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What order should the quest packs be played?

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby Saiyaforthelight » Thursday February 18th, 2016 2:55pm

Another good rule to use is a horde rule for zombies. They gain plus one attack die for each other zombie adjacent to the hero they are attacking to a maximum of plus 2. Makes the zombies pretty scary!

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby Gold Bearer » Thursday February 18th, 2016 3:12pm

Kagekaze wrote:I think I'll have to keep a close eye on how things go in the Ogre Horde due to the toughness of the ogres themselves, but I must offer my thanks again Gold Bearer. I'm pretty sure I mentioned you by name to credit you when the video eventually comes out on YT. If I didn't I'll make sure to put a note in. ;)
Cool. :D
:goblin: 1BP, :orc: 2BP, :fimir: 3BP, :skeleton: 1BP, :zombie: 2BP, :mummy: 3BP, :chaoswarrior: 4BP, :gargoyle: 5BP. US :chaoswarrior: 3BP, US :gargoyle: 4BP.

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby bordgames » Tuesday February 23rd, 2016 9:55pm


I love the idea of the horde rule. I am just coming up to speed on the rules and inventorying the contents of the games i got on eBay.

Is this idea of hordes and grouping part of the original rules? one of the expansions? or an original or custom rule?

This gives me the idea of making other encounters more scary/complex depending on the situation and grouping of opponents.

Many Thanks.
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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby Fullork345 » Monday June 20th, 2016 8:46pm

Personally I found that the quests in KK with fully geared heros were easy. Though granted, could only play the first few, then the group lost interest. It seemed like a boring questpack.

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby Saiyaforthelight » Wednesday June 22nd, 2016 8:07am

Hey - been away from forums for a while! It's a house rule, not in the original packs, but I don't think I'm the first to suggest it here, but it is one I particularly like - offsets the slow movement of the Zombies a little too. Even with geared heroes it can cause some interesting situations!
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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby Nebion » Sunday June 26th, 2016 10:20pm

is it a good idea that people keep all gear for next expansion. Just seems by time you reach the end. You have really powerful characters. What would be good idea to do (ie.. some gear gets old and rusty or such)

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby Anderas » Sunday April 16th, 2017 2:50pm

KK is not easy at all.
But in KK everything depends on the heroes. If they stay on a selected main road they get through without problems. If they try to explore everything they can be in a hell of Orcs.

However, KK also has not a lot of specials. It might be a good idea to beef up that quest pack with some ideas.

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby knightkrawler » Monday April 17th, 2017 1:25am

Anderas wrote:KK is not easy at all.
But in KK everything depends on the heroes. If they stay on a selected main road they get through without problems. If they try to explore everything they can be in a hell of Orcs.

However, KK also has not a lot of specials. It might be a good idea to beef up that quest pack with some ideas.

I did, in Caellar's Caer:
At least I like to think that I intropuced a lot of necessary changes and emphasized the things that did make the quests more special in the first place.
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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby Anderas » Monday April 17th, 2017 4:16am

I will copy a bit from you, then. :)

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby cynthialee » Monday April 17th, 2017 12:44pm


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