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Making a modern HeroQuest font

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby Count Mohawk » Friday November 6th, 2015 1:03pm

So here's an updated list of every single icon I have so far:

The only things I can think of that I'm missing right now are dedicated Body Point and Mind Point icons, although the Heart and Diamond at the very bottom sub in for them very well. In addition, I think I've figured out the issue with Photoshop and custom fonts. Basically, I was putting the icons in the wrong place in the font map. For the moment, my test icons are working correctly.

So if no one else has anything they want to add, OR if no one wants me to move the order of the icons around (as if that makes any difference in the long run), I can make this ready to publish in whatever font we want to edit.

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby knightkrawler » Friday November 6th, 2015 1:45pm

Awesome. I can totally work with that once I've figured out PS.
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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby Anderas » Friday November 6th, 2015 1:48pm

No, they're great! Thanks!

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby Count Mohawk » Friday November 6th, 2015 4:11pm

Behold, HQModern.TTF now exists!

I tested the font with both of my Photoshops and have not had any problems. If your Photoshop gives you troubles, leave a message after the tone and I'll see what I can do about it.

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby slev » Friday November 6th, 2015 4:50pm

Big thanks to Mohawk for your work on this.

And this brings us around to what I started years ago :)

I can confirm that Photoshop 5.0LE doesn't like it, but what do you expect from a program which is almost old enough to vote?

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby Anderas » Friday November 6th, 2015 4:51pm

If i would live in the western normandie,
i would now put you on a round shield, bring you anywhere you want, and beat up some romans! :D Thanks!

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby Count Mohawk » Friday November 6th, 2015 5:10pm

slev wrote:Big thanks to Mohawk for your work on this.

And this brings us around to what I started years ago :)

I can confirm that Photoshop 5.0LE doesn't like it, but what do you expect from a program which is almost old enough to vote?

You should get CS2. I put the instructions to download it for free somewhere on this forum. I'd link you but I can't do links from mobile.

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby slev » Friday November 6th, 2015 7:12pm

I was just going to pick up a cheap outdated copy of Elements on ebay for very little. Will do so once I know what this works on.

I'm aiming for something that will actually run on Win7Pro64, without having to be booted in a WinXP virtual machine.

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby Anderas » Saturday November 7th, 2015 3:53am

First feedback:

I was re-doing my set of base game spells. It became apparent, that sometimes the symbol had to be 2 points bigger than the rest of the font.

That's the case for the discard symbol, the book (for mastery)and the last drop shape at least

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby slev » Saturday November 7th, 2015 6:05am

I remember having a similar problem with ArialHQR back in the day. Biff re-scaled the icons on that one as a result.

I don't think this is the case for all the icons, we should go through and look.

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