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What order should the quest packs be played?

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby Decipher » Monday August 10th, 2015 3:02pm

Thats the problem with making an custom 14 Quest expansion, there isn't a place for it to fit in due to overall balance if you should play all the expansions. Sure, you can sneak in a few individual quests, but 14 is tough.

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby clmckay » Monday August 10th, 2015 3:24pm

Something I did the last time we started out from scratch, was to add a rule in from the begining. If a Hero is killed, I let a monster "pick up" the valuables - the big things that would be easy to grab and run. then if that monster can get out of sight of the Heroes, he's considered to have escaped with the items. Usually this is the weapons and shield. I draw the line at gold, potions, body armor because that wouldn't make for an easy grab and go. If this happens even once or twice in ROTWL you can bring it down to a more balanced situation.

That has helped a bit to keep things in check. Also....Sometimes, I've added an extra Chaos Warrior here or there if somethings just too easy.

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby alyndavies » Monday August 10th, 2015 3:45pm

I have designed some custom quests over the years, when I got heroquest down from the attic I found an entire carrier bag full of quests and ideas I must of had over the years, some of the stuff didnt appear to be my work either so I guess friends must of been over my house designing quests with their own ideas. Basically I transferred some of this stuff onto heroscribe, though most was simply thrown out.

We will play this one day, but here's the basic angle of the quest line if anyone is interested:

Quest 1:
Your summoned by the emperor as he is having trouble with a former mercenary called Jurgen Muntz and his Ogre champion Urblab Rotgut (yes I know I swiped their names from warhammer dark omen), Muntz has left the empire and now fights outside it for greater material gain. They are raiding local villages and stealing off caravans along the empires roads. Their hideout has been discovered and the emperor wants him assassinated. As luck has it a large raiding party is leaving the hideout, so now is the time to stike! After killing Muntz and Rotgut the remaining garrison surrenders and offers their services to you as their new leader. From this point onwards you can have men at arms in your quests.
Tecincally I accept their part of the game anyway from Wizards of Morcar, but I wanted to write them in officially. Generally I use a mix of Advanced heroquest and wizards of morcar men at arms for this quest.

Quest 2:
Impressed you have brought the enemy to heal the emperor now dispatches you to a castle that has contact has been lost with. Your simply to report back what happened in the castle. When you get into the dungeon you find it's been overrun by skaven. Basically you eliminate the skaven and meet the boss skaven. I use the advanced heroquest skaven and a warhammer quest grey skaven as the boss.

Quest 3:
The emperor is again pleased with your service and informs you that a new pyramid has been unearthed near Araby. Initial excavations had begun when a large band of white skull orcs, surprised the forces stationed there and destroyed them. Over the past few days the Orcs have been massing and fortifying around the pyramid when a strange glow was detected at the base of the pyramid, since then Orcs have been seen carrying their dead comrades out of the pyramid, while still more reinforcements arrive. Whatever is going on in there it cant be good. Sneak into the pyramid and find out whats going on.

Quest 4 and 5:
At this point the Orcs have fought their way into the pyramid for the most part, however they have missed secret doors which if you take them you can fight undead instead of orcs to get to the next level.

Quest 6:
Walking down the passage you hear the clashing of metal, and the screams of the dying, you see terrified and wounded Orcs surging towards you, they pay you no attention. As you reach the end of the corridor you see the final few Orcs desperately holding the line, however it's clear the few remaining Orcs will not be alive long. Once the undead kill the orcs they will surely turn their attention to you, the heroes have to find another way around. On the evil players first turn the remining orcs are removed from the board (killed) and will follow the heroes along a trap ridden path through rooms and secret doors until they find the next level.

Quest 7:
I love this one, the quest starts along the top line of the corridor, surrounded on all sides by undead. Whats worse the first player who moves a few spaces will set off a spear trap, which in turn activates the rolling ball from kellers keep (think indiana jones and raiders of the lost ark). the players can get to safety either by getting into rooms or using the 2 spaces that are blocked off in front of them, basically as long as the heroes are thinking they can avoid the trap, but the rolling ball will squash all the undead at both ends of the corridor before crashing into the wall and collapsing the corridor behind them!

The quests go on at this point, you go through the hall of kings where you encounter a central room similar to what you find in kellers keep with all the mummies behind the doors. Eventually you encounter a powerful necromancer who is the cause of all the evil, once defeated you need only find your way out ;)

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby comets911 » Tuesday January 19th, 2016 10:56pm

I'd guess you can check the release dates of the expansions and go from there. Otherwise just play however you wanna play, there's no wrong way

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby Kagekaze » Sunday January 24th, 2016 12:52am

I'm glad I happened by this post before my group finished Return of the Witch Lord. I had intended to go straight into Against the Ogre Horde, but I think I see some suggestions here I like in between. Thank you :)

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby Sotiris » Sunday January 24th, 2016 5:13am

I let players to choose their next quest using a map with the available quests here Interactive HeroQuest
Order of unlocking quest packs:
:greyorb: Game System :greyorb: :greyorb: KK and RotWL :greyorb: :greyorb: AtOH and WoZ :greyorb: :greyorb: tMotM and tFH :greyorb: tDC :greyorb: custom quest vs Zargon
EWP may also add custom quests and quest pack locations into the map as a part of the campaign. If it is a hard one make it unlock with the NA expansions, if it is an easy one throw it from the beginning with the rest base quests etc.
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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby alyndavies » Saturday January 30th, 2016 6:35pm

I still think KK before ROTWL is madness.
KK is hard, while ROTWL is a cake walk. Orcs and Firmirs attack with 3 dice, skeletons and Zombies attack with 2, makes a huge difference. The only hard part of ROTWL is the first quest at the start with all the rooms opening at once, if you survive that you'll walk the rest of the expansion.

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby Kagekaze » Monday February 1st, 2016 6:24pm

alyndavies wrote:I still think KK before ROTWL is madness.
KK is hard, while ROTWL is a cake walk. Orcs and Firmirs attack with 3 dice, skeletons and Zombies attack with 2, makes a huge difference. The only hard part of ROTWL is the first quest at the start with all the rooms opening at once, if you survive that you'll walk the rest of the expansion.

I originally thought Kellar's first because Kellar's offered a gold reward, then it helps you go through RotWL, but that was back when I thought they were the only expansions. Now that I'm in the middle of my own campaign, I've seen the big problem with doing Kellar's first. My group is just decimating the RotWL content and I'm struggling to keep it challenging for them. :(

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby clmckay » Saturday February 6th, 2016 8:43pm

From strictly a storyline prospective, I think RotWL is played after KK.

At the end of RotWL, the parchment says the Emperor awaits you at the palace. That would be hard to do if he were still trapped in Karak Varn.

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby knightkrawler » Sunday February 7th, 2016 4:13am

In terms of storyline, the succession KK, then RotWL is clear because of what clmkay said. AtOH, then WoM, becasue if I recall correctly, Morcar kills Festral, the Chaos Sorcerer who has failed in AtOH, before WoM begins.
But Alyn could be right in terms of difficulty, I think. KK is madness when all 10 quests are supposed to be played in succession, no equipment purchasing in between, depending on how the group plays. I guess every group has to find out for themselves which quest pack makes most sense next.
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