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Making a modern HeroQuest font

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby Anderas » Wednesday November 4th, 2015 7:11am

I just made two symbols for adjacent and diagonal. I will upload them tonight.

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby slev » Wednesday November 4th, 2015 7:16am

Well, this is progressing nice & quickly!

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby knightkrawler » Wednesday November 4th, 2015 12:14pm

Count Mohawk wrote:KK: Do you mean a water-drop-shaped MP icon? I have several in that vein I could use; perhaps the third one from the left in the following image?

Yup, that'll work just fine. But filled out completely black and as big as the heart would be even nicer. I'm anal-retentive that way.
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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby slev » Wednesday November 4th, 2015 12:32pm

I know that Mohawk has that shape in his existing font!

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby Count Mohawk » Wednesday November 4th, 2015 12:54pm

slev wrote:I know that Mohawk has that shape in his existing font!

Believe it or not, that particular icon is the result of an error! The original shape included a small white curve on the left side, much like the one on the smaller drop of water I use for the "Water magic" glyph. FontForge didn't read the vector shape correctly, so instead it was all black.

If you have a Photoshop, I'd like to know two things from each of you: What version of Photoshop is it?, and Can you get it to display the special characters from my font? ("ITCClearface-HQ", not the new one I'm working on). Suffice to say, a font is only as useful as its ability to be used. For example, I have two Photoshops: Elements 7.0 and CS2. I don't have any problems with Elements 7, but if I try to put any custom symbols into CS2 the font abruptly changes to "Myriad Pro", and no amount of cajoling will change it back for those symbols. I suspect there's probably something wrong with the way I constructed the font, but it might be Adobe's problem as well...

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby Anderas » Wednesday November 4th, 2015 1:16pm

I can't use ITC-Clearface Mohawk version in my version of Photoshop; which is Elements 11. However, i find it more practical to do the non-graphical layout in Powerpoint :shock: :o , so that's no issue for me. :D

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby cornixt » Wednesday November 4th, 2015 3:13pm

Any chance of tally markers? That is the symbol that looks like four vertical lines which are then crossed by a diagonal line to look like a gate. Ideally, these would be transposed as follows:
1 I
2 II
5 IIII (and diagonal line)
6-9 would have one full gate and partial gates that add to the number.

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby slev » Wednesday November 4th, 2015 3:22pm

My version of photoshop is that old, I have to fire up a virtual PC of WinXp just to run it. I think this is what Mr Noah used to draw up boat schematics.

I'll pick up a cheap copy of elements 7 or 8 or whatever via ebay, once we know what this works on!

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby Count Mohawk » Wednesday November 4th, 2015 3:24pm

Yeah, I could do tally marks. Do you want them stacked vertically? For example, 8 would be:
Going over 10 seems unnecessary, unless you're counting gold with them or something.

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby clmckay » Wednesday November 4th, 2015 3:30pm

Hmm....I like the idea of hash marks. Do you really need over 5 though?

Couldn't any number be made from 1 - 5 hash marks?

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