Game System
-This has The Maze, New Beginnings and The Trial as the first 3 quests. In addition to this I have added Rogar's Hall in after Legacy of the Orc Warlord (due to somebodies suggestion though I can't remember for the life of me who it was).
Forsaken Tunnels of Xor-Xel
Kellar's Keep
Return of the Witch Lord
Against the Ogre Horde
Wizards of the Lord of Chaos (Morcar)
The Frozen Horror Prelude - Into the Northlands
The Frozen Horror
The Mage in the Mirror
The Halls of Durrag Dol
They Eyes of Chaos
That it where I have gotten up to so far in making my quest book. I will be adding the Dark Company from Pancho's re-write I just need to sit down with it and sort out all the quest notes etc for it. If I can ever get my hands on the Mythic tier ones then I will add those to my book somewhere, most likely after Dark Company. I have also yet to add in Running the Gauntlet, A Growl of Thunder, Inn of Chaos, Revenge of the Weather Man and Plague of Zombies so above list may well change depending on the stories that those quests tell so I might slot them in somewhere but I don't know yet.
Oh I also don't run any of the quest as "solo" quests, I am not a fan of that at all so all the quests will be played with at least 4 Heroes but my monsters are also considerably stronger too

EDIT - I am going to the Plague of Zombies in straight after the conclusion of Kellars Keep and before Return of the Witch Lord so it acts like a prelude so to speak.