, as well as ease of access to the Atlantic ocean. Being Helenic in origin, in such a position, means they were a nation of seafarers and with such a reach, they'd probably go above and beyond any other nation in existence at that time when it came down to naval affairs. A massive earthquake sealed their fate, causing the landmass on which the citystate was residing to slide into the Atlantic ocean, destroying it completely. It left tales among the surviving nations, of course, and such disasters were commonly ascribed to the Gods and whatmore.

Based on this, I'd say that yes, what they achieved was pretty fantastic in the time and era in which they flourished, but it's been way, way too heavily romanticised - even including science fiction into it. I suspect the science fiction elements were made popular in the wake of the second world war, however, and are therefore a relatively recent addition.

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Re: Definitive, Unofficially Official, HQ Cartography Discus

Postby knightkrawler » Thursday January 17th, 2019 9:26am

wallydubbs wrote:I never read Carlson; but I'm an avid fan of Graham Hancock.

But really, that round island in the would-be Atlantic Ocean is probably based on Atlantis.
Although, in "Fingerprints of the Gods" Hancock posturizes that Atlantis was in Antarctica; I personally lean towards South America.

Research "Eye of the Sahara" and Richat Structure. You'll have a catharsis.
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